Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the MissionBeach Community Association held on
30th January 2007 at the MissionBeach Resort.
Meeting opened:7.40 pm
Attendance:North 16% South 68% Others 16% Total: 47
Apologies from Council Representatives:Carmel Silvestro, Andrew Cripps
Welcome by President: Bill thanked the Mission Beach Resort for allowing us to have the meeting room free of charge and in air-conditioned comfort. He welcomed Cr. Clarke, Galeano, Fox, Barnes and Kimberley.
Minutes from the previous meeting: Moved: Warwick Jull Seconded: Ken Fox
Business arising from the Minutes: None
Correspondence: as per list. Late letter from Qld Police Innisfail District with regard to ‘Violence no way’ campaign. Action: Secretary
Matters arising form the correspondence:none
Annual Reports: Presidents Report: As per attached (on website)
Moved: Bill Shannon Seconded: Allan Ogden
Treasurer’s Report: Peter Johnson tabled his annual report. Total funds in the bank $1,905.81. The Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December showed a small profit of $46.00 Moved: Peter Johnson Seconded: Tony Lee
Peter suggested that we support the Bendigo Bank to the amount of $500.00.
Rates & Services: Michael Johnson presented the Associations’ annual ‘State of Mission Beach 4852’ report to both Mayors. Michael spoke on the few items from last year’s reports that havebeen addressedby Councils. Neil Clarkecomplimented Michael, Truus and Peter on the report.
Planning:Rhonda said that with persistent pressure from MBCA, our input led CSC to incorporate, population density and environmental preservation and conservation controls into the Shire Plan. MissionBeach needs to retain its amenity and character to preserve appeal to tourism and new residents so that, in the long term, trade and businesses will be sustainable. The TLPI is due to expire March 7th but Council is requesting a 6 month extension to allow time for the Amended Shire Plan to be approved The Draft Shire Plan is on display at the Shire Council libraries and the pages relevant to MissionBeach are available on our website.
Due to the complexity of the document Rhonda recommended CSC convenes public meetings to explain the amendmentsin layman’s terms. Action: Allan to contact Council. Submissions close 3rd of March.
One Mission:Rhonda said that “Larry” interrupted our work with the then Minister on Boundary reviews and we are currently expecting to meet with the new Minister Andrew Fraser at the Ministerial Review Forum in Atherton 11th of February, to discuss MissionBeach being under the auspices of one Council, whether that be through boundary re-alignment or amalgamation. The important thing is that the MissionBeach issue is resolved as a part of Local Government reform measures.
Bendigo Bank: Rhonda said that we are half way and it is expected that we will reach our goal in two months and the Feasibility Study can commence. Cardwell is three months ahead of us and Babinda was already in a profit situation having commenced trading just after ‘Larry’. Bendigo Community Bank Mareeba has donated $50,000 to the local hospital for a renal dialyses machine.
JSC Updates: Cr.Neil Clarke
- Minister Fraser has said that there will be less Councils in Queensland.
- Local elections will be postponed for 6 months in JSCCSC 2008 to allow time for a referendum on amalgamation.
- JSC & CSC have appointed a facilitator for the SSS review.
Cr. Joe Galeano rose at this point and suggested that the postponement of elections as commented by Cr Clarke and reported in the Sunday Mail from the Minister’s office would not take effect. “I.e. councils will look at but not will forced into it” (quote). He also said that “the referendum will fail because the Minister does not have a leg to stand on”.
Dominic Mobbs queried whether the template of the brief for the facilitator will be available to the public. The meetings will be open to the public when the facilitator is appointed.
CSC Updates:The Chair invited Councillors to address the meeting. Crs. Barnes and Fox deferred to Mayor Galeano who chose not to address the meeting on specific CSC issues.
Emergency Services Update: Carola Washbourne CSC & Andrew Musumeci JSC
- Ron Darlington is the Community Support Officer for MB
- Carola advised hat only people that are threatened by drowning should evacuate. A review is being undertaken of possible evacuation centres.
- There is a ‘no boundaries agreement’ between JSC & CSC
Bill asked whether a submission was being made to Australian Standard 3745 Emergency Planning.
- Community must be prepared to take responsibility for themselves with personal cyclone planning.
- Qld Government is reviewing new community buildings being built to upgrade them to cyclone shelter standard.
JSC Updates continued:
- Wayne Kimberley thanked Bill for his work over the past 6 years. He explained that when he was elected as a Councillor for JSC there was no strategic policy and no infrastructure planning.
- State of 4852 document will be handed over to Parks manager Vince O’Brien who will have considerable input in the budget. (footpath, lighting, walkways, car parks, planning)
- A new experienced town planner has been appointed and also a new engineer/town planner from Renmark (ex councillor).
- Wayne is personally not in favour of abolishing divisions but his Council had voted for ‘no divisions’ He felt that MBCA have wasted energy with our One Mission campaign because it will be determined through the SSS process.
- JSC has acknowledged that their Shire Plan is ‘out of date’ and is in the process of amending is town plans. Community consultation is welcome.
- JSC is going through a period of rapid growth.
- Cr. Clarke presented to the chair a flowchart on the process for electoral boundary change.
CSC Update: Cr. Fox mentioned that at the last CSC meeting a motion was passed to retain 3 divisions with 3 councillors (with amended boundaries). Barry Barnes has tabled a rescinding motion to be discussed at the Meeting on the 8.02.07 to change it to 4 Divisions with 2 councillors each. Cr. Fox said that 9 of the current 10 councillors (including the Mayor) went into the 2004 election supporting a 4 Division policy.
- Cr. Fox will walk the Kennedy Walking track to inspect further damage.
- Cr. Fox suggested that the solution to fixing the flooding problems along Kennedy Esplanade was to alter the camber of the road.
Discussion of Issues 2007:
- Aquatic Facility
- Footpath’s and bike ways
- Clump Point facility (jetty)
- Value for rate payers dollars in MB
- Joint Planning scheme
- Street Lighting
- Scrutiny of Electoral promises
- State of 4852 MB Report progressive
- Water quality/pressure
- Beach erosion mitigation and reshape profile of Kennedy Esplanade
- Planting of foreshore Wongaling/South Mission Beach
- Vegetation management (Singapore daisy)
- Traffic management throughout MissionBeach
- Lynda Hannah spoke on the Cassowary Trail which is in the planning stages.(on website)
Election of Officers:
- President: Warwick Jull Proposed: Helen Ogden Seconded: Wanda Lowe
- Vice President South: Bill Shannon Proposed: Tony Lee Seconded: Rhonda Murdoch
- Vice President North: Lynda Hannah Proposed: Wanda Lowe Seconded: Bill Shannon
- Secretary: Allan Ogden Proposed: Helen Ogden Seconded: Warwick Jull
- Treasurer: Peter Johnson Proposed: Allan Ogden Seconded: Rhonda Murdoch
- Minutes Secretary : Wanda Lowe Proposed: Truus Biddlecombe Seconded: Sarah Mort
- Communications: Truus Biddlecombe Proposed: Warwick Jull Seconded: Tony Lee
- Rates & Services: Michael Johnson Proposed: Truus Seconded: Rotha Jago
- Planning & One Mission: Rhonda Murdoch Proposed: Sarah Mort Seconded: Michael Johnson
- Tourism: to be filled
Warwick Jull the new President thanked one and all and promised that all future meetings would continue to run on time from 7.30 till 9.30 pm and would be chaired objectively and courteously.
Meeting closed: 9.40pm
Next meeting: 3rdApril 2007 7.30 pm Mission Beach Resort