held at St John’s Centre, Merrow on MONDAY27thMarch 2017

The Chairman, Keith Meldrum, welcomed those present, especially Councillors Graham Ellwood, Jenny Jordan and Mike Goodman.

140 people attended the meeting.

  1. Minutes of the 46th Annual General Meeting were approved.
  1. Matters arising:

The amended constitution approved at the AGM in 2016 is now on the Merrow Residents’ Association (MRA) website.

  1. Financial Report:

The Treasurer reported that due to the £1 increase in subs in 2016, this inflated the income by approx. £350. More members are paying by Bank transfer, which is to be encouraged. Building Society interest increased by £34, due to transfer of funds to Skipton B.S. The Accumulated fund at the end of 2016 was healthy and slightly increased from 2015.

The Voluntary Examiner of the Association’s accounts, Philip Ross, was appointed for 2017; proposed by Graham Ellwood and seconded by Laura Anderson.

The Chairman thanked Denise Hilton for all the work she has done.

  1. Election of Officers:

The following officers were re-elected on a proposal from the chairman by acclamation: -

Vice ChairmanGordon Farquharson

Hon. TreasurerDenise Hilton

Environmental OfficerKate Dumbleton

Membership Secretary Claire Rymell

Hon. SecretaryHenriette Whitehead – van Prooije

WebmasterDave Smith

Publicity OfficerSarah Smith

  1. Election of Ordinary Committee Members:

The following committee members were elected on a proposal from the Chairman by acclamation: -

Chris Holiday and Douglas Sutton.

  1. Newland Corner:

The Chairman opened this discussion on Newlands Corner and commented that although it was not technically in the MRA area, many members use Newlands Corner and are concerned with potential developments. John Oliver, an independent campaigner provided the meeting with an update.

The Planning Inspectorate has granted permission for parking meters to be put at Newlands Corner and John Oliver queried the quality of the decision, calling it “abysmal” for procedural and content reasons. Surrey County Council (SCC) still intends to put up five to ten play structures and the final number has still not been confirmed. The cost would be high and would mean clearance of patches of habitat of hazel dormouse and roman snails - both of which are protected.

Newlands Corner has six species of bats, some quite rare. The play structures need planning permission and SCC need to apply to itself for planning permission! Councillor Ellwood commented that the suggestion of a building is a myth with John Oliver stating that he has an email where it states that SCC still intend to erect a new building once the play structures are bedded in. John Oliver asked everyone to keep fighting.

In response, Councillor Mike Goodman stated that dates for installation of the parking metres had not yet been set. He said that a visitor centre would not go in the front of the escarpment, however, did not

deny that a new centre would be built. It was said that the toilets would be refurbished in the summer.

The question was posed to Councillor Goodman that when SCC is so short of money why do they still want to spend money that they don’t need to. The plans would cost £400K and would need to be borrowed and paid back. Councillor Goodman was asked what the level of anticipated income from the parking charges would be. Councillor Goodman refused to answer that, saying it was commercially sensitive.

There was concern from the room regarding displacement parking in Merrow and also comments that there is no room to increase visitor numbers.

There was a very high level of unrest in the room regarding the plans and Councillor Goodman was interrupted many times.

At the end of the meeting the following statement was tabled:-

That Merrow Residents’ Association (MRA) wished to reiterate in the strongest possible terms its opposition to all planned or intended development by Surrey County Council (SCC) of Newlands Corner. This historic beauty spot provides, from the chalk escarpment of the North Downs, some of the finest scenery in Southern England. It is a local and national treasure.

MRA is dismayed at the consent given for the introduction of parking charge equipment at Newlands Corner, even though nearly 1,400 local residents and local associations objected to the application.There is highly likely to be a displacement parking effect on Merrow. MRA is concerned at the suggestion that the funds gained from the parking charges will in part fund the future inappropriate development of Newlands Corner.

The proposals for SCC and Surrey Wildlife Trust to develop a series of play structures along the woodland paths and any intention to construct a new visitor centre, café and retail space will rob the immediate area of much of its natural beauty. This is beauty, which SCC as guardians of the site, should “conserve and enhance” given its designation as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The following resolution was tabled- that the MRA determined at its AGM on the 27th March that it must do everything possible to dissuade Surrey County Council from spending money on a play trail or any further developments at Newlands Corner,since any such spend is not only unnecessary but also wasteful and unwanted by the local population.

The Resolution was unanimously passed. The Councillors present were released from the need to vote.

  1. Chairman’s Report:
  • Down Road School - Another planning proposal has been put forward by the owners but is on hold while a bat survey is carried out. MRA have not objected.
  • Redwood Care Home Site – 24 units of three and four bedroom houses were approved on appeal.
  • Town Centre – A re-jig of the gyratory in Guildford Town Centre is being examined by GBC as part of the Town Centre Master Plan. The Guildford Vision Group has put forward suggestions but they haven’t been too well received by GBC.
  • Road/Transport Improvements – There is new Government money available:
  • University of Surrey northbound off slip-road - £1.6 million.
  • Stoke interchange southbound off slip-road a further £2.5million
  • A3 / M25 junction upgrades – Up to £250 million potentially available.
  • Possible road tunnel through Guildford, which would come out at Gosden Hill Farm.
  • Potholes can be reported on the SCC web site and serious ones are usually quickly repaired.
  • There will be a formal discussion and consultation about the future of bus routes and the bus station in Guildford.

The Chairman provided an update on the development of the Local Plan and that a revised plan is expected to be issued by GBC for consultation in the summer of 2017 with a short six week consultation period with comments being restricted to the changes from the 2016 version. There had been no official confirmation at the time of the AGM as to whether the Clandon Golf site would be proposed for development.

  1. Environmental Update – provided by Kate Dumbleton, Environment Officer:

There has been a recent failed application near Kingfisher Drive and Park Lane for a new mobile phone mast. Kate gave some background to the history of mobile phone masts in Merrow. MRA, however, recognises the need to expand the network but will work with residents to try and ensure minimum environmental and visual impact.

  1. Merrow Residents History Group – provided by Ian Anderson:

Ian gave the meeting an update on the new History Group. Three meetings have been held so far. They are the 1st Wednesday of every other month at the St John’s Centre. Thegroup is gathering information from the area and plans a website in the future. Anyone can come along and all are welcome, Just listen or bring items along that relate to the history of Merrow, for example old postcards, house details, pictures etc.

  1. AOB
  • Concern was raised about the volume and speed of traffic along Trodds Lane. KeithMeldrum proposed that the MRA Executive Committee discuss this at the next committee meeting.
  • A vote of thanks was proposed to Keith Meldrum for his hard work on the Local Plan. The rest of the MRA Committee was also thanked for all that they did for the MRA and for Merrow.
  • Finally the Chairman thanked Clandon Park Garden Centre for planting our three planters outside the Horse and Groom, free of charge.