Minutes of the Inner Club Council
ICC Meeting
Date:Monday, March 24, 2008
Time:3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Place:LosMedanosCollege – 409
2700 East Leland Road
Pittsburg, CA94565-5107
Chair:Enock Teefe
- Call to Order:Meeting called to order at 3:08 p.m.
- Roll Call:PresentLateAbsent
Pablo Cardenas Felero SmithStephen Hamrick*
Aurelio Cardona*Tamikko BennettTim Nichols Jr.
Jonathan HoffmanJohn GuillinGary Ray*
Demetria Lawrence
LaQuin Miller
Francisco Rojas
Jamila Stewart*
Enock Teefe*
Anita Wagner
Quorum:Those present constitute a quorum.
* Club Representatives with 2 or more votes.
- Changes in Agenda:
NOTE: Aurelio Cardona injected an announcement before the motions were made regarding the Spring Dancebeing given by La Raza, Puente and Honors. The dance was originally slated to be held on April 11th but now will be held on April 4th. There will be a meeting on March 25th from 1 -2 pm. in the Library, Room 125 where particulars will be finalized.
Adopt Agenda for Monday, March 24, 2008:
Call for a motion to approve the agenda for Monday, March 24, 2008.
Motion:Enock Teefe
Second:Jamila Stewart
- Adoptminutes from Monday, March 10, 2008:
Call for a motion to approve the minutes for Monday, March 10, 2008
Motion:Enock Teefe
Second:Jamila Stewart
Vote passed by majority.
- Special Announcements: ICC
A). Announcements: Demetria Lawrence
- Demetria Lawrence requested that club members sign the Contact Meeting Information Sheet she passed around so club info can be posted on the monitors and info can be readily accessible.
- The Academic Competition will be held on April 26th.
- There will be a John Muir Earth Day Festival that will be held on Saturday, April 19th that will be a city-wide celebration in Martinez.
- Demetria passed out a Student Leadership retreat evaluation form. The purpose of the form is to evaluate Dave Belman based on the January 9th conference.
- Demetria informed Aurelio Cardona that La Raza will not have a table for Wednesday. The space was previously booked. The other dates requested were reserved.
- Tamikko Bennett passed out a flyer for BSU which shares new information on The Black Student Union.
- BSU will be having a conference on April 24th from 2 – 4:30 p.m. in the Library, Room 105.
- The club will submit information for the newsletter to be featured by Wednesday.
- Demetria said the Umoja Club will be working in conjunction with the upcoming Clothes Line Project/Violence Against Women Presentation on March 31st.
- All clubs can get involved.
- They will have a display case.
- Those in attendance will be able to have a word placed on a tee-shirt that expresses some form of violence against women.
- This will be a good opportunity for clubs to meet the goals set to get involved with the community.
- If a mission matches yours; get together to collaborate.
B). Guests:
No guests.
- Committee Reports – ICC Finances and Guidelines Review: ICC
A). ICC Finances: Aurelio Cardona
- Aurelio Cardona reported that ICC club currently has $5796.07 in their account.
B). ICC Guidelines Review: Enock Teefe
- Enock Teefe said that the Task Force hasn’t done much.
- This announcement will be tabled until the next meeting.
- Club Reports/Requests: ICC
- Pablo Cardenassaid that Puente has a request that they will submit next meeting.
- Anita Wagner said that AGS worked with Habitat for Humanity this past Saturday, March 22nd.
- They painted a house on 1st street.
- On April 26ththey may go to Glide Memorial located at 330 Ellis Street in San Francisco – tentatively to serve breakfast and lunch.
- Enock Teefe said that the “Rocket Test” given by Honors on the soccer field did not have much of a turnout but it was awesome.
- Enock said they shot off about 20 rocket engines.
- There seemed to be a problem with the lift off of the large rocket.
- It only got up off the ground about 20 ft.
- Pictures will soon be available.
- Enock said that the Young Girl’s League kept showing up on the field.
- Police Services was called.
- Honors will need money from ICC for to purchase additional engines.
- Honors held a “Kiss the Frog” event on Thursday, March 13th at 12 p.m. in the cafeteria. Dave Belman won the honor of kissing the frog.
- Honors made more than $200 from this event.
- Pablo Cardenassaid that Puente, Honors and La Raza said there was a Latina Leadership Conference.
- There will be a Q & A Student panel in the library.
- Puente has a work out on the track field on Mondays @ 8 a.m.
- Puente also have a study group on Tuesdays and Thursday s.
- Pablo reiterated that there will be dance sponsored by La Raza, Honors and Puente April 11th.
- Unfinished Business: ICC
A). Club Day Preparation: Demetria Lawrence/Enock Teefe
- Demetria Lawrence said LMCAS will be sponsoring a Blood Drive in the cafeteriaon April 2nd.
- There will be a sign-in sheet.
- They will also sponsor a BBQ on the outside of the cafeteria on April 2nd.
- Enock Teefe said that the theme for Club Day on April 1st for individual clubs can be whatever they desire.
- CLEMA and La Raza requested that Demetria Lawrence supply power on Club Day. After questioning what that was, John Guillin requested power for BSU and Honors put in a request also.
- There will be a PA and CD’s instead of a DJ.
- Jamila Stewart reminded all that gloves should be worn when handling money and food but not at the same time.
B). Student Life Office Discussion: Demetria Lawrence
- No one showed for the meeting regarding the SLO guidelines.
- Guidelines were placed in the mail slots and were also posted.
- Demetria said the District Policy stated there could not be shared use of log-ons.
- There is an order of ranking regarding computer use.
- There has been an excessive use of supplies.
- The Graphic artists can be utilized when flyers/banners are needed.
- The SLO wants to address the needs of the clubs.
- There was discussion about the behavior in the shared office space and what should be appropriate.
- Be mindful of the official business that takes place in the SLO.
- Demetria asked if the club members believed the club reps or club secretaries should have the log-ins.
- After a brief discussion, this will be tabled until next week.
- New Business: Enock Teefe
A). Discussion on Cafeteria: Enock Teefe
- Enock spoke of Christina Cannon’s proposal to ICC regarding the ongoing issues with cafeteria employees of Fresh and Natural.
- He felt it was a worthwhile cause
- There should be unanimous support from all clubs if it is going to be pursued
- Jamila stated it should be organized.
- Tabled until next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 3:57 p.m.