Present: Professor Rama Thirunamachandran, Vice-Chancellor (Chair);Professor Helen James, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience); Professor Mike Weed, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise); Dr Keith McLay, Dean of Arts and Humanities; Debra Teasdale, Dean of Health and Wellbeing; Lorri Currie, Director of Academic Administration; Sue Kendall-Seatter, Director of International Partnerships and Development; Dr Ken Powell, Director of Curriculum;CathiFredricks, Director of the General Modular Scheme; Dr Christopher Stevens, Director of Quality and Standards; Gina Donovan, Director of UK Partnerships;Rev. Dr Jeremy Law, Dean of Chapel; Claire Alfrey;Karen Lumsden; Dr Catherine Meehan; Dr Dominic Wood; David Hannaway, Students’ Union President; Phil Semmens, Students’ Union President (Education and Wellbeing).

In attendance: Suzanne Collins, Senior Quality Officer



The Chair welcomed members to the meeting.


Apologies were received from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Knowledge Exchange), Dean of Education, Dean of Social and Applied Sciences, Director of IT, Director of Library and Learning Resources, Professor Peter Vujakovic, Dr Nic McKay and Dr Jim Butcher.

2262.Declarations of Interest

There were none.

2263.Chair’s Remarks

The Chair extended thanks to those attending the extraordinary meeting and to those who had prepared the reports.

2264.HEFCE Quality Assessment

The Board received paperAB16/23U being a briefing on the purpose of the extraordinary meeting, setting out the context of the new HEFCE Quality Assessment methodology.

The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) noted that the shift in the methodology for quality assurance asksthe Governing Body to provide annual assurances regarding academic governance. Members were invited to scrutinise and challenge the documentation prior to its provision to the Governing Body.

The Director of Quality and Standards outlined the fundamental shift in the methodology for the quality assurance of higher education. Members discussed the paper, which provided an overview of the existing mechanisms in place that would enable Governing Body to make a decision about the specific assurances required by HEFCE. In addition to this, in light of the change inmethodologybeing anticipated, the University had completed a Thematic Review of Quality in January 2016. A summary of this activity would form part of the evidence provided to Governors.

The documentation being provided the Governing Body had been prepared in the context of HEFCE guidance, which made clear that it was not the intention for the Governing Bodies to be drawn directly into quality management activities. It was noted that the Audit Committee of the Governing Body provides a similar role for financial governance as does the Academic Board for academic governance.


2265.Thematic Review of Quality

The Board received paper AB16/24U being a detailed overview of the actions taken in response to the Thematic Review of Quality.

The Board welcomed the concise and focussed report and the actions taken in response to the review. Members that had participated in the panels reflected on the significant progress since the review, including the development of greater School oversight of quality and a more effective Annual Programme Monitoring process.

The following amendments to the paper were requested:

  • Provide a note that the term ‘subject lead’ refers to a function with a number of titles in different Faculties;
  • Correct the title of ‘Faculty Operation Manager’ to ‘Faculty Director of Operations’.

Members agreed that a high-level summary of the Thematic Review, including an overview of the actions taken and progress made, should be provided to the Governing Body.


That, subject to the amendments suggested above, paper AB16/24U be approved.

2266.Annual Quality Assessment

The Board received paper AB16/25U being the proposed submission to the Governing Body in respect of the interim quality assessment review of the University, consisting of:

  • An introductory paper setting out the new methodology, the expectations of the Governing Body, an overview of the existing assurance mechanisms, a summary of the sector position and a description of the accompanying documents.
  • The Annual Report on the Maintenance of Academic Standards and the Management and Enhancement of the Quality of the Student Learning Experience 2014-15.
  • A high-level summary report on the outcomes of the Thematic Review of Quality in January 2016.

Members discussed the documentation provided and noted that the Governing Body had already been provided with a briefing on the new process. It was noted that the Maintenance of Academic Standards report had been approved by the Board on 27 June 2016. The Board noted that the Postgraduate Student Outcomes report had been provided to members as agreed at the last meeting.

Members considered the documentation and recommended the following changes:

  • further context, with a greater focus on outcomes, should be added to the Thematic Review summary paper;
  • the date in paragraph 3 under ‘six-month review’ was inaccurate and should be corrected;
  • indicative timescales should be added to the priorities listed in paragraph 3.2;
  • paragraph 3.2 should be reworded to clarify that the Board is affirming theprinciples previously agreed.

The Board suggested that the Director of Quality and Standards may be invited to attend the Governing Body meeting for the relevant item.

Thanks were expressed to those who had authored the papers and to members for their consideration.


That, subject to the amendments above, paper AB16/25U be submitted to the Governing Body.

2267.Any Other Business

There was no other business to discuss.