Minutes of the General Meeting held on Monday 1st May 2017, 7pm, in the Staffroom.

Apologies – Belinda Jones, Jessyka Harding, Lisa Morton

In attendance – Anthea Clifton, Lesley Clifton, Sharee Dhu, Brooke Hunt, Carly Malatesta, Vance Burton, Melanie Brook, Wayne Chambers, Brad Hicks, Belinda Cusack, Hayley Turner, Vicki Troy, Gary Quinn, Heather Simms, Gemma Picken, Darren Gittos

Meeting Open – 7.07pm
1 / Meeting Open / Welcome
2 / Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting / Resolution: That the minutes of the General Meeting of Dalyellup Primary School P&C Association Inc held on Monday 20th March at 7pm be taken as read and confirmed as a true and accurate record.
Moved: Heather Simms Seconded: Sharee Dhu
3 / Business arising from previous minutes / 3.1 Adam Przytula – Armed for Life Booking – May 2017 – Thursday 11th May – 2 x sessions for students discussing Resilience, Self Esteem and Stress Management – 1 x session for Parents 6.30pm in Yr 6 block – Topics to be decided by P&C
All P&C members attending to bring a plate of nibblies for the night
Cost $1600 – already approved $1000 but need to increase to $1600 for x 2 student sessions
3.2 Fete - Gemma
- Sponsor Letters – Anthea sending out in the next week
- Stall Holders – 30 applications received for stall holders with x1 already paid. $30 per stall ($5 for power costs)
- Funds from last 2016 Fete to be rolled over into this year’s 2017 Fete takings. There will then be a more substantial amount for playground equipment. Last years’ takings were not enough for what the P&C wanted to purchase.
3.3 Easter Raffle – Vicki - $1470.59 in profit made from our 2017 Easter Raffle. We had a total of x 21 prizes to raffle off this year! Fantastic effort from parents etc for Raffle donations. Thank you to Vicki for managing the Raffle this year.
3.4 Mothers Day – Lisa/Carly
- Notes went home with students Thurs/Fri with timetable for classrooms
- Posters in classroom windows
- To be held in ECE7 now (not ECE6) as that is where all P&C merchandise is held and the room is not being used at all
3.5 Canteen – Vance
- Vance contacted WACCSO and we do not need to advertise for a replacement for Margie or for the 2IC position. Decision can be made with the school/P&C.
3.6 Faction Banners – Heather
- Heather had samples of tear drop and std banners for all to see. Suggestion was made to try and include the PBS characters on each different Faction Banner. Heather to investigate.
3.7 Mothers Day Movie Night – Gemma
- Flyers being made up to send out to all Family Reps for information and ticket purchasing
3.8 WACSSO Conference – Vance
- Vance will be attending the Conference on 19th August. Registrations close on 21st July. Gemma Picken and Darren Gittos to check schedules and one of them to attend with Vance.
4 / President’s Report / See attached
5 / Treasurer’s Report / See attached
6 / Secretary’s Report / No correspondence to report
7 / Principal’s Report / See attached
8 / General Business / 8.1 Disco – Bee has requested an amount of $500 for the Disco being held on 22nd June. It was discussed that only the single gate behind the Undercover area be used to let students in/out.
Moved: Gemma Picken Seconded: Sharee Dhu
8.2 Peace Child Performance - Gemma has asked if the P&C will be doing Popcorn and drinks etc for the Performance. Decision was made to only supply Popcorn and no drinks.
8.3 Excursions – Parent request as to whether the P&C could offer some funding to go towards Excursions for Students for all years. Perhaps if the Teachers put forward some proposals for excursions (eg: Wildlife Park, Dolphin Centre) that are obviously educational and relevant to curriculum and the P&C fund the buses or a fixed $ amount towards each one.
8.4 Survey – Vance is working with the Student Leaders to create a Survey to take to classes as a class project, not as individuals on ideas for the P&C. For years 3-6 only.
8.5 5c Challenge Fundraiser – 5c pieces to be collected by all classes in 3lt Mil Bottles for all of Term 3. The classroom with the most raised will receive x1 free ticket for the Fete and a free lunch for the whole class. Winners will be announced at the beginning of Term 4.
10 / Next Meeting / Wk 8 at 6.30pm 12th June (not 7pm) so Head Boy & Girl and Student Leaders can attend
11 / Meeting Closed / 8.05pm