Minutes of the General Committee Meeting of the Old Laurentian Society held at Fenley Field on Wednesday 12th September2012.


PRESENT The Chairman, the treasurer and IPP and Messrs. Jenkins G, Jenkins P, Wootton, Melvin , Denny , Wallis Major , Tomlinson and Bass. Messrs Denny and Weston arrived late.

APOLOGIES. Apologies for absence were received from Messrs Pawsey, Kent , Cossar, Mahon, Gardner & Josh Newman & James Saunders (the two Headboys).

MINUTES The minutes of the previous Meeting were confirmed as a true record without prevarication or procrastination.

NEW MEMBERS None but school has advised that 27 members of the sixth form have paid up so far.

DECEASED MEMBERS - None to our knowledge

CORRESPONDENCE & WEB SITE Website in course of construction. Ties ordered.

SCHOOL REPORT MD reported another excellent year for results – GCSE English did not go down.

TREASURER’S REPORT DT pleased to report that the share price of Standard Chartered has recovered.

Went on to query progress with minibus at which point MD arrived on cue. JB attempted to explain the rationale behind the bus idea until the bull was taken firmly by the horns by PJ who explained succinctly why the society should move this forward. He explained that with REWHC using Hart Field it was felt appropriate to compensate the school for it’s use. Whilst the hockey club could not do this directly they could pay increased rent to LSC who in turn would use the money to repay the “loan” from the society i.e. the money used to buy the bus which would be purchased in the name of LSC and then lent permanently to the school. This would give us a bus 20% cheaper than could otherwise be obtained. This explanation quelled the concerns of the few dissenters and the decision was taken to proceed.

JB had obtained some prices and the school has expressed a preference for a 17 seat Peugeot Boxer. PJ subsequently agreed to investigate further to see if this could be obtained any cheaper than the £27k quoted.

The school will be responsible for all running costs.

SPORTS CLUB Bar takings going well with recent successful events. Toilets have been refurbished and PIRs fitted in gents and corridor. Low level urinals in place – KM please note.

Next meeting of LSC on 4th October 8.00pm.

Price of electricity fixed with British Gas.

Pies located in various parts of the county have now come home following the purchase of a new freezer. Some Lemon drizzle cake spotted near Warwick.

JB queried whether hockey could have a food upgrade – answer yes as long as they pay for it but must move quickly.

The club are unable to do hockey food before 3pm on 29th September due to VP’s lunch and mayhem will be order of the day on 20th October – triple header v Newbold.

‘THINGS TO DO’ & EVENTS. Review of AGM minutes deferred to next meeting. SW asked if he could re-engage last year’s caterers for the dinner. This was confirmed. We now have a guest speaker who has agreed to fly in from the Caribbean – Damian (Ric) Todd is the current Governor of the Turks & Caicos Islands and sat in front of SW in class.

OTHER BUSINESS MD advised that school has requested assistance to get representative rugby shirts framed. Generally agreed that we needed to know how many before we confirm.JB advised that he had eventually had a response from KC saying that he had found a pile of ties but this was too late to stop the order already in hand.

NEXT MEETING At School on Wednesday 10th October 2012. Scheduled start time 7.00pm or it could be 7.30pm – JB to clarify.

There being no further business, the Meeting closed at about 8.53 pm.