Present -:

Cllrs. B Blackford (Chairman), B Clark (BC), D Crawley (DC), R Vodnik (RV), M Dolman (MD), E Seward-Adams (ESA) & S Robinson (SR)

Mrs K Rees (Clerk) & Cllr. Mrs L Gorman

15/100 / Apologies:
None. Thanks were expressed to all those who helped build and have offered to water the planters.
15/101 / Recordable/Non-Recordable Interests & Dispensations:
15/102 / Minutes:
RESOLVED: The minutes of the Meeting held on 08th April 2015, as circulated, were approved & signed. The draft minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting & AGM, as circulated, were accepted as a true record.
15/103 / Public Participation:
15/104 / Police Report:
No Report.
15/105 / Urgent Matters:
15/106 / Cornwall Councillor Report:
LG advised that the first planning application for 330 houses at Trevemper Roundabout has been refused and the second one deferred. The Mayor of Newquay would the Chairman’s of the surrounding Parish Councils to work together to find a solution to the highway issues. BB agreed to attend these meetings.
An article placed in the Newquay Voice regarding Cubert Crossroads was factually incorrect. Cornwall Council will be putting in a press release next week stating that a roundabout will be considered as one of the schemes of the feasibility study. The outcome of the study should be available in September 2015.
There is no Planning Officer recommendation yet for the proposed development on land at Pentire Green as the officer is still waiting for information from the applicant. If the Officer is in mind to recommend approval then it is likely that the application will be on the August or September Planning Committee Agenda. As there is no Parish Council meeting in August it was RESOLVED that BB would represent the Parish Council at the Committee Meeting and he will circulate his presentation for approval prior to the meeting.
15/107 / Planning Issues:
PA15/03830 (Forge Cottage) – Object to application submitted. However, if the pump was located to
the side of the property with an appropriate screen, this would be
PA15/04766 (Seacroft) – Object (Harm to AGLV, gross overdevelopment, against article 4 direction &
negative impact on coastal landscape)
Decisions: PA15/02438 - Approved
Cornwall Council has confirmed that there is Article 4 Direction relating to the use of land for any purposes except as a caravan on not more than 28 days, the use of land other than buildings & not within the curtilage of the dwellinghouse for recreation & the use of land other than a building, as a caravan site.
15/108 / North Coast Cluster/Community Network Report:
The Community Network Meeting takes place on 11th June. Agenda items include libraries & gypsy encampments. The North Coast Cluster Meeting is on 16th June.
15/109 / Memorial Hall Report:
SR gave the report. A BT Business Account must be set up in order to have the broadband installed. Following discussions it was RESOLVED that the Clerk would be the main contact on the account. The date for the Christmas Decoration Evening is confirmed as 17th November; A copy of the accounts has been requested by Jill Smith; The weathervane needs repairing & the photocopier now needs to be disposed of. NOTED.
15/110 / Matters Arising:
(a)  Update - Neighbourhood Plan: The drain survey will cost approximately £10- £15K. The Clerk has not yet applied for any grants as she is waiting for exact costings. Meeting to be organised to discuss grant applications. NOTED.
(b)  Update – Sale of the Magazine Photocopier: The photocopier has had a full service and is advertised in the Newquay Voice. NOTED.
(c)  Secondary Duties: DC elected to Finance Committee & Public Toilet Working Party. Village Hall Committee still outstanding. NOTED.
(d)  Conversion of Chapel Close Play Area to Car Park: No update. Clerk to chase. NOTED.
(e)  Emergency Store: SR has still not received the quote. It was discussed that RV & BC could make the repairs. RESOLVED: RV to investigate work required and cost of materials and report back.
(f)  Parish Council Vacancies: The election notices are displayed and expire shortly. The vacancies can then be advertised & co-option will take place at September’s meeting. NOTED.
15/111 / Other Matters:
(a)  Public Toilets Maintenance Issues: BB/SR have repaired the ladies toilet again. The wallgate units need servicing, a toilet roll holder needs replacing, a legionella risk assessment needs to be undertaken & a PAT test is required for the electrics. RESOLVED: SR to get quote for PAT service, Clerk to confirm all other works with Cormac.
15/112 / Highways/Footpaths Report:
(a)  Gannel River: The change in the breakwater is now a danger and hazard to people using the beach. The Clerk has tried to contact the Duchy who do not reply. RESOLVED: Clerk to ask Guy Thomas to take this up on the Council’s behalf.
(b)  Halwyn Hill/Speed Survey: The safety of the corner was debated. RESOLVED: Clerk to contact Cormac and request better signage and that a speed survery be undertaken on the corner of Gustory Road & West Pentire Road.
15/113 / Village Hall Report:
No report. It was advised that there is a hole in the play park where the bin used to be which is causing a hazard. RESOLVED: Clerk to report to Village Hall Committee.
15/114 / Finance:
Council: Lloyds - £6339.75 / Santander - £34875.12
RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £7884.01 were approved for payment.
Memorial Hall: Lloyds - £1915.61 / Santander - £5496.70
RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £22.00 were approved for payment.
(a)  Clerk’s Appraisal: RESOLVED: Clerk’s pay to increase to point 23 on the scale. In addition, 4.4 hours of holiday pay per month awarded.
15/115 / Correspondence:
Correspondence noted included Cornwall For Change (Request for Support), Devon & Cornwall Police (Survey), Cornwall Council (Update on a Case for Cornwall) & Guy Thomas (Cubert Crossroads Brief). In addition a letter has been received from a local resident requesting that something is done about the pollution caused by the cars queuing to get into the National Trust Car Park and leaving their engines switched on. RESOLVED: Clerk to write to National Trust to request signage.
15/116 / Public Particpation:
15/117 / Business not requiring a decision at this meeting:
Amended Emergency Plan to be circulated and an agenda item next month.
15/118 / Date of Next Meeting:
The Chairman thanked members for their attendance and advised that the next scheduled Full Council Meeting will take place on 08th July at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall, Crantock. The meeting closed at 21.00pm.