Garner Police Athletic / Activities League

Minutes of the Board of Directors for June 6, 2013

In attendance:Tim Montgomery, Amaka Flynn, Mitch Brewer, Justin Byars, Nancy Anderson, Bud Davenport, Claude Jenkins, Chuck Killian, Sgt. Mike McIver, Rob Smith and Chief Brandon Zuidema.

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 by President Tim Montgomery; both Justin Byars and Mitch Brewer arrived after to establish a quorum for the meeting (prior to any votes or action occurring).

The following business was discussed:

1)Program reports by Chief Zuidema and Sgt. McIver

-Avery St. – the Thursday afternoon session has had regular police attendance of late and is “on track” in that regard. A group of students was recently taken to a Mudcats baseball game. The Thursday afternoon program will be on hiatus during July while North Garner Middle School is out.

-EGMMS – the group is now on hiatus for the summer. The year concluded with a trip to Rush Hour Karting that was well attended. Ms. Ginger will return for the fall as our advisor.

-Explorer Post – is on hiatus for the summer; will resume in August and will have a new name selected by the membership.

-Garner Magnet High School – will begin this fall.

-NGMMS Girls Club – Inv. Pappas is working on “re-inventing” the program as a school-based club with support from the principal. Will “re-launch” in August with new school advisors.

-Vandora Springs Elem. – on hiatus for the summer but finished with a solid core group and weekly programming.

2)Minutes from the May board meeting were presented for review. Motion by Nancy, second by Claude to accept the minutes as presented – approved unanimously.

3)Justin provided the Treasurer’s report for review. He reported $311 additional income from Belk Days and approximately $14,000 surplus to be discussed by the Finance and Fundraising Committee at their next meeting. Motion by Nancy, second by Bud to accept the Treasurer’s report subject to audit – approved unanimously.

4)Justin reported that the Finance and Fundraising Committee will be meeting in June to discuss a budget for FY’14 and to transition the Treasurer responsibilities to Claude.

5)Nancy reported for the Program Committee on both Flag Football and the Back 2 School project.

-Flag Football is tentatively scheduled for a spring 2015 kickoff as it was decided that spring 2014 was not practical to ensure it was done right. The committee recommended establishing a separate Flag Football Committee / Board with its own Commissioner and PAAL board representation on that committee. Based on a motion from the committee, Flag Football was formally adopted as a new PAAL project.

-We are partnering with Garner United Methodist Church for a back-to-school program to be held on August 10 from 12-3 at GUMC to provide school supplies to those in need. The committee is also working with several schools to provide additional supplies to at-need students in late August.

6)Chief Zuidema provided a Broomball update regarding invitations to Wake County EMS and the Wake County Sheriff’s Office to participate and provided a tentative event schedule for the day. Board members will need to assist in collecting silent auction items and will need to work the day of the event.

7)The nominating committee presented the following slate of officers for the FY’14 PAAL Board:

-President – Bud Davenport

-Vice-President – Nancy Anderson

-Secretary – Trevor Harrison

-Treasurer – Claude Jenkins

Based on a motion from the committee and no other nominations coming from the floor, this slate was elected.

8)Sgt. McIver informed the board he was working on securing appropriate recognition for our outgoing board officers and members.

Meeting concluded at 7:15 pm.

The next meeting of the Board of Directors for the Garner PAAL Board will be held on Thursday, July 11at 6:00 p.m. at the Garner Chamber of Commerce (note the change due to the holiday).