30 March 2017 doc: 18-17/0065r00

IEEE 802.18

Radio Regulatory-TAG

Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group Minutes
Date: 30 March 2017
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Jay Holcomb,
Vice Chair, RR-TAG / Itron / Liberty Lake, WA / +1(509) 891-3281 /
Officer presiding:
Rich Kennedy,
Chair, RR-TAG / HP Enterprise / Austin, TX / +1(737) 202-7014 /


Minutes of the IEEE 802 RR-TAG Teleconference.

These are the Minutes of the IEEE 802 RR-TAG Teleconference, Thursday, 30 March 2017.

Attendees: 9 voters:

Auluck Vijay Self

Ecclesine Peter Self

Holcomb Jay Itron Inc.

Kennedy Richard Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Lepp James BlackBerry

Nejatian Alireza Ericsson AB

Yaghoobi Hassan Intel Corporation

Kerry Stuart Ruckus

Lynch Michael MJ Lynch & Associates, LLC.

With teleconferences announced on 16mar17, a quorum has been met.


Kenney John Toyota, ITC

1.  The Chair called the meeting to order at 14:33 ET.

2.  Chair presents 802.18-17/0063r01as the meeting plan and agenda. The proposed agenda:

a.  Approve the agenda

b.  Discussion items

i.  Regulatory work in progress

ii. Status of completed work

c.  Actions required

i.  Ofcom 5.8 GHz proposal

ii. Advancing the 6 GHz effort in the US and EU

d.  AOB and Adjourn

3.  Chair reviews and asks for any agenda changes?

a.  Hearing none, Chair asks if any objections to approve proposed agenda?

b.  Hearing none, 18-17/0063r01 teleconference plan and agenda (slide 2) is approved by unanimous consent.

4.  Chair presents slides 3, 4 and 5; IEEE 802 meeting and participant’s guidelines.

5.  Chair presents slide 6; Discussion Items:

a.  Americas

b.  EU

6.  Chair presents slide 7; Americas Updates

a.  ISED 5150-5250 MHz comments filed

i.  March 28th (deadline was March 29th)

ii. Reply Comments will be due 15 days after publication of the received Comments

7.  Chair presents slide 8; EU Updates

a.  ECC approves WGFM sharing study in 5925-6425 MHz band

i.  Sharing study will be done in SE24

ii. ETSI BRAN NWI to do Technical Report / SRDoc

b.  Ofcom 5725-5850 MHz band proposal

i.  See Action Items

c.  EU Radio Equipment Directive & standards updates

d.  EUMETNET request to close 5600-5650 MHz

i.  No DFS or technology failure

ii. Enforcement issue should not harm users

iii.  Not all countries, like the Swiss, are in the 5600-5650 band and moved to 5300… FYI.

8.  Chair presents slide 9; EU RED

a.  The transition has already started

i.  RED in THE LAW as of June 13, 2016

ii. R&TTE expires June 12, 2017

iii.  After June 2017, all devices must meet the RED requirements, i.e. R&TTE certifications during the transition must be re-certified

b.  Following the deadline, ALL equipment to be placed on the EU market must meet the RED provisions

c.  EN 300 328 published in the OJEU!

d.  It appears that EN 301 893 will not be not published in time

i.  EC has NOT approved use of v1.8.1 with note that v2.0.7 Receiver Requirements must also be met

ii. Passed ENAP; official publication date in August 19th, but could happen sooner

e.  Some background: The adaptivity clause for fare sharing of the band, was good before, though WiFi was about the only user.

f.  When 3GPP brought LAA/LTE into the band, now the sharing was not the same and IEEE 802.11 WiFi would lose. For the last almost 3 years it has been worked on.

g.  The updates did get through ENAP and comment resolution. But the new adaptivity clause is having issues with some WiFi vendors and maybe 3GPP.

h.  So the ETSI chair has asked for a year delay to work this out.

i.  With all that, the original thought was 1.8.1 and 2.1.1 could work side by side, meeting the RED minimum receiver requirements. Though many questions here yet.

j.  Then some discussion to create 1.9.1 with 2.0.7 receiver requirements, but old adaptivity clause. But the ETSI tech officer this morning, cannot get 1.9.1 approved as R&TTE is gone. Stay tuned.

9.  Chair presents slide 10; EN 301 893 Proposal

a.  The 5 GHz requirements document is still in NB voting

i.  Due to emerge May 23, 2017

b.  The Adaptivity clause may present issues for Wi-Fi devices

i.  MCOT limit of 10mS can be exceeded

ii. Industry needs time to study and make changes as required

c.  EC Legal Services cannot accept requirements that are not officially published

d.  The Proposal (EC verbally endorsed)

i.  Keep v1.8.1 in the OJEU with note that it does not include receiver requirements

ii. Accelerate v2.1.1 publication to meet June 13th date

iii.  ETSI BRAN#93 to create v1.9.1: v1.8.1 with receiver requirements from v2.1.1

iv.  When v1.9.1 is published (~October), withdraw v1.8.1

v. In June of 2018, withdraw v1.9.1

10.  Chair presents slides 11 and 12; G11#50 contributions

a.  ERMTG11(17)000023 Emerson Merritt Pulkrabek - Observations on RX blocking test parameters

b.  ERMTG11(17)000022 Emerson Merritt Pulkrabek - Out-of-band dedicated antenna gain correction during blocking tests.

c.  ERMTG11(17)000021 BT Johnny Dixon (BT) - Blocking levels for 2.4GHz Wi-Fi receivers

d.  ERMTG11(17)000020 Sony Jan Willems - Test method improvement for out-of-band unwanted emissions

e.  ERMTG11(17)000019 Qualcomm, GreenPeak Technologies, Magnus Sommansson, Jan Kruys - Improved Duty Cycle definition and measurement

f.  ERMTG11(17)000013r1 GreenPeak Technologies, Qualcomm Jan Kruys, Magnus Sommansson - Replacing the term "FHSS"with "Variable Frequency"

g.  ERMTG11(17)000017r1 Qualcomm, GreenPeak Technologies Magnus Sommansson, Jan Kruys - Using Medium Utilization for categorization

h.  ERMTG11(17)000018 Draft of EN 300328 (2017-01-12) modified for Variable Frequency and Medium Utilization

i.  ERMTG11(17)000016 Renesas Dirk Naurath - Blocking performance for use cases with low power and small size constraints

j.  ERMTG11(17)000014 Agenda - Agenda and Document list for TG11 meeting #50

k.  ERMTG11(17)000010 QTIL Magnus Sommansson - Clarification of Short Control Signalling Transmission sections verbiage

l.  ERMTG11(17)000009 WFA - WFA Receiver Requirements Comments

m.  ERMTG11(17)000008 Ofcom (U.K.) Steve Leach - Example Wanted and Interferer signal levels for blocking tests

11.  Chair presents slide 13 and 14; TG11#49 (17)0007 Minutes

a.  Steve (Ofcom UK) proposed the following to be noted into the minutes:

i.  The separation distances for typical power handsets to Wi-Fi could easily be 1 or 2m which leads to experienced blocking levels of around -30dBm and so the -32dBm option for 2380 / 2503.5 MHz in the draft of the category 1 table are supported.

ii. That the proposed -42dBm by WFA was what the standard currently required and this was therefore not an improvement in equipment performance but rather an improvement in the requirements of the standard which are currently poor.

iii.  -42dBm blocking levels could not be supported at this stage

b.  Following further discussions Steve also asked if the blocking level could be increased to -36dBm for the closest blocking frequency but the wanted signal could also be increased to -70dBm which is in line with the JRC findings of typical Wi-Fi signals.

c.  Johnny Dixon (BT) provided the following statement:

i.  BT continues to believe that, in order to protect (Cat 1) Wi-Fi devices from blocking due to 2.3 GHz LTE devices which are expected to proliferate across Europe, such Wi-Fi devices will in future need to employ better filtering, and hence meet a more stringent blocking level.

d.  Magnus Sommansson (Qualcomm) provided the following statement:

i.  It is not the role of the harmonized standard to provide the protection that BT envisions to be necessary across Europe. This is the type of protection that should be provided by individual product development specifications driven by market requirements.

e.  Octavian Popescu (WFA) provided the following statement:

i.  While accepting to further analyse the current proposal, Wi-Fi Alliance is of the opinion that levels provided in document 58 are an improvement as required by the legal framework and satisfy the purpose of the Work Item.

12.  Chair presents slide 15, Actions Required

a.  Comments for Ofcom 5.8 GHz band proposal

13.  Chair presents slide 16, Ofcom 5.8 GHz Statement

a.  May 2016 consultation: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0037/79777/improving-spectrum-access-consumers-5ghz.pdf

i.  In Mentor: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.18/dcn/16/18-16-0032-00-0000-ofcom-5-ghz-consultation.pdf

b.  Statement: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0032/98159/5p8-Regs.pdf

c.  Comments due April 11, 2017 and with this so soon, will not be able to comment.

d.  This is a statement as original Ofcom consultation was earlier in 2016 which we did comment on

14.  Chair presents slide 17, AOB

a.  Chair reported we did get the ISED consultation through the EC in Vaoncouver, and it has been filed.

b.  The 3 ITR-R contributions worked on in Vancouver, from 802.15, didn’t make it through the EC there. Adjustments were made and they went through EC email ballot closing today with 10-yes and 1-no, so passed. They will be sent to the ITR-R liaison for filing with ITU-R.

c.  There were a couple of editorials received on M.2227 that will be added to these.

d.  Next meeting: April 6, 2017 2:30pm EDT

15.  Chair asks is there any other business?

a.  Hearing none, Chair asks is there any objections to adjourning?

b.  Hearing none, we are adjourned at 15:12 ET

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