Minutes of the Presidential Committee on Athletics

BigTen/Iowa Room

April 5, 2012

Members Present: Baker, Cox, Herman, Hines, Hollingworth, Jones, Moorhead, O’Deen, O’Hara, Parkin, Westefeld, and Zaharis.

Members Absent: Eko, Kalkhoff, Lee, Lomax, Murray, Sowinski, and Weinstein.

Also Present: Dodge, Chief Diversity Officer; Beach, Assistant VP of Business Services; Modestou, Director of Equal Opportunity & Diversity; Curtis, Klatt, and Mims, Associate Athletics Directors; and Roe, Director of Athletics Communications.

Guest: Sharon Dingman, Head Volleyball Coach.

The meeting was called to order at 4:03 p.m. by Chair Hines.

I.  Approval of Minutes

Chair Hines indicated that the March 6, 2012, minutes were updated to reflect GeorginaDodge’s new title of “Chief Diversity Officer.”

Hollingworth moved to approve the March 6, 2012, PCA minutes; Baker seconded the motion. Full approval was recorded from Committee members.

II.  Announcements

Chair Hines thanked Associate Athletics Director Mims for standing in for the Athletics Director in Barta’s and Meyer’s absences. Chair Hines also welcomed Sharon Dingman as the Head Coach Representative.

III.  Old Business

Standing Subcommittee Reports

A.  Academic Achievement Subcommittee - Cox


B.  Equity Subcommittee - Hollingworth

Enclosed is the April 4, 2012, agenda for perusal.

C.  Executive Subcommittee - Chair Hines

The agenda from the April 5, 2012, subcommittee meeting is appended.

D.  Student Athlete Welfare Subcommittee - Moorhead

The April 2, 2012, agenda is enclosed.

IV.  New Business

A.  Update on Activities of Equity Subcommittee - Hollingworth

Hollingsworth updated the PCA on two reports being reviewed by the Equity Subcommittee. The Roster Management document compares the ratio of men and women involved in athletics to the general University population. The subcommittee is using this update to evaluate appropriate targets for different sports and to review the effect on coaches’ ability to do their jobs. The Equity Subcommittee is also reviewing Curtis’ Salary Analysis report to look at the changing support staff needs of Athletics due to the Carver-Hawkeye Arena renovation.

B.  Final Action on Revised Proposed Amendment of PCA Role in Search Process

Chair Hines reviewed the attached Search Procedure amendment and asked the Committee to make a correction. The word “regular” should be changed to “permanent” in the second paragraph of the amendment. Upon further discussion the Committee also decided to change the phrase “waiver will be submitted” to “waiver must be submitted” in the last paragraph of the amendment. Chair Hines also confirmed that the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity decides whether an alternate process or waiver is approved. Moorhead made a motion to accept amendment with above changes; Cox seconded. Motion was unanimously passed by the Committee.

V.  Topic of the Day: Athletics Department Media Relations and Marketing - Rick Klatt

Klatt presented the attached PowerPoint detailing the responsibilities of all the divisions of the External Relations Department to promote “what is good with the Hawkeyes.” Highlights included the impact new External Relations staff has made on ticket sales, the challenges faced by the marketing division due to impact of social media, the success of Hawkeye social media compared to peers, and the future plans the Department has to create a Hawkeye E-magazine, a weekly TV show for the men’s and women’s head basketball coaches, and the development of a hawkeyesports.com app through web partner CBS online. The Committee questioned how External Relations’ staff maintains availability for the needs of each of Iowa’s athletics teams. Mims indicated the new positions created in External Relations have help alleviate the difficulties of maintaining good communication between every Iowa team and the Department.

VI.  Big Ten/NCAA Issues and Legislation – Herman and Parkin

Herman reported that at the May PCA meeting the FARs will be able to report about the April24, 2012, Executive Council meeting where decisions will be made regarding which reforms will be moved forward and which tabled to allow further study. Discussion regarding national issues and reforms in athletics continued. Recently the Association for Governing Boards received a grant from the Knight Commission to allow trustees and regents to discuss and research reforms.

VII.  Iowa Student Athlete Advisory Committee (ISAAC) - Mims

Mims reported that the first ISAAC-sponsored talent show was a great success, with the skit done by the men’s track team taking first place. Proceeds were donated to charity.

VIII.  Director’s Report - Mims

The March sports report and schedules are attached. The following are highlights from Mims:

A.  The UI men’s basketball team ended with a record of 18-17, and played in their first post season game since 2006.

B.  The women’s basketball team ended with a 19-12 record, placing second in the Conference, concluding with a game in the NCAA Tournament.

C.  The Hawkeye wrestling team ended up third in the nation, competing in a packed arena at the NCAA Wrestling Tournament.

D.  Men’s and women’s gymnastics both hosted Big Ten Championships and competed at NCAA level.

E.  Swimming had Freshman of the Year in the Big Ten, setting several records.

F.  Men’s baseball will be playing a series with Nebraska, April 6-8, 2012, in Lincoln.

G.  Softball will be at Northwestern for a series April 7-8, 2012.

IX.  Adjourn

Herman moved to adjourn; Hollingworth seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by ChairHines at 5:20 p.m.


Marj Meisner

Recording Secretary