Minutes of the District Six Annual General Meeting

Saturday April 22, 2017

At "The Greens at Renton" golf clubhouse in Simcoe (Concession 14)

1.Call to Order by DistrictDirector, Donna Hussey at 9:00 am.

2.Welcome: Donna welcomed all delegates, pointed out the local restaurant list for lunch,and reminded delegates that Eising Greenhouses & Garden Centre would have special offers for horticultural society members for the day.

She thanked:

Danielle, the Greens Coordinator, for her management of the event,

The AGM Planning Committee of 12 society representatives,

Elizabeth Schleicherfor being the official photographer for the day, and

Carol Mathison for providing the celebration cake - Canada's 150th and District Six's 90th anniversaries. Cake will be served at the break.

3.Donna Hussey introduced the dignitaries of the day:

  • Mayor Charlie Luke, of Norfolk County, brought greetings from the "Ontario's Garden" and addressed the meeting. (He was unable to stay for the remainder of the meeting.)
  • Sandra Hartill, OHA District18 Director (Bracebridge,) was introduced. Sharon attended the meeting with her husbandJohn.

Sandra Hartill brought greetings from the OHA and read out a letter fromthe OHA President in which Suzanne Hanna expressed her regrets for being unable to attend. The letter included a story from Suzanne with the following moral: "We can have joy while changing the world but it won't be easy. We have to challenge ourselves and accept risk in order to create real change." Effecting change requires work and struggle, and Suzanne encouraged us to continue to make change in all our undertakings.

OHA Issues:

  • Garden Ontario Week June 10-18 (in its third year). There are new resources on the OHA site for use by societies. Sandra asked that societies plan and publicize events on the website.
  • Pollinator Initiative. As a joint effort with the provincialgovernment, a pollinator garden will be built at Queen's Park.

Each society was asked by OMAFRA to submit a list of ten best pollinator plants in its area. Funds were sent to each OHA District Director in March for building a pollinator garden. Catherine, our new District Director, will submit a report and pictures in June that will be show-cased at the 2017 Convention. All information has been posted with theConservation and Environmental Committee available for downloading.

  • Sign up early for the 2017 convention in Richmond Hill to get the "early bird" registration rate.
  • Sandra brought to the attention of the members the two OHA Honorarium positionsavailable with the OHA at a stipend of $1500 each per year. Anyone can apply. Positions are:

OHA Web Administrator

OHA Communications Coordinator

Contact OHA secretary, Kelly Taylor,for job descriptions.

  • OHA Website

Final changes to update all information on the site is now in progress. Each society is asked to review and update its society website to ready it for the move to the new gardenontario site.

  • Secretary, Treasurer Bonding Insurance Fund (STBI fund.) This fund began in 1992 and,as there were never any claims made on the fund,was ended in 2013. The money left in the fund after 2013 had to either be used for a purpose similar to the original intention or be returned to the contributors. A resolution is still to be approved (see resolutions for the 2017 OHA Convention) to allow for the money left in the fundto be distributed to all societies who paid into the STBI fund. The amount of the return will be calculated as percentage of what each society paid into the fund. Not every OHA society paid into the fund. If a society disbanded during the time when the STBI fund existed, the funds due them will be paid to the District. Legal costs, but no other costs, will be paid out of the fund prior to disbursement. The reimbursement cheques from the OHA will be distributed sometime in 2018.

For more information on the STBI Fund, please contact Suzanne Hanna or OHA treasurer Mary Donnelly at .

4.A motionwas made by Gord Roberts (Haldimand), seconded by Carol Mathison (Georgetown),.to accept the agenda as presented in the "Let's Celebrate"(Canada's 150th and District Six's 90th anniversary) brochure. Carried.

5.A motion was made by Lianne Krane (Milton), seconded by Liz Henderson (Flam borough, to accept the minutes of the District Six AGM 2016. Carried

6.The financial report was presented by Bob Wilt who explained that his method of accounting is done in a comparative, rather than a cash flow,manner so that financial practices can be compared year to year. Bob reported that District Six has a healthy cash flow due to the funds the District raised at the silent auction at the 2015 OHA convention.Moved by Bob Wilt (Ancaster), seconded by Sandi Remedios (Burlington), the audited financial statement be accepted as presented. Carried. (See Appendix 1 - Auditor's Report and Appendix 2 - Financial Report at the end of these minutes.)

7.The 2016 secretarial report was presented by Marie Decker and included information on meetings attended, minutes recorded, the District Constitution and By-laws update, correspondence, district liaison, and the 2016 "In Memoriam" list. A motion was made by MarieDecker (Oakville), seconded by Catherine McGill (Haldimand), that the secretarial report be accepted as presented. Carried.

8.The yearly report (Year in Review) was presented by Donna Hussey, District Director.

  • 2401 dedicated members amassed 42,778.25 volunteer hours in 2016; the District Director amassed 661.75 hours; and the Assistant District Directors (ADD's) 794 hours.
  • In 2016, special anniversary recognition awards were presented to Paris, Ancaster, Glen Morris, Stoney Creek, St.George, and Simcoe.
  • Donna reported on the number of District meetings, District events, and OHA meetings she attended during the year.
  • Donna took incumbent District Director, Catherine Mc Gill,with her to the last OHA Board meeting to allow her to gain some experience at the OHA Board level. At the time, an email motion was made by Marie Decker, seconded by Barb Bell, and carried, that District Six would pay for the cost Catherine's hotel room.
  • Attendance at District events in 2016;
  • District Spring Breakfast meeting - 81, AGM and Flower Show - 131, Fall Breakfast meeting - 49 and Fall Dinner - 147.
  • The 110th OHA Convention in Waterloowas attended by nine District Six societies. The District handed out $1,125 to societies that participated in the convention and applied to the District for monetary assistance. This was a one-time program provided by monies made by the District at the 2015 OHA convention.
  • District Six donated $200 toward a speaker at the 2016 OHA convention and $1,000 to Highway of Heroes. Donna reported that the OHA, through all its Districts and its own donation, presented a cheque for $29,575.60 to the Highway of Heroes.
  • District Six participated in the Hamilton Chrysanthemum Show (volunteers organized by Leslie Hamilton of Ancaster), conducted two member surveys (Sandi Remedios), and started the new District newsletter,the "District Six Dirt" (Rita Ladjansky and Donna Hussey).
  • Donnaand her sister Amandaenjoyed get-a-way gift presented as a thank-you for her exceptional work leading the District through the 2015 OHA convention.
  • A motion was made by Donna Hussey, seconded By Helene Brule-Besner(Winona), to accept the 2016 activities of the District Six Board. Carried.

9.Donna announced that the District had received $200 to create a pollinator garden and asked district members to present potential locations and plans for a pollinator garden in District Six. As of April 15, she had no replies. Donna had also asked for a list from each Society of the top-ten pollinator plants in its area. These requests had also been announced in the spring "District Six Dirt."

10.District Six Constitution and By-laws:

One amendment to the Constitution and the five amendments to the By-laws had been presented previously to each society,and at the District Six Spring Breakfast meeting, and were published in the District Six Dirt and on the District Six website.

The amendments and the detailed changes can be read on the District website and in the last District Six minutes of the February25, 2017 business meeting.

Each amendment was reviewed separately, discussed, and voted on at this meeting.

  • Constitution, Article 1. - Membership:

Moved by Barry Catley (Bronte), seconded by Barb Bell (Lynden), this amendment be accepted as proposed. Carried unanimously.

  • By-law Article 1. - Membership:

Moved by Helen Bishop (Lynden), seconded by Elizabeth Schleicher (Burlington), this amendment be accepted as proposed. Carried unanimously.

  • By-laws 2.3 and 2.4 - Appointing and Selection of Board members, secretary and treasurer:

Moved by Barry Catley (Bronte), seconded by Gord Roberts (Haldimand), this amendment be accepted as proposed. Carried unanimously.

  • By-law 3.4 - Code of Conduct:

Moved by Barb Bell (Lynden), seconded by Liz Henderson (Flamborough), this addition to the By-laws be accepted as proposed. Carried unanimously.

  • By-law 2.6 - Indemnification of Directors and Officers:

Moved by Catherine McGill (Haldimand), seconded by Helene Brule-Besner(Winona), this addition to the By-laws be accepted as proposed. Carried unanimously.

  • By-law 6.3 - Duties of Assistant Directors:

Moved by John Baine (Flamborough), seconded by Shirley Steedman (St. George), this amendment be accepted as proposed. Carried unanimously.


Tree Grants - St George, Flamborough, Port Dover Woodhouse, Paris,Brantford, and Simcoe.

Community Garden Grant - Flamborough

Special Recognition Anniversary Awards:

Delhi - 35

Oakville -60

Waterford - 60

Mt Hamilton - 90

Port Dover and Woodhouse - 120

Brantford - 165

Special Thank-you Awards for Hosts of District Events in 2016:

Glen Morris -Spring Breakfast Meeting

D6 Executive - Annual General Meeting &Flower Show

Norfolk County Societies - Fall Breakfast Meeting

Milton - Fall Dinner

OHA Award, District Service Award - Margaret Larson (Oakville).The nomination was read by Marie Decker. Catherine McGill will present the award at the Oakville Horticultural Society meeting in June 2017.

District Appreciation Awards:

Louise Hammond(Port Dover & Woodhouse)

Rita Ladjanski (Acton)

Mavis Baker (Ancaster)

Freda Flook (Milton)

Sandra Hartill presented an OHA award to Mount Hamilton on the occasion of its90th anniversary

Increased membership Award - Brantford - at 39.41 % (Delhi was only 0.5% less)

Incentive award for most members attending the AGM - Delhi

Tree Dedication - $100 was donated to the Highway of Heroes to purchase a tree,instead of planting a tree and installing a plaque.

12.Nominating Committee Report (John Baine)

John introduced the slate of District Six Directors and Officers for 2017-2018 as follows:

  • District Director - Catherine McGill
  • Assistant District Directors:
  • Jenny Blunt
  • Barb Bell
  • Marie Decker
  • Louise Hammond
  • Lianne Krane
  • Mel Osborne
  • Bob Wilt
  • Treasurer - Bob Wilt
  • Secretary - Marie Decker
  • Auditors - Trudy Bleidung and Lee Van Spronsen

Sandra Hartill carried out the election and induction and congratulated the new District Six Board.

Sandra Hartill thanked Donna for her past five years of dedicated service to the OHA and the District. During those years, Donna planned and ran an OHA convention in spite of health issues at the time, and organized and ran two major OHA fund-raisers. Sandra presented Donna with a card and OHA logoed tree ornament with Donna'sname engraved on the back.

Donna presented Catherine McGill with a District Director pin and welcomed her as the new District Six Director.

Catherine presented Donna with a Past-District Director pin and thanked Donna for her service to District Six.

Jenny Blunt and Louise Hammond were presented with Assistant District Director pins.

Donna thanked Gord Roberts for stepping in as a temporary ADD in 2016-2017. She thanked the out-going Board.

13.Catherine, as the new District Director, confirmed the following 2017-2018 events:

  • 2017 Fall Breakfast Meeting, September 23 - Mount Hamilton, speaker Rob Howard.
  • 2017 Fall Dinner, November 4, Delhi & District, speaker May Leonard.
  • 2018 Spring Breakfast Meeting, Haldimand.
  • 2018 AGM - host needed. (It was suggested that the Spring Breakfast meeting and the AGM be combined.)
  • 2018 Fall Dinner - Brantford.
  • A spreadsheet of previously hosted events created by Gord Roberts was shared with participants.
  • Catherine provided the new Speakers' List and form mailed out to each society (thanks to Cathy Kavassalis, of Oakville). She confirmed that each speaker should sign the form, provide their name, and contact information, at which point the name could be added to the speakers' list. Catherine asked each society to bring an updated speakers' list to the next district meeting. Donna and Catherine brought the speakers' list up at the spring OHA Board meeting where they are on a committee to amend the OHA reporting documents to allow speakersto be included on the OHA reporting form in a manner that is useable by societies (contact information included).
  • RBG Plant Faire - Leslie Hamilton will coordinate volunteers.

14.In Memoriam was read by Lianne Krane and Barb Bell, followed by one minute of silence.

15.District Tablecloths and Signs Loan Program - Barb Bell described how the loan program for the District would work. Societies will be able to book out the equipment with a returnable fee. Included are the Trillium banner, the "Come Grow with Us" banner, the tablecloth with D6 logo, theWelcome banner,and the four roadside directional signs. Items and dates booked will be posted on the District Six website. Contact Barb Bell for more information or to book out an item.

16.The District executive presented Donnawith a metal garden treeornament as a thank-you gift for her years as District Six Director. All members signed the wrapping in lieu of a card.Donna was given a standing ovation.

17.A motion to adjourn the business meeting was moved by Sandi Remedios, seconded byBobWilt. Carried.

The refreshment break was followed by an informative talk by guest speaker, Kevin Kavanagh, of South Coast Gardens & Consulting - "Choice Trees and Shrubs worth Celebrating in District Six Gardens." Kevin brought some shrubs for sale. Gord Roberts introduced and thanked the speaker.

The door prize draw and 50/25/25 draw concluded the afternoon program.

[Following the conclusion of the meeting, Catherine McGill convened a mini executive meeting to share contact information of the new ADD's and to allocate Society liaisons to the new ADD's.]

Appendix 1

OHA Auditor's Report

Appendix 2 - OHA District Six Financial Reports

December 31, 2016

2015 / 2016 / Change
Annual General Meeting / $1,534.15 / $1,763.00 / $228.85
Annual General Meeting Sponsorships / $275.00 / $0.00 / ($275.00)
Fall Dinner Tickets (not held in 2015) / $0.00 / $5,250.00 / $5,250.00
Society Dues / $834.50 / $1,304.50 / $461.00
Judging School Registrations / $1,037.00 / $0.00 / ($1,037.00)
Judging School Grant / $300.00 / $0.00 / ($300.00)
Draw Tickets / $182.00 / $178.50 / ($3.50)
Other Income / $0.00 / $100.00 / $100.00
Other Fundraisers / $0.00 / $440.00 / $440.00
2015 Convention Residual / $5,232.24 / $0.00 / ($5,232.24)
2015 Convention Advance returned / $1,000.00 / $0.00 / ($1,000.00)
Total Revenue / $10,403.89 / $9,036.00 / ($1,367.89)
Annual General Meeting, incl. rent / $1,123.44 / $1,072.69 / $50.75
Fall Dinner, incl. rent (not held in 2015) / $0.00 / $5,184.30 / ($5,184.30)
Donations Made / $0.00 / $1,000.00 / ($1,000.00)
Spring Breakfast Meeting / $250.00 / $348.88 / ($98.88)
Fall Breakfast Meeting (not held in 2015) / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Newsletter / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
Mileage / $1,014.04 / $1,141.85 / ($127.81)
Office Supplies / $55.80 / $79.32 / ($23.52)
Postage / $41.02 / $0.00 / $41.02
OHA Convention / $150.00 / $1,423.22 / ($1,273.22)
Fundraisers / $6.52 / $455.00 / ($448.48)
Judging School / $1,818.99 / $0.00 / $1,818.99
Speakers / $200.00 / $0.00 / $200.00
Awards / $0.00 / $50.57 / ($50.57)
Bank Fees / $24.80 / $174.91 / ($150.11)
Signage/Banners/Ribbons / $209.05 / $214.70 / ($5.65)
Mum Show / $87.66 / $0.00 / $87.56
Other Expense / $59.99 / $220.99 / ($160.00)
Total Expenses / $5,041.31 / $11,366.33 / ($6,325.02)
Surplus (Deficit) - current fiscal year / $5,362.58 / ($2,330.33) / ($7,692.91)