Anti-Privatization Committee Meeting 6 November 01 & 02, 2010
November 14, 2010
MEETINGS HELD: September 9 & 10, 2010 (at Headquarters)
September 20 & 22, 2010 (at Fantasyland Hotel 7& Headquarters)
November 01 & 02, 2010 (at Headquarters)
Committee Members:
Karen Weiers, Chair Local 095 Airdrie
LeeAnn Boudreau Local 095 Calgary
Marilyn Jones Secretary Local 041 Medicine Hat
Nancy Rakowski Vice chair Local 054 Edmonton
Bruce Macdonald Local 046 St. Albert
Brian Cook Local 012 Coaldale
Chris Christianson Local 012 Edmonton
Julie Jacque Local 047 Spruce Grove
Staff Advisor: Desiree Schell
1) Mandate from Convention to PE
Resolutions from 2010 Convention:
a. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that AUPE maintains and utilizes statistics on the number of members and member jobs lost to privatization.
· Rationale: We feel this is necessary because of the ongoing erosion of our member’s jobs to privatization. As an example: Local 004 has gone from over 3000 members in the 1990’s down to their current number of roughly 500 members. If statistics were kept, AUPE members would be aware of what is happening and be more willing and inclined to join the fight against privatization.
It also follows the mandate of the committee as stated in the constitution Article 15.07 (f) i) page 31:“The Anti-Privatization Committee shall: promote the education of the members and public as it relates to matters of privatization and contracting.”
Further Committee discussion:
· We want to expose the privatization and secrecy and make AUPE become a leader in making the government accountable.
· Would take a multi-pronged approach that will educate and inform members and the public.
· Not sure of the costing because we currently do not keep these records, so do not know how much time, etc. it would take.
Items to report to PE for this meeting by mandate topic: Discussion held as to who and what process will be implemented to start tracking this information. President Smith indicated he will need to talk with the AUPE Directors. Not sure if other items can be tracked as well such as: What jobs are lost? How many jobs? Are the positions transferred? What is the process being implemented to start monitoring the jobs? Laid off, quit, early retirement package?
Recommendations to PE for Action by mandate topic: None at this time
b. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that AUPE develops a campaign and strategy around the government secrecy and non-disclosure of privatization.
· Rationale: We need to start lobbying the Government regarding the use of private contractors and secrecy. Government is hiding where our tax dollars are being spent, the cost of contracts, and the negative impact to Alberta citizens. FOIP is being used to protect the interests of Government. FOIPA has been designed to have loopholes to protect information and it applies to public bodies, not private companies.
Further Committee Discussion:
· Privatization is impacting members and we need proper information to challenge government on its’ agenda.
· What contracts are being signed and at what costs?
· What regulations are being put in? Regardless of how we feel about privatization, regulation is important.
· We need to keep government honest and accountable and they need to come clean about this.
· We want government to prove that privatization is cost effective and delivers appropriate, regulated services.
· We envision a multi-level campaign: lobby government, educate the public (anti-privatization ads), educate members on how to apply for and work their way through FOIP.
· Working with Parkland Institute to develop strategies around the roadblocks to FOIP and to work with their toolbox.
· There is a lot already underway and this will add to and focus direction.
Items to report to PE for this meeting by mandate topic: Discussion held with the President as to how a campaign of this caliber would be initiated. The President indicated that AUPE is currently working with both Scout and the Parkland Institute as well as doing research/ground work about these issues. We will need to make known the facts and work with Scout to develop the issues (Did you know, kind of information). Committee will be discussing this campaign at the next meeting.
Recommendations to PE for Action by mandate topic: None at this time
c. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that AUPE budget One (1) million dollars to continue the Public Awareness Campaign on the costs and effects of privatization to Albertans. –
· Rational: As privatization is still in the forefront of all of our members, in all of our Sectors, the committee feels it is important that the education on privatization continue in order to enhance awareness and gain support of not only our members, but all Albertans.
Items to report to PE for this meeting by mandate topic: President Smith and David Cleminhaga met with committee and voiced that public focus groups were held and helped determine which image ads were working and which ones were not. The focus groups had some difficulty understanding the intent of the ideas in the privatization ads. Confusion as to what privatization is. We cannot do an overall message that is going to resonate with the general public. We need to keep it to specific, and to individual situations. We need to do more in-depth information i.e. documentary style, and build on it. Very clear that people were making a very clear distinction in what public services they would buy into - i.e.: healthcare vs. liquor boards. Two very different results (outcomes) indicated from the focus groups saying healthcare was a “no way” to privatize – where as their response to liquor boards was “yes okay”.
Another project is being considered and is currently in the preliminary stages. It would be a multi-media presentation and although this would not get the broad overview to the public, it would be a great way to connect with people. This is reaching out in an alternative way on a very emotional level.
Committee voiced that there were currently commercials being played in Saskatchewan regarding the privatizing of health care and roadways.
Recommendations to PE for Action by mandate topic – none at this time
(Resolution from 2005 Convention)
d. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Standing Committee on Anti-Privatization meet jointly, with (1) one representative of each local’s Anti-Privatization Sub- committee, annually.
Further Committee Discussion:
· Does this resolution actually indicate a yearly “seminar”
· It should be open to all members
· Seminar policy states one member per Local will be paid by Headquarters. It also states that …If the committee wants further involvement from more members we can request through the executive committee.
· Proposed date May 27, 2011 – will need more discussion as accommodations will need to be reserved soon.
· Theme: Undecided at this point
· It was decided to further table until next meeting.
Items to report to PE for this meeting by mandate topic: Nothing at this time
Recommendations to PE for Action by mandate topic: Nothing at this time
2) Local Issues:
a. Local 001, 002, 004 & 012 – (the Jubilee) committee member Julie met at a joint meeting, September 24, 2010, with the Chairs of these Locals. The purpose of the meeting was to have a discussion on a possible joint action plan. As there was nothing in writing to any of these members regarding privatization, President Smith wrote to the Government of Alberta inquiring and has since received a letter back stating that moving to a private contractor to manage the Jubilee Auditoria is a further step in the process of a decision that was made years ago by infrastructure to transition to contracted service over a period of time in many Government buildings.
The Committee Liaison has limited feedback from the Locals involved. It becomes difficult for the Standing Committee to help in developing any action plan if the support of the Locals or members is not there to move forward. Shall wait to hear if any further interest.
b. Local 004 – no update but still outstanding
c. Local 006 – AUPE will be taking the FOIP issue further and the outcome could take years.
d. Local 009, 010 – (PDD group closing houses) Members from both Locals attended a mobilization brainstorming, campaign strategies session. They are gathering information regarding their components and i.e. things that are being affected. Once compiled the information will be sent to the Communication Department to have a pamphlet developed. They have indicated the need to start with the membership to inform them of the issue and what it can mean to their jobs. They will be attending PDD board meetings in their perspective areas and have questions prepared if the opportunity arises for them to ask.
e. Local 046/054 Sturgeon hospitals (St. Albert) - Privatization Rumors that Bee Clean was contracting out housekeeping, food services and environmental services at the Sturgeon (and many other) hospital(s) is not true.
f. Local 057 Drayton Valley Maintenance - Update from Chair – The Local has an active member in that department and there are no signs of privatizing in the Maintenance department.
g. Local 118 Chapter 20 – Using private companies to do work that employees currently employed can do. It was suggested that they go through their MSO to see if this practice will continue or why it is happening. If it continues it was suggested that the Local develop an action plan as to what they would like to do in regards to it and the standing committee will definitely assist.
3) Progess Report
a. Seminar – The Anti-Privatization Seminar was held on September 21, 2010. There were 76 Local Sub Committee members in attendance. Guest speakers were Guy Smith – AUPE President, Shannon Phillips – Journalist; Ricardo Acuna – Parkland Institute; Andy MacDonald – member of Local 004. Committee members also spoke on relevant topics concerning the preparation by Local Sub Committee members for their Locals. Evaluations received were very informative, positive and as well included specific items such as:
· Requesting copy of Shannon Phillips power point presentation (which has since been sent out to subcommittee members)
· An electronic copy of PERM (which has since been sent out to subcommittee members)
· Members asking if “anti-privatization” apparel (shirts & hoodies) would be available and indicated that they would be willing to wear them
The Committee felt that the evaluations are a useful tool that can only help with assisting the committee in making changes and improvements to meet the needs of members.
b. Convention Table – This was the first attempt at providing a table that this committee had and our intent was to distribute Sectoral Postcards, information regarding ‘the importance of all Local’s having Sub Committees’; and distributing an Anti-Privatization tool kit. There was also a Liaison list set up for all Locals. We had two door prizes and in order to be eligible for the door prize one had to sign that they would be willing to be part of AUPE’s mobilization campaign. Close to 500 names were gathered.
c. AUMA - AUMA is being held at the Shaw Centre in Edmonton on November 23 & 24, 2010. There will be:
· A pamphlet presented to delegates coming through trade centre
· A DVD running continually showing AUPE’s public Image Campaign commercials
· Two stand up table signs – one indicating the services AUPE members are providing in the public system and the other listing general based facts on private versus public information
· The AUPE backdrop
· Entry forms for six AUPE portfolios for doorprizes
· Laminated news articles indicating that 20 years later, we are still fighting the same thing
· The Presidents Business Card
· Parkland Information sheets (with statistics)
· AUPE Pens
· Candies
The purpose for attending AUMA is that AUPE recognizes the value of reaching out to community leaders. We hope to be able to stand together with Municipal Leaders for the betterment of all Albertans, on issues that affect their communities and services provided to the citizens in their communities. Many Municipal Leaders have already spoken up with AUPE regarding events from the closure of Alberta Hospital Edmonton to concerns over hospital security in central and southern Alberta. We want to establish these ties with more elected Officials and Leaders throughout the province with the common goal of keeping quality public services in the communities they serve, working together on making a better Alberta
d. Educational Material for Members – The committee’s intent is to provide information for educational purposes to the Local Sub Committee’s to be of an aide in the process of educating members regarding privatization and contracting out threats.
· Sectoral Postcards – Have been developed and ready for distribution. (An email had been sent out to some members from different Sectors inquiring about what the result be if classifications in their sectors were privatized. The committee would like to thank those that responded. The information will be quite useful for this project and many others to come!!)
· Long Term Care Postcards – long term care brochures/postcards were developed and handed out at the Grandparents Day Picnic. These also will be distributed at any function that the Committee attends to bring attention to the issue of privatizing in Long Term Care.
· New Pamphlet – “Don’t Give Up” – Committee would like to develop some information for members that are threatened with privatization and list ideas/suggestions for members that could be initialized so they can have immediate information that could possibly eliminate the feeling of giving up. The reaction we are looking for as a committee is “Don’t Give Up” - take action! needs further committee discussion
· New Pamphlet – for the Privatized companies within AUPE – As we have many Locals/Chapters that are privatized the Committee felt that we should develop information for these members that would discuss the threat of “contracting out” services within the private facility.needs further committee discussion
· Researching Contracting Out or Privatization threats – The Committee felt it may be useful to develop a tool for subcommittees (and all) members to be able to utilize and to assist them in researching a privatization or contracting out threat. It will basically be the first step of PERM but in greater detail. This will be discussed further at next meeting.