Thursday 10th April 2014 at 7.00 p.m.

The Middlewich Hall, Holmes Chapel Methodist Church, Knutsford Road

1. Attendance / Cllr S Ranger
Cllr J Clowes
Cllr IM Mackenzie
Cllr RC Parry
Cllr. MJ Street / Mrs NL Clarke – Clerk
Mrs R Raine - Assistant
2. Apologies / RESOLVED (f13/14/22) to approve apologies from Cllr DE Savage
3. Declarations of Interest / None
4. Minutes / RESOLVED (f13/14/23) to approve the minutes of the Committee meeting held on 9th January 2014.
5. Matters arising / None
6. Finance reports/update / The Council considered a report from the Clerk and RFO and the year end accounts for 2013 / 14. Cllr Parry as member with responsibility for Finance had examined the accounts and was satisfied. The Clerk reported that the BDO have selected Holmes Chapel Parish Council as part of their 5% random additional checking for the External Audit. Additional paperwork is required by the BDO upon submission.
There was discussion on reclaiming VAT payments.
RESOVLED (f/13/14/24) to recommend:
  1. To receive and note the Clerk’s report
  2. To approve the 2013 /14 accounts and audit return subject to audit.
  3. To authorise the Chairman, Clerk and RFO to sign the accounts and audit return.
  4. To approve all payments made under s.137 of the LGA 1972 and confirm the total expenditure paid out under this power for this financial year is within the legal threshold.
  5. To authorise VAT recovery to the year end.
  6. To instruct the RFO to submit the accounts for audit with appropriate documentation and to deal with any issues raised by the audit during this process.
  7. That the grant from CEC to Holmes Chapel Partnership is transferred in full to the Partnership.
  8. That the Clerk and the Assistant Clerk be thanked for their work in installing and managing the new accounts system.

7.Review of financial Standing Orders to reflect new legislation regarding cheques / The committee were informed that following the repeal of section 150(5) of the Local Government Act 1972 a review of the Financial Standing Orders and methods of payment need changing.
RESOLVED (f13/14/25) that the Clerk prepares further information for the next meeting of the Finance Committee
8. Salaries / To be discussed at Strategy Committee once information has been sent by NALC.
9. Risk Assessment / To continue to be monitored on an ongoing basis.
10. Asset Register / The Clerk explained that, while in past audit returns depreciation had been applied to council assets, under the requirements of the new external auditor this would not be the case in future returns.
11. Insurance Review / To be subject to future review by Strategy Committee
12. Review of Financial Calendar / There was discussion on action taken to date on items listed in the Financial Calendar.
13. Chairman and Clerk’s Reports. / None
Meeting closed at 7.30p.m.
These minutes will be submitted for approval at the next meeting scheduled for 10th July 2014 Until approved they are draft minutes.

Signed as Chairman of the Committee as a true and accurate record:
