a) Vacant


a) Terri Helfand

b) Vacant


a)Marie Boyd,

b)Toks Oduwole, present


a)Susan Herman, present

b)Heather MacDonald, present


a)Sean Connelly, present

b) Stephen Calebotta, present


a)Mary Jane Ross, present

b)Robert Rundquist, present


a)Joann Eisberg, present

b)Rod Elsdon, present


a)Robert Carlton,

b)Vince Nobile, present


a)Kip Prebble, present

b) Vacant


John Fay, Negotiator

George Henson, Language Arts


1.PRESIDENT:Bret McMurran (652-6268), present

Social & Behavioral Sciences

2.VICE PRESIDENT:Marylee Requa, present

Social & Behavioral Sciences

3.SECRETARY:Paula Snyder, present

Social & Behavioral Sciences

4.TREASURER:Will Carrick,

College & Student Services

5. GRIEVANCE CHAIR:Jonathan Ausubel (652-6937), present

Language Arts

6.PAC CHAIR:Vacant

I. Call to order

President Bret McMurran called the Rep Council meeting to order today at 1:13 p.m. The agenda was approved.

II. Approval of minutes: September 22, 2008

The Minutes for the Rep Council meeting held on September 22, 2008 were distributed via email and read before the meeting. It was moved and seconded that the Minutes of September 22, 2008 be approved as amended. The motion was passed unanimously.

III. President's Report

  1. iTunes Task Force

This project will continue although there have been some staffing changes in technology. The thrust of this project is for students to create content that they can use to fulfill course requirements.

  1. Maintenance Repair Projects Committee

Nothing to report.

  1. CCFA Representation for Faculty testifying for the District

There is a case, currently in arbitration, where a faculty member was denied tenure. Faculty members who served on the tenure committee are placed in the bind of testifying either on behalf of the District or the faculty member who was denied tenure. These faculty members are not provided with legal counsel by the union. This is an issue that faculty members may wish to include in the next bargaining cycle. Some believe the District should provide legal representation to the faculty members who must testify.

  1. Evaluation Workshop (CCFA and Senate)

It is anticipated that flex activities on evaluation procedures will be scheduled in January as well as in August.

  1. Managers and Adjunct Contracts

A manager has pressured non-instructional adjunct to work hours that are not required (20 hours this week, 30 hours the next week, etc.). It is believed that a resolution is forthcoming.

  1. FERPA

Nothing to report (see Health and Safety Committee below).

  1. Other items

IV. Officers' Reports

  1. Treasurer/Membership: Will Carrick

Treasurer absent; nothing to report.

  1. Chief Negotiator:Jonathan Ausubel

Negotiators will be meeting with Coordinators in November. Following that there will be town hall meetings.

  1. Grievance Officer:Jonathan Ausubel

Arbitration is ongoing.

V. Committee Reports

  1. Calendar Committee: Stephen Calebotta and Rod Elsdon

Nothing to report.

  1. PAC: vacant
  1. Health and Safety Committee: Maryjane Ross

Employees can officially register a complaint on the Chaffey website. This automatically generates a report that goes to the Committee. Each complaint is discussed by the Committee. Action on each issue must be specified.

Buildings are scheduled to be inspected by the Health and Safety Committee. There is concern that Committee members are not qualified to conduct these inspections. This issue will be discussed at the next Health and Safety Committee meeting.

The Committee is scheduling an emergency preparedness simulation for the campus in conjunction with earthquake drills that will take place in the southern Californiaregion. There is some concern that this simulation may disrupt classes. Is it possible to address emergency preparedness without disrupting classes?

Concern reported to the Health and Safety Committee regarding FERPA (i.e., student privacy, potential danger to employees). As discussed at a prior Rep Council meeting, there is concern that employees should be notified if there are students who are a potential danger (e.g., tendency toward violence). The Rep Council would like this process to be defined process (e.g., according to the language of the contract).

  1. Distance Education Committee: Bret McMurran

New Law: By 2010 we must have some way of verifying that students in online class are actually the individuals completing the work. The discussion will be ongoing.

  1. Curriculum Committee: Joann Eisberg

Upcoming mandates regarding Student Learning Outcomes. This issue will be discussed further at a future meeting of the Curriculum Committee.

  1. Evaluation Procedures Committee: Bob Carlton and Bret McMurran

Forms have been completed; will go through process of approval.

  1. Medical Benefits Task Force: Chris Flores and Bob Carlton

The group is no longer called a “task force,” but rather a committee. This Committeewill meet as necessary.

  1. Labor, Management Committee: Marylee Requa, Jonathan Ausubel and Bret McMurran

403(b) Plan: District is now the Plan Sponsor

List of firms we can use is becoming shorter due to District requirements. Firms must enter into an agreement with the College.

Pay Stubs and Direct Deposit

The District would like to have all employees participating in direct deposit.

Contract Forms (absence forms days vs. hours)

Forms are being discussed. Hours may be better to report for absences (as opposed to fractions of a day missed). The issue will be discussed in the next negotiation cycle.


Not discussed.

VI. Old Business

  1. PAC chair nominee

Nothing to report.

  1. Grievance Committee: Change in the By-laws (2ndReading)

Direct negotiators: see Appendix A

The new language is attached. Motion carried that the new language has been adopted.

Call for volunteer to be the second grievance officer.

  1. Staff Parking and the Welcome Back Task Force

Constructions firms have been asked to notify Campus Police of new projects that will disrupt parking at least one week prior to the start of such projects.

VII.New Business

  1. Meeting Dates: October 20, November 3, November 17, December 1, and December 8 (lunch meeting).

Motion carried that these meeting dates be accepted.

VIII.Floor Items:

Accreditation:The requirements of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges are that SLOs be included in evaluation of faculty. The accreditation document basically states that faculty directly responsible for SLOs should have as a component of their evaluation effectiveness in producing the stated outcomes. There are different interpretations of what this means. Will require further discussion.

IX. Adjournment: Next Meeting is October 20

Meeting adjourned at 2:04 p.m.

Appendix A: Proposed Language Change in our By-laws



6. The Association Officers (President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, atwoGrievance Officers, and the Chairperson of the Political Action Committee) are voting members of the Representative Council. The duties of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Grievance Officers and the Chairperson of the Political Action Committee are described in Article VIII.

a. The Rep Council may temporarily appoint a CCFA member to fill any vacancy in the Association Officers until an election can be held.


1.The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, atwo Grievance Officers, and the Chairperson of the Political Action Committee (PAC).

2.These officers shall be and remain currently paid-up members of the UEP as a condition for nomination to and service in their respective positions during their terms of office.

3.All Association Officers shall be elected consistent with the procedures described in Article XIII of and Appendices to these Bylaws, with the exception of the Grievance Officer.

4. Officers shall be elected for a term of two (2) years, commencing on June 1, of any calendar year, with the exception of the Grievance Officers. The Grievance Officersshall be nominated by the CCFA President and approved by the Representative Council. TheGrievance Officerswill serve a two-year terms, commencing June 1in staggered years.

5.All School, Special Interest Representatives and the Association Officers on the Representative Council are voting members.

6.A vacancy shall be deemed to exist in the case of death, resignation, or inability to serve in any of the offices of the Association. In the event of a vacancy occurring in any office, a special election shall be held to elect a successor to fill the unexpired term.

7.The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and its policy leader. The President shall:

a.Preside at all meetings of the Association and the Representative Council;

b.Prepare the agenda for the meetings of the Association and the Representative Council;

c.Be the official spokesperson for the Association with the administrative officer appointed as CCFA liaison, the District Governing Board, CTA, CCA and NEA;

d.Be familiar with the governance documents of the Association, CTA, CCA, and NEA;

e.Call meetings of the Association;

f.Interpret and enforce the CCFA / CCCD Agreement and Memoranda of Understanding, and the CCFA Bylaws.

g.Suggest policies, plans and activities for the Association and be held responsible for the progress and work of the Association;

h.Maintain effective liaison with the Faculty Senate President to insure that the respective representative roles of the Senate and the Association are appropriately discharged; and

i.Attend CTA / CCA / NEA and other Association-related meetings as directed by the Representative Council.

j. Serve as the Chair of the Grievance Committee

j.h.Perform other duties as prescribed by these Bylaws and/or by the Representative Council.

8.The Vice President shall:

a.Serve as assistant to the President in all duties of the President;

b.Assume the duties of the President in the temporary absence of the President;

c.Be responsible for the formation and distribution of the Association's calendar of activities;

d.Serve as coordinator of committee activities at the direction of the President; and

e.Serve as a liaison between the Elections Committee and the Representative Council.

f.Perform other duties as prescribed by these Bylaws and/or by the President.

9.The Secretary shall:

a.Keep a careful and accurate record of the proceedings of each meeting, regular or special, of the Association and Representative Council;

b.Be responsible for the distribution of minutes, notice of meetings, and agendas for all meetings to members of the Representative Council and to the membership when appropriate;

c.Carry on the correspondence pertaining to the affairs of the Association as directed by the President; and

d.Maintain an historical record of all Association activities, correspondence, agreements, and official actions.

e.Perform other duties as prescribed by these Bylaws and/or by the President.

10.The Treasurer shall:

a.Receive all funds belonging to the Association and be responsible for their safekeeping and accounting;

b.Pay out such funds upon orders of the President and/or the Representative Council;

c.Keep an accurate roster of the membership of the Association;

d.Maintain currency on and advise the President about membership requirements from CTA and NEA.

e.Submit to the Representative Council a written financial report annually, or as needed by the Representative Council;

f.Submit membership and financial reports to PERB, CCA, CCA, NEA, and other agencies, as required by law and/or the requirements of such agencies.

g.Perform other duties as prescribed by these Bylaws and/or by the President.

11.The Grievance Officers shall:

a.Serve on as the chairperson of the Grievance Committee under the direction of the President;

b.Assist faculty members in resolving alleged violations of the contract;

c.Keep the Representative Council informed of all contract violations and grievance proceedings, provided that in so doing, a faculty member's rights to confidentiality are not abridged;

d.Keep a complete confidential record of all grievances;

e.Recommend changes in the contract and in the District's policies and practices to avoid unjust or unreasonable treatment of faculty members.

f.In the event that the provisions of Section XII, 3 of these Bylaws are invoked, chair the Grievance Committee.

g.Perform other duties as prescribed by these Bylaws and/or by the President.

12.The PAC Chairperson shall:

a.Chair the Political Action Committee;

b.Report to the Representative Council on political items of potential interest;

c.Coordinate PAC activities;

d.Recruit qualified community members who are prospective Governing Board candidates and, with the PAC, recommend Governing Board candidates to the Representative Council for CCFA endorsement;

e.Solicit income for the PAC Fund; with the PAC Treasurer, maintain accurate records of PAC Fund expenditures;

f.Submit a written financial report of PAC expenditures to the Representative Council annually, or as needed by the Representative Council;

g.Maintain, in coordination with the CCFA President and the PAC close working relationships with members of the Governing Board.

h.Perform other duties as prescribed by these Bylaws and/or by the President.



1.The Grievance Officer shall propose procedures for grievance processing; the Representative Council shall adopt the procedures.

2.These procedures shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

a.Provision for representation to assist all members of the Bargaining Unit in processing grievances;

b.Training for handling grievances; and

c.Evaluation of the Association's grievance policies and procedures.

3.When the Grievance Officer or the Representative Council deems it necessary to handle a particular grievance, the Grievance Officer shall nominate a Grievance Committee, consisting of three active members, each with no extraordinary interest in the outcome of the grievance to be processed.

a.Extraordinary interest, for the purposes of this section, shall include, but not be limited to, blood- or marriage-relationship with any party involved in the grievance, membership in the same department as one of the grievants, or potential personal substantive gain from the outcome of the grievance.

b.The Grievance Committee membership shall be approved by the Representative Council.

c.The Grievance Officer shall chair the Grievance Committee and insure that its members comply with appropriate Association rules and regulations.


October 6, 2008 Rep Council Meeting