Cllr. P. Brennan
Members present:
Cllrs. J Reilly,A. McCabe, F Deane, S. Cassells, P. Fitzsimons,
S. Jamal, P Toibin & J.Holloway
Officials present:
Mr. Eugene Cummins, Town Manager
Mr. Shane Donnelly, Town Clerk
Ms. Fiona Fallon, Town Engineer
Mr. Sean Clarke, A/Senior Staff Officer
Confirmation of Minutes
Confirmation of Minutes of the November Monthly Meeting of Navan Town Council held on 2nd November 2010 at 7pm in the Town Council Chamber, Townhall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath.
The Minutes of the November Monthly Meeting of Navan Town Council held on 2nd November 2010 at 7pm in the Town Council Chamber, Townhall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath were adopted on the proposal of Cllr A McCabe, seconded by Cllr S Jamal
On the proposal of Cllr J Holloway, seconded by Cllr S Jamal, it was resolved by the Members to suspend standing orders to discuss issues relating to Townparks Estate, Trim Rd, Navan, Co Meath in particular a report in the news paper that the Council were to carry out a planned housing maintenance scheme in the estate.
A detailed discussion then ensued in respect of the matter
Correspondence and Reports
Broccostella Italy:
The Members received and noted correspondence from our Twinned town of Broccostella, Italy informing the Members that their Local March Band “Evan Gorga” of over 50 people are willing to attend and take part in the St Patricks Day festival in Navan in the coming year.
Each of the Members welcomed the correspondence as circulated and looked forward to meeting the delegation on their arrival.
On the proposal of Cllr P Brennan, seconded by Cllr S Cassells it was agreed by the Members that a letter would issue to the Mayor of Broccostella, Sergio Cippitelli expressing the wishes of the Members.
Meath Arts Group:
The Members received and noted correspondence from Meath Arts Group thanking the Council for their support of the group throughout the year.
Our LadysHospital, Navan
The Members received and noted correspondence from the HSE in respect of Our Lady’s Hospital, Navan dated 19th November and 23rd November.
To consider the Draft Anti Social Behaviour Strategy prepared in accordance with Section 35 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 in respect of the prevention and reduction of Anti Social Behaviour in the Housing Stock of Navan Town Council and if thought fit to adopt same .
The Members received and noted the Draft Antisocial Behaviour Strategy with summary and response to submissions received in respect of same.
Having considered the draft strategy and response to submissions received in respect of same, on the proposal of Cllr J Reilly, seconded by Cllr A McCabe, it was resolved by the Members of Navan Town Council to adopt the Draft Anti Social Behaviour Strategy prepared in accordance with Section 35 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 in respect of the prevention and reduction of Anti Social Behaviour in the Housing Stock of Navan Town Council.
To receive Preliminary Report on proposed Review of Car Parking Bye-Laws in respect of the administrative area of NavanTown Council
The Members received and noted a Preliminary Report on proposed Review of Car Parking Bye-Laws in respect of the administrative area of Navan Town Council which was presented to them by the Town Clerk.
The Officials present responded to any queries raised by the Members
To receive Preliminary Report on proposed Review of Parking Place Bye-Laws in respect of the administrative area of NavanTown Council
The Members received and noted a Preliminary Reporton proposed Review of Parking Place Bye-Laws in respect of the administrative area of Navan Town Council
The Officials present responded to any queries raised by the Members
To receive information on NavanTown Council – Christmas Operation Free Flow.
The Members received and noted information in relation to the Navan Town Council – Christmas Operation Free Flow Campaign which was delivered to them by the Town Clerk.
To fix a date for the holding of the Statutory Budget Meeting for 2011.
On the proposal of Cllr F Deane, seconded by Cllr S Cassells it was resolved by the Members of Navan Town Council to hold the Preliminary Budget Meeting for the financial year ending 31st December 2011 at 7pm on Thursday 7th January 2011 in the Council Chamber, Townhall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath.
On the proposal of Cllr F Deane, seconded by Cllr S Cassells it was resolved by the Members of Navan Town Council to hold the Statutory Budget Meeting for the financial year ending 31st December 2011 at 6.30pm on Tuesday 11th January 2011 in the Council Chamber, Townhall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath.
To fix a date for the holding of the January Monthly Meeting of Navan Town Council
On the proposal of Cllr A McCabe seconded by Cllr J Reilly it was resolved by the Members to hold the January Monthly Meeting of Navan Town Council at 7pm on the 11th January 2011 in The Council Chamber, Townhall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath.
Notice of Question
Question to the Manager – Cllr Padraig Fitzsimons
“What is the position regarding reducing parking rates on Kennedy Place as this area is not "off street parking" and therefore is not subject to VAT”
The Members received and noted a written response from The Town Manager in response to the question from Cllr Fitzsimons.
Question to the Manager – Cllr Francis Deane
“What emergency plans are in place to cover the Christmas Holiday period if the is to be a repeat of the artic conditions which we experienced last year?”
The Members received and noted a written response from The Town Manager which was circulated to the Members in response to the question from Cllr Deane
Notices of Motion
Notice of Motion – Cllr Jim Holloway
“Navan Town Council, will, in the interest of pedestrian safety and sustainable development provide footpaths at Athboy Road Roundabout and Knockumber Road to link residential areas of NavanTown with new RetailPark”
This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr J Holloway and seconded by Cllr P Toibin.
Notice of Motion – Cllr Jim Holloway
“Navan Town Council will, in the interests of pedestrian safety and sustainable development take immediate measures to have public lighting provided along the pedestrian way linking AthlumneyCastle with Athlumney Abbey”
This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr J Holloway and seconded by Cllr P Toibin
It was agreed that the Notice of Motion would be amended to include the re-design of the entrance also.
Notice of Motion – Cllr Suzanne Jamal
“In relation to the allocation of funding to other bodies, I am calling on Navan Town Council to put in place a system whereby any such applications from organisations would be sought on a 6 monthly basis and that issues such as: compliance with tax requirements, benefits accrued to Navan Town Council and report on value for money achieved would be submitted for assessment”.
This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr S Jamal and seconded by Cllr J Holloway. Following a discussion on the matter it was agreed that the Town Clerk would examine the matter and come back to the Members with a proposal for dealing with all such applications.
Notice of Motion – Cllr Padraig Fitzsimons
“I propose the motion that roadworks be carried out at Ratholdren/Randlestown as it is impossible for two cars to pass at same time without entering on to the margin”
As the matter fell within the remit of Meath Co Council it was agreed to refer it to the Navan Electoral Area Committee for consideration
Notice of Motion – Cllr Francis Deane
“With regards to Mullaghboy Industrial Estate which consists of retailing, wholesale, manufacturing and processing outlets, many of the tenants would like to see a more attractive entrance, improved footpaths (providing wheelchair access) and road resurfacing. Following the enhancement carried out at BeechmountHomePark the feedback from both consumers and occupiers of units has been very positive.”
This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr F Deane and seconded by Cllr A McCabe.
Managers Orders
The Members received and noted the Managers Orders as previously circulated
- On the proposal of Cllr J Reilly, seconded by Cllr A McCabe it was resolved by the Members to hold a Civic Reception in recognition of the achievements of the Athlumney Abbey Estate in the Co-operation Ireland All-Island Pride of Place Competition 2010
- Mayor Phil Brennan informed the Members that he was proposing to cancel the Mayors dinner and to donate the cost of same to St Vincent De Paul and the Alzheimer’s Association.
- Gritting required at the following junctions:
- Emmett Tce / Brew hill junction
- Junction of Blackcastle shopping Centre and Proudstown Rd
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Signed: ______
Signed: ______
Town Clerk
Date: ______
03. Minutes of December Monthly Meeting 07 12 10.docPage 1 of 6
Navan Town Council, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath
Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, web: Email: