Minutes of MEETING of ELSTOW PARISH COUNCIL held on Tuesday 21st March 2017 at 7.30pm in the Committee Room of Elstow Playing Field Hall.

PRESENT:- Parish Councillors, Mr. Lammin, Mrs Wignall, Mr. Miles, Mrs. Anderson (Chair),, Mr. Carr, Mr. Hare, the Clerk Mrs. Barnicoat, Borough Councillor Tim Hill and three members of the public.

1. WELCOME BY CHAIRMAN AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE TO BE RECEIVED:- Parish Councillors Mrs Bell and Mr. Fitzmaurice had sent apologies for absence along with which were accepted.

2.DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTEREST: - Cllr. Hare declared an interest in the quote for the bench work, there were no further declarations of interest received for the meeting.


Helen Fudge was welcomed to the meeting, outlining her rule in supporting the local authority through the review process that is taking place at present which includes Elstow. The criteria and aims of a review were detailed, with the process being talked through as well as role of the local authority in the consultation process. Questions were welcomed, which included concern over the larger land mass within Elstow which was referred to in the presentation given to the Council, this worried Councillors who noted this was in fact not the correct reference to what was originally proposed. The Council reiterated their preference and agreement that the proposal was the footpath boundary at the edge of the retirement village site which forms a natural boundary going forwards. Helen Fudge was thanked for her time and took leave at this point of the meeting.


There was clarification sought regarding the land ownership of the open space at the back of Bunyans Mead, it was noted this is Borough Council land.


The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14th February, required an amendment so it was agreed that these would be carried forward to the next meeting.


The Clerk updated that following the circulation the information received following the request for Speedwatch signs in the parish and agreement that up to £250 be spent on purchasing signs for the parish to raise speeding awareness in the village, the Clerk had enquired if the signs come with pre-drilled holes. The latest regarding this matter is a Central Bedfordshire Council approved scheme, so the Clerk has been seeking confirmation that these signs are agreeable to Bedford Borough Council Highways and if the Parish Council can put the signs up themselves on existing signposts.

The barb wire by the former Abbey school had been reported again to the Borough Council.

The latest regarding the Medbury Lane broken fence which is not a local authority responsibility, is that this area has now thankfully been repaired.

The contractor had been notified that they had received the approval of the Council to go ahead with the work to re-varnish the benches.

The Clerk had inserted the budget figures into the revised financial spreadsheet as agreed at the last meeting.

The Clerk had fed back the cost of the bench to Cllr. Hill who maybe able to contribute half the cost of the purchase price through the Borough Councillor Ward Fund.

All other items to be covered during the meeting.


The monthly crime statistics had been circulated between meetings it was noted and there is a meeting of the local police team looking at the forthcoming priorities for the next quarter, it was agreed Cllr. Miles to attend and the Clerk had confirmed this.

Ahead of this meeting it was asked for the Council consider their priorities for the coming quarter relating to the parish, this was circulated and visible policing, speeding and burglaries were the headlines, so the Clerk to feed this back to PC Crozier.

The recent Police newsletter had also been circulated and there was a report recently of an attempted burglary in Wilstead Road.


Cllr. Hill's report had been circulated to all ahead of the meeting. Cllr. Hill added to the report that there had been a high visibility enforcement session at the school recently at drop off time, the feedback of what was seen was discussed. The Councillors felt a better drop off system could be utilised by the school as this is still a problem.

Cllr. Hill agreed that enforcement figures relating to tickets issued in West End since the introduction of the no verge parking from 1st February will be circulated.

Cllr. Hill added that for this coming financial year 2017/18 there is expected to be £4k of Ward Fund available.

There was a discussion on the the recent information that street lights were being measured out along Church End after the police had instructed the local authority to install them, there was a general consensus that this is unnecessary and would spoil the character of that part of the village.

It was noted that the timings for the bulky waste collection service had been released for this year, it was felt on balance given the population spread of the parish that the collection points should be altered. The Clerk was asked to feedback and request that on the Saturday the skip spend one hour in the layby by Elstow Primary, then for the second hour move to the layby further down Abbeyfields Road by the Medical Centre. Then on the Sunday the skip be located on the corner of Moss Lane between 2-3pm.


a) Financial analysis review - The Clerk had circulated an actual against budgeted analysis of the expenditure for the year to date, the Council reviewed and noted that for the year 2016/17 all items within budget, so no concerns at this time. It was noted that this document had not been superseded by the new financial reporting spreadsheet as the budget headings were easy to align to the new spreadsheet columns. This would be addressed going forwards into 2017/18.

It was also noted that the bank signatories needed to complete a form to allow the Clerk to access the online banking information, following the Clerk being locked out. It was agreed to complete the form and for the Clerk to take to the bank, once access had been regained the Clerk was asked to circulate the latest financial spreadsheet to Councilors.

b)Invoices to be paid - The presented invoices were: Barnicoat Ltd for February £557.36, reimbursement of £86.11 to E Barnicoat for purchasing of website hosting, £384.95 to purchase a new bench for installation on the green from memorialbenchesuk, it was unanimously agreed to pay these.

c) Grant application received to be considered – the Clerk had circulated an application received for financial assistance towards the May Festival, this was reviewed and discussed. It was agreed to allocate a total of £330.50 to the May Festival, with a cheque for £165.60 to be paid payable to St John Ambulance, and £165.00 to Bedford Brass Band.

It was noted that the financial assistance application form provided was not the correct version, the Clerk to ensure the correct form is being circulated.

d) Appointment of internal auditor – the Council approved that Mrs J Betts be appointed as internal auditor for 2016/17 accounts, noting that this would be the second audit she had carried out. The Clerk to make the appropriate arrangements.

The Council noted the revised Section 137 limit for the financial year 2017/18.


a) Update regarding the ongoing discussions with Carey Homes and Borough Council officers regarding the transfer of the War Memorial – there had continued to be a number of communications regarding this matter between meetings. It was noted that the railings had been installed and those present commented that it had enhanced the area, with it looking very good. There had been further investigation regarding to ensure there is a sufficient recess where the slabs join the front plinth to enable a clear path for drainage needs and it was noted that there is drainage as part of the works undertaken at the site. The Council again wished to pass on their grateful thanks for the work that has been undertaken to date, following a professional clean of the memorial the Council would be happy to proceed with the transfer of the War Memorial.

b) 17/00495/FUL erection of a single storey workshop including greenhouse and woodshed as ancillary to extra care retirement village at land north of The Causeway – the Council had no objection to this application.

c) Other planning matters to include update on decisions made and the next stage of the Local Plan 2035 public consultation- it was noted following the information from the Planning Policy Officers at the Borough Council who had given more detailed information on the proposed next stage of consultation relating to the Local Plan 2035 document, this is still expected to take place mid April through to early June. It was also noted that the application relating to 8 Melrose Drive had still yet to be determined by the local authority. The Council also noted recent communications relating to Covanta.


a) Consideration of contribution to be made to a new bench on the Green – the Clerk had circulated the price of the Sandhurst three seat bench from the memorialbenchesuk website with the cost having been finalised and a cheque raised earlier in the meeting. It was agreed that delivery would be arranged to Cllr. Anderson.

Cllr. Hare declared an interest in this part of the item so took no part in the discussion. The quote received for the work to install the bench was discussed and it was unanimously agreed to approve Shaun Fountain to undertake the work.

b) To discuss the footpath survey latest – this was discussed and it was noted the lease had expired on the title document relating to the Medbury Lane lakes. Cllr. Wignall agreed to continue to pursue.

c) Community governance review update - the Clerk had collated a document which showed a map of the proposed area in detail and in relation to the whole parish of Elstow for ease of understanding when trying to seek electors support. The Clerk had arranged a meeting with the Wixams Parish Council representatives on this matter, the Clerk and Cllrs. Anderson, Miles and Carr had been in attendance as well. Wixams Parish Council had been aware of Elstow Parish Council's proposal so the next step was to collate the required number of signatories from electors. The best way to do this was discussed and it was agreed that five Parish Councillors and Cllr. Tim Hill would kindly support with this. The Clerk to confirm the required number of signatories needed at this stage of the consultation and Cllr. Anderson agreed to co-ordinate which areas of the parish each individual would visit.

d) Village website next steps discussion – the Clerk has continued to support the handover of the site directly. The Clerk had secured a website hosting service including data protection back-up, this information had been provided to the website developer to allow for the site transfer to take place. It is expected this is to take place shortly and the Clerk would work on populating the site when access to it is available.

e) Other village matters – the Clerk had circulated between meetings information relating to the expressway from Oxford to Cambridge, plans for the A1 and Highways England work programme for the local area.


There have been visual inspections taking place and the area is starting to be well used again, with the anti twist zip wire working well, which is pleasing. Cllr. Lammin added that alternatives are being looked at in place of the previously proposed table tennis tables.


NALC Events Bulletin emails

CPRE Campaign email updates

Age Partnership email promoting services

BBC Planning weekly list email

Online playgrounds promotional information

Communications regarding the village website

Copied into various communications Cllr Hill has sent to Officers

ERTA Voluntary Transport email

Clarification and enquiries relating to the community governance review

Numerous communications regarding War Memorial area, and Conservation Officer

Crime statistics

Confirmation of items reported to highways helpdesk being logged

Newsletter articles being received

Update regarding speedwatch signs has been received by the police

Fence panel by Medbury Lane communications

Elstow Playing Field quiz

Consultation confirmation regarding allocation of Wilstead neighbourhood area being designated

Communications regarding Ward Fund applications being progressed

Beds and MK Waterway newsletter

Highways England East maintenance programme

Invite to local policing quarterly priority meeting with PC Crozier


Beds Police North Rural Community police team email

BATPC information on a free information and networking event on 28th March

BBC Planning Policy email with details of the Local Plan 2035 document going to Executive

ROWIP survey

BRCC e-bulletin

Highways England Capital Works Programme in the area – circulated

Section 137 limit confirmed for 17-18 from BATPC of £7.57

Police community cohesion letter received

Development concerns raised regarding 16 Wigram Close

Came and Company insurers issues with their telephone number

Items reported to environmental team including the barb wire and the tarmac at the Romsey Way MUGA

BBC email regarding register of interest forms and Council membership

Communications regarding clarification of street lights on Church End from highways

Information circulated regarding the next stage of the Rookery Pit application

BATPC information on the services they offer and whether the PC would like to join

Request for grant application form from Playing Field Committee

Request for grant application form from May Festival organisers

14. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: - Tuesday 18th April 2017 at 7.30pm, meeting closed 8.50pm

Signed ......

Dated ......