Present:Councillor Rainsford Hendy (Chairman), Councillor Martin Miley, Councillor Jack Wall, TD, Phyl Hickey, County Secretary, Des O’Connor, Senior Executive Engineer, Dave O’Flaherty, Executive Engineer, Ann Reynolds, Assistant Staff Officer, Ray Bonar Leisure Officer and Michael Cahill, Acting Assistant Staff Officer.


Calling the meeting to order, the Chairman, Councillor Hendy extended sympathy to Seamus Stokes, County Secretary on the death of his sister. Members and staff present joined in expressing sympathy and stood for a minute’s silence.


The minutes of the meeting held on 8 May, 2000 were adopted on the proposal of Deputy Jack Wall, seconded by Councillor Martin Miley.

AY2/700Progress Report

(a)Junction of N78 at Athy Presbyterian Church
Mr. Dave O’Flaherty, Area Engineer stated that Design work had been completed. This project was the responsibility of Athy UDC and they decided that lights are to be erected at this junction. Councillor Miley stated that that he favoured a roundabout as lights do not take account of traffic flow. He also stated that this would give 4 sets of lights in the town and he believed that this is excessive. He would like to see a joint meeting set up with Athy UDC to discuss this problem as the County Council is responsible for main routes including the N78.
(b)Junction at Hacklow.
The members had before them a report from Mr. Paul Carroll, Executive Engineer suggesting a short deceleration lane from the hard shoulder for south bound traffic turning left off the N78. Having examined the report members were satisfied with the proposal and asked that this work be carried out as soon as possible as with forthcoming development in Calverstown traffic at this point will increase.
(c)Junction at Kilmead.
The members had before them a report from John Lahart, Senior Engineer stating that the Part X process had now been completed. No objections to the scheme had been received. Due to a shortage of staff the NRA office had recommended that a firm of consultants be engaged to undertake detailed design of this project. The consultants have now commenced design work.
(d)Lights at Halverstown School.
The members had before them a report from John Lahart, Senior Engineer stating that due to a software difficulty implementation of this project had been delayed. However, this problem has now been overcome and that the lights will be operational soon. The members noted with concern that the National Roads Design Office stated that they had no involvement in the installation of lights at Timolin. While this stretch of roadway is in the process of being by-passed it will remain a national primary route a for number of months yet. It was decided to write to the NRA pointing out this fact.
(e)Levitstown Cross.
The members had before them a report from John Lahart, Senior Engineerstating that work on this junction will be undertaken on foot of adoption of speed limit bye-laws. As this not a national primary route further realignment will be done under the auspices of the Roads Design Office in St. Mary’s.
(f)Slip-road at Moone.
The members had before them a report from John Lahart, Senior Engineer, in which he stated that the work proposed was part of the properly designed, standard layout for this type of two lane road. There are no particular reasons which would require an alternative treatment. The layout proposed was considered and approved by the Department of Environment and Local Government at design stage. Introduction of an alternative layout at this point would require acquisition of additional land not included in the compulsory purchase order. Also the imminent commencement of the route selection process for the Dublin to Waterford link makes it difficult to justify providing an interchange at Moone at this stage. For this and various other reasons he recommends that no further consideration be given at this stage to providing an interchange at Moone. Having considered the report the members decided to take no further action on the proposal at this point.
(g)Footpath between Timolin and Moone.
The members favour incorporating a cycle lane as well as a footpath here. Dave O’Flaherty, Area Engineer considered this to be feasible and will endeavour to incorporate it into the design.
(h)Lighting at Fontstown Cross and other junctions.

The members had before them a report from John Lahart, Senior Engineer stating that the NRA had no prescribed policy on lighting at rural junctions. Each case would be considered on its own merits. The members agreed to continue pressing for this facility, with those previously identified as being a priority meriting immediate action.

(i)Widening of Cloney and Kilkea Bridges.

Dave O’Flaherty, Area Engineer reported that in the long term this work would be carried out. In the interim, signs warning of the danger will be erected.

(j)Lighting of Churches as part of the Millennium Celebrations.

Members had before them a report from Liam Dunne, Senior Staff Officer. In it he reported that 52 churches had been contacted of which 38 had replied. The members stated that they believed that most did not realise that there was a closing date for applications. They also felt that churches who had put up lighting themselves should have one paid for as per the scheme. It was decided to write to those churches who have not yet replied.

(k)Road reinstatement following recent Water Scheme Work.

The members stated that people in the area were not happy with the quality of the reinstatement work, which was carried out. Dave O’Flaherty, Area Engineer stated that the Council is in discussion with the firms concerned about who will pay for the work and is satisfied that any works which may becarried out by the Council will be funded by the contractors bond.

(l)Duchas Plan for The Barrow and Grand Canal.

Owing to the unavailability of Seamus Stokes, Acting County Secretary, it was decided to defer discussion on this item until the next meeting.

(m) Kilbeg Group Water Scheme.

The members had before them a report from Liam Dunne, Senior Staff Officer stating that the regional water supply is to be extended from Duneany Crossroads into Kildangan and will also serve Kilbeg. This work will solve the problem with nitrates in the water supply in the area.

AY3/700Matters Arising from the Minutes.

(a) Crookstown Hall.

Ann Reynolds, Assistant Staff Officer, stated a number of CIS requests had been received, including this proposal. It has to be examined to see if it meets the criteria of the scheme.

(b) Planning.

Following discussions on the proposed developments in Kilkea at the last meeting it was proposed by Councillor Wall, TD, seconded by Councillor Miley and agreed that small village plans be drawn up for each village in the area.

AY4/700Flood lighting of Moat of Ardscull.

Dave O’Flaherty, Area Engineer stated that it would be necessary to meet with the ESB, as there is no suitable electrical supply nearby. It would also be necessary to make the installation vandal proof. Design work is being carried out but may be expensive. This is to be considered for inclusion in next year’s estimates. The members also felt that it might be desirable to install toilets at this location. The engineer agreed to get costings on the above for the next meeting.

AY5/700Extinguishment of Right-of-Way at Crookstown.

The members had before them a report from Liam Dunne, Senior Staff Officer in which he stated that this extinguishment had been advertised with a closing date for receipt of objections of the 4 July, 2000. No objections or representations were received. Due to the building of the by-pass at this location, a section of roadway between the existing road and the by-pass will be turned into a cul-de-sac and this is the area to which the extinguishment relates.

It would also be necessary to receive the approval of the full Council in order to extinguish the right-of-way. The members were in favour of this extinguishment and recommended that it be brought before the council for approval.

AY6/700Proposed Traffic Calming for Athy.

The members had before them a report setting out proposals in this case. The proposals incorporated gateways, parking bays, cycling paths as well as junction improvements on the section of the N78 between Bennettsbridge to Fortbarrington in order to approve the layout from a safety point of view. The stretch of road in question has a speed limit of 30 miles an hour, however the undefined road width hinders the reduction of vehicle speeds into and out of Athy and there are currently few facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. Dave O’Flaherty, Area Engineer, gave an outline to the members of what is envisaged. Councillor Miley raised some problems which he saw with the proposals. However, the proposal was agreed in principle.

AY7/800Capital Grants for Recreation and Development.

Ray Bonar, Leisure Officer, outlined the proposals in this case. He stated that there had been three applications in round one for the Athy Area.

The first is Athy Recreational and Community Hall which is situated on the Kilkenny Road and in the building formerly known as the Dreamland Ballroom. It is managed by a group of volunteers which up to now have had just enough money to pay the ongoing bills. The proposal envisaged the spending of £27,500. He stated that the proposal satisfies the criteria of the present scheme and a grant of 50% of the proposed expenditure, the maximum funding allowed, is recommended.

The second application is in respect of the former Macra Hall in Ballyshannon, Kilcullen. The hall was built in the early 1950’s and it fell out of use and repair in the 1980’s. In 1998 a committee was formed to refurbish the hall due to the increasing population of the area. The proposals called for an expenditure of £26,500 and again a grant of 50% of the cost is recommended.

The third proposal is in respect of Athy School Boys Soccer Club. The club was formed in the early 1970’s and is associated with the Leinster Junior League and more recently the Kildare District Boys League. The Club wish to floodlight and develop an all weather pitch which has fallen into disrepair. The cost of phase one of the project would be £14,300 and a grant of 50% is again recommended.

The members felt that all three projects were worthy of support and recommended that the grants be paid.

AY8/700 Nomination of Member to the County Museum Committee.

Councillor Jack Wall, TD was nominated by Councillor Miley, seconded by Councillor Hendy and approved.

AY9/700Any other Business.

(a)Part X, Halverstown Realignment.

The members had before them a report from Tadgh McDonnell. Project Engineer, concerning a Part X procedure in connection with the N9 realignment at Halverstown. The work involves the widening and realignment of 2 km of the N9 in the townlands of Glebe South, Halverstown, Old Kilcullen and Yellowbog Common. The required notice had been published with a closing date of 28 April, 2000. No submissions or observations were received. It is now proposed to proceed with the development as indicated in the drawings. This was approved on the proposal of Councillor Wall, TD, seconded by Councillor Miley and agreed

(b) Copes of Castledermot.

The members raised the problems being encountered by this business, due to persons parking cars in front of premises all day while they take buses to Dublin. This makes it impossible for customers to carry on business at the premises. Dave O’Flaherty explained that this is difficult to prevent, as there was no parking bye-laws in the town. This is something which could be taken into account when the development plan for the town is being considered. As a short term measure the extending of continuous white lines on the street may alleviate the problem.

(c) The County Development Village Plan for Castledermot.

Kieran Rush, Brady Shipman Martin, gave an outline of the contents stating that the proposals would be the based on the 1985 Draft Development Plan for the town. They would be setting out how they think the town should expand, as it is ripe for development and a good basic structure already exists. The recent announcements concerning the N9 Dublin-Waterford link means that existing reservations for a by-pass in the town may no longer be relevant, however, they may form the basis of an inner relief road.

There been no further business the meeting concluded.