Minutes of the EFS Executive Committee
12th May 2004
Brighton International Conference Centre, UK
Present: Robert Porto, Antonio Palha, Kevan Wylie, ,Mireille Bonierbale, Salvatore Caruso, Marc Ganem, Moshe Mock, Piet Nijs, Ursula Pasini, Chiara Simonelli & Ondrej Trojan
Apologies: Willy Pasini
1. Minutes of 17th November 2003
The minutes of the executive council held in Istanbul, Turkey were accepted with the following two revisions:
Antonio Palha raised two points. First the News Letter was the responsibility of Robert Porto. Secondly Antonio wished to clarify that he was not a member of the board of the Portuguese Society for Sexology.
A second matter was raised by Mireille Bonierbale who commented that the meeting in January 2005 is in Mauritius and not Martinique.
2. Presidents report
The presidents report was tabled. Robert commented on the meetings of the executive council in Limassol and Havana. He reported that he had accepted and endorsed the new EFS logo as alternatives provided to him from the Pfizer France Group were not acceptable. He mentioned the listing of erroneous Societies and how we must deal with these. He mentioned he had issued a newsletter in March. He raised the matter of bursaries which need further attention and indicated that at the next congress we should be working towards establishing a PCO, having the whole of the Executive Committee involved more in the programme and clearer rules have now been devised for the further congresses of the federation which were posted on the website in March 2004.
3. General Secretary and Treasurers Report
a. Organistions who have paid for 2003/4
The organisations who have paid for 2003/4 and 2004/5 were tabled.
b. Proposal to remove non-paying associations and societies
It was the proposal of the General Secretary that non-paying associations and societies and those who are untraceable should be removed from the membership list. It was agreed by the executive committee that if no subscription or contact is possible in the next financial year (2005-6) then the names of these societies would be struck from the Federation list. Every effort will be made to contact these societies by all the EC memebers
Action – KRW/All
c. Requests for membership and potential members
Request for membership and potential members were raised. Invitations were specifically sent to interested parties and it was hoped that new members would join during the time of the congress.
d. Accountancy for EFS accounts
The EFS accounts were presented for the first time in detail to the Executive Council. The French account had a closing balance on the 1st March 2004 of €13 034.16. The UK account had a closing balance on the 1st March 2004 of £2706.26 (€3816.11) (using the conversion rate of 1.41 euros to 1 pound). It was agreed that for subsequent years that a more detailed breakdown would be provided to the EC. In addition it was proposed by M Mock that the accounting year be considered to moved from 1st January to 31st December each year. It was agreed that when accountancy is introduced to the reporting system that advice would be sought and possibly changed at that time.
e. Proposal for one account
It was proposed by the General Secretary the French EFS account be closed and the balance transferred in its entirety to the UK treasurers account. The majority decision was that this should occur as soon as practicable as there is no reason for two accounts to be held by the Federation. Having one account will allow for easier accountancy procedures and will also hopefully allow for application for European grants. It was also proposed that it be considered a possibility for the President of the Federation have a credit card. It was agreed that this would be investigated further and Robert Porto and Kevan Wylie attended the HSBC Bank in Brighton.
Postscript: there are cost implications to move to an account where there is a credit card directly linked to the Treasurers account. To save this monthly fee KRW will table alternative proposals for reimbursement of expenses of EC members.
Action: KRW/RP
f. European community grants
This matter was raised and further advice would be sought once proper accountancy procedures are in place for the Federation.
g. Pharmaceutical grants to EFS
These may be a further source of income and Robert Porto was investigating this matter further.
Action: RP
4. Procedural Matters
a. Appointment of a president - elect
It was agreed that as no nominations had been received one month before the EC that no president-elect could be elected despite this having been agreed as a benefit to the Federation in Limassol. It was embarrassing for some EC members that this had occurred. It was suggested that we aim to have submissions one month before the EC planned for Montreal.
Action: KRW
b. EFS Medals
It was agreed that Erwin Haeberle and Maj Briht Bergstrom-Walan should be awarded EFS medals. A presentation of the certificate and champagne was to be made as the Gala Dinner of the EFS 2004 meeting. Separately medals will be cast and awarded at a later date.
Action: KRW
6. General Assembly
a. The procedures for the General Assembly were agreed were and instigated.
7. Proposal for a decision making body other that the executive and GA with each table having representation.
Ondrej Trojan suggested that each country should have one vote. Ursula also said that for countries with many societies it would be difficult to agree to be represented by one of the socities for ideological reasons. Marc Ganem suggested that we await the detail of the size of organisations once the database is complete.
8. Review of tasks agreed and progress reports
a. Epidemiology
Robert Porto is to join the committee with Chiara Simonelli and Salavatore Caruso to move this forward.
Action: CS/SC/RP
b. Newsletter
Robert Porto agreed with a suggestion from Ursula, seconded by Piet to have a column called ‘psychosocial sexology’ ad insisted that all of us can have columns or propose aerticles for newsletters.
Action: UP
c. Promotion of the Federation
i. Moshe Mock informed the Federation executive committee that the recent wars had inhibited him progressing into the middle east. He suggested that there was interest in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.
ii. Ursula Pasini reported that German societies had annual meetings in May and June so could not attend Brighton. Ursula is in talks with some societies and will send details to the general secretary.
Action: UP
d. Teaching programmes
Piet Nijs issued a report which Robert Porto asked to be submitted to the newsletter.
Action: PN/RP
e. Stationary
Each member of the EC requested additional stationary and 50 headed letters and envelopes will be provided to each.
Action: BMW
9. Website
a. Layout and Content
It was agreed that the content of the website is good. It was suggested that a link be made to the WAS website particularly for definitions of sexual medicine, sexology, sexual health etc. and to other sexological societies in Europe.
Action: KRW
b. Approval of URL (website) links
In general it was agreed that a proposal be circulated to the EC and 14 days given for comment.
c. Ethic college
Mireille Bonierbale is to table further details on an ethics college.
Action: MB
10. Correspondence to EFS
a. Marj Thoburn
This matter was raised. Robert Porto informed the EC that he had dealt with this matter by letter.
11. European Diploma in Sexology/Sexual Medicine
a. Progress
It was reported that John Prior from the ESSM is leading this project and a joint seminar was planned during the EFS 2004 meeting. This took place on 13th May. Seperae notes will follow that meeting.
Action: KRW/JP
12. Tenders for 2006 & 2008
a. Selection criteria and new rules of engagement
It was agreed that differential fees and reduced fees as well as translation should be provided at all EFS meetings subject to minimum numbers. The rules of engagement were circulated and have been on the website since March 2004. These must be adhered to.
Action: RP/OT
b. EFS Bursaries
Five bursaries were awarded for the EFS 2004 meeting. It was suggested that this be much clearer within rules of engagement after the 2006 meeting.
Action: RP
c. EFS Prizes for research submissions
This was generally agreed as a good point and funding should be sought.
Action: RP
d. Abstract licences
A proposal by Rogers Medical to distribute the abstracts from the meeting and the federation obtain $500 as a grant for the meeting was tabled. It was decided that this would be reviewed further and the papers were subsequently signed by Antonio Palha as Vice President on behalf of EFS.
Action: AP/KRW
e. Role of EFS EC Members
It was agreed that the EC members should be more involved in helping the president of the site meeting to prepare the event.
Action: All
f. Appointment of a PCO
It was proposed that this be considered although no definite decision made.
g. Bids
Bids had been received by Prague, Marseille, and Istanbul. These were discussed and a recommendation decided by a majority that the 2006 meeting be in Marseille and 2008 in Prague. U Pasinin suggested the amount the organising society should pay to EFS be submitted to the GA as €20000 may discourage socieiteis withn less contact with pharmaceutical industry.
13. Other Meetings
a. Mauritius January 2005
Mireille Bonierbale is organising this meeting. It will be EFS & SFMS in scientific collaboration with AIHUS, SALF, CNGOF, SFSC, etc.
Action: MB
b. Local and regional conferences
Antonio suggested that specialist subject short meetings should take place at low cost fees, involving, for instance, close regions or countries.. To promote this there should be two board members involved in the meeting and the logo of EFS accepted. Robert Porto reminded everybody that the benefit of membership for associations was that board members could attend and provide frontline speeches.
Action: AP
c. Other world meetings with EFS participation
This matter was not discussed.
14. Should we be EFS or EuroFS
Not discussed.
15. Journal Report
Not discussed.
16. AOB
It was proposed that 2008 that a meeting be held in Geneva in recognition of 30 years of the federation. This was proposed by Ursula and seconded by Piet.
Action: UP/PN