Minutes of the Committee of the Old Modernians RUFC held on Tuesday 21st July 2009 at 8.40pm.

Present; Ian Armitage, Graeme Greenfield, Owen Walker, John Bracewell, Joe Faulkner, Dave Lowe, Darren Sadkowski, Sam Frazer, Simon Leeds, Andy Lowe, Jock.

Apologies; Chris Wilson.

Minutes of Previous Meeting; Accepted.

Matters Arising;

IA requested updates re the following;

Rowing machine – ongoing.

Sponsorship – GG dealing re clarification.

Roof- GG covering this in Association report.

Taxi Vouchers – JF to pursue.

Dinner Dance – GG arranging meeting.

Lighting in small lounge – GG to deal in Association report.

Calendar – AL to update but dates known and fees debated.

Tour Ring-fence – JB to pursue with league.

Pruning – to be covered.

Physio – AL reported that a suitable student found and to attend duly.

Gym No. – DS to pursue.

Adam Burgin – IA gave details of discipline matter and the outcome of speaking to the member previously that night, JB to notify Association.

YRFU President – JB dealing.

Treasurer’s Report;

GG reported monies held to be £2547.65p which is quite low for the section.


JB reported only RFU newspaper and distributed.

Entertainment’s Secretary;

Not present.

1st XV Capt;

Not present but SF had nothing to report. An inter-sports event was discussed for August Bank Holiday – to be consulted with JR.

2nd XV Capt;

JF was hoping to acquire a new sponsor but the matter was still being pursued.

3rd XV Capt;

Jock mentioned the Roundhegians 10’s on 15/8 and was willing to enter a team and deal, however, we should check on no.s before committing to the event. GG added that we did not attend the Burley tag event recently despite indicating that we would enter, after debate JB to write to Burley RUFC to apologise.

Coaching Report;

AL reported that numbers good with some new players intending to stay including a prop but more 1st XV players from last season required.

Equipment Officer;

OW asked what equipment was required for the new season to which AL requested more training balls. The matter of track suits was mentioned and discussed and decided to put on hold. OW gave details of prices for polo shirts and shorts and GG suggested that £15 and £13 respectively. Agreed.

Association Representative;

DS present but did not attend the last meeting so GG reported as follows;

An offer was being put to the representative of the land sought – awaiting reply and the Ass. Were forming a new sub-committee to deal with the matter including GG and AL.

Roof funding – being still pursued pending ground developments.

Shrubs – to be cut and ground out.

Lighting in small lounge to change with the honours’ boards to be moved around.

Soccer 2nd teams may have to use gym re changing depending on changing rooms at Tinshill being made available.

Ass BBQ 25/7/09.

More players from rugby to use the bar after training, as soccer have started to do. Any ideas?

Membership Secretary;

SL requested subs list and fees, IA gave details to Committee re these and the matter was again fully debated and decided to remain as per last meeting.

Fixture Secretary;

Not present. JB added that he believed there to be no national k.o competition for us.

Any Other Business;

IA pointed out that RFU funding was reduced – for info.

IA asked about the fixture cards – JB dealing and awaiting certain information.

DL mentioned the Go Karting event that is being advertised at the Club.

Meeting closed at 9.50pm.

Next Meeting;

Tuesday 25th August 2009 at 8.30pm