Colin Barthorpe, Geoff Blakeman, Julia Gill (JPG), Paul Box-Grainger, Martyn Gallivan, Jackie Gibbs (JG), Tony Kelleher,
Val Sassall
Meeting opened at 10.00am with a welcome from PBG to TK attending his first selection meeting.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of Meeting 28th Nov 2009
There was a query as to whether the minutes accurately reflected the decisions that had been made regarding watching strategy post Christmas. Following a detailed discussion it was agreed that the minutes as written were an accurate record of that meeting. Certain refinements to the watching strategy were then agreed.
3. Domestic & International Tournament Appointments
Before considering the proposals for the various tournaments that will take place through to July, there was a discussion regarding fitness test policy. There was some uncertainty as to whether the current Association policy applied to tournament appointments as well as panel promotion. In view of this uncertainty, the appointments were made on the basis that all available members were eligible for consideration for appointment to tournaments but that the policy should be clarified with the Executive. ACTION: MTG to raise at next NPUA Executive meeting.
There was also a discussion re the availability and the resulting fact that people were changing their availability after the deadline, so selectors had difference information depending upon when they had downloaded or printed the report. MTG was asked to discuss with the Exec a “freeze” on the system at a certain point between then and the selection meeting so we all had identical info. ACTION: MTG to raise at next NPUA Executive meeting
After extensive discussions, the appointments were agreed. Some of these are to be published as soon as practicable, whilst others will need to be held in abeyance until the composition of the tournament and the Match Schedules are known.
ACTION: CLB to publish appointments within the agreed time frames.
The Panel also considered draft appointments for a number of various age level tournaments, which had been drafted by VS in consultation with NYUAG. A number of queries and suggestions were made and it was agreed that these should be referred to NYUAG for further discussions.
ACTION: VS to refer the various matters raised to NYUAG before publication of appointments.
4. Umpire Manager Appointments
Finally, the Panel considered the appointment of Umpire Managers for all tournaments, the draft of which had been prepared by the Coaching and Development Manager.
ACTION: CLB to publish appointments as soon as practicable.
5. GB Report
JPG gave an update on GB matters, and in particular the details of the GBPOP meeting that had been held on 6 February. Among the items discussed were the known details of the GB Super League, the draft GBPOP budget proposals, use of GameBreaker and a proposed Performance Level seminar to be held during the Women’s Champions Trophy.
6. Assessor Update
MTG and JPG gave a verbal update on the programme for increasing the number of assessors used on the national programme.
At its last meeting, the NPUA Executive had asked for a role description for assessors. MTG had previously circulated a draft and, following a minor amendment, it was agreed to forward the document to the Executive.
ACTION: MTG to present Assessor Role Description to next Executive meeting.
7. Development Groups
PBG and MTG gave the Panel an update on the proposals for Development Groups that will be held between now and August at the EHL Rotterdam, Playoffs Cannock, WCT Nottingham and U21 Champs Lille.
8. Meeting dates
§ Jun 19th 2010 - Venue to be advised.
9. Any other business
9.1. Women’s IDG
JPG gave the Panel an update on the progress of the Women’s IDG.
9.2. Panel Upgrading
GB raised a query over the timing of the fitness test relative to watchings.
ACTION: MTG to clarify with Executive.
9.3. UM Pathway Paper
PBG referred to the draft UM Pathway paper that he presented to the previous meeting. He had amended it in the light of various comments made and the revised draft was considered. It was agreed that this paper should now be forwarded to the Executive.
ACTION: MTG to present UM Pathway Paper to the next Executive Meeting.
9.4. Consensus of Understanding
PBG advised the Panel that at a meeting with David Faulkner and Dave Dowdall, David raised he had been approached by Danny Kerry with a suggestion that he meets with the women’s Premier Panel for a discussion on emerging issues at international level. It was agreed that this was an excellent CPD opportunity for the Women’s Premier Panel and that such a meeting should be supported
ACTION: DD to take this forward with Danny Kerry and DF, and keep JPG informed.
There being no other matters, the meeting closed at 2pm with thanks to PBG for taking the Chair, MTG for arranging the venue, VS for taking the minutes, and all for their participation.
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