Present: Councillors Ainsworth, Beadling, Clulow, Luke, Mounsey, Mrs Toon, Mrs McCaig, Miller, Mrs Orchard, Parkinson and Sharlot
Councillor Sharlot in the Chair
6 members of the public
POLICE SESSION – PC Suiter in attendance.
PC Suiter reported that 16 crimes had been reported over the past month, these included 6 assaults, a drug offence and 8 minor thefts from sheds, particularly at the northern section of Risley Lane.
Resident asked if the police could attend at Meadow Close from 3.00pm onwards as school parking is causing further problems since the introduction of the parking restrictions around Firfield Avenue. Civil Enforcement team are supposed to be monitoring the situation.
Resident complained that the Risley Lane diversion signs were misleading. This had been raised previously and Cllr Parkinson had contacted DCC.
Resident asked for support to get faster fibre optic broadband for the village suggesting that residents are asked to donate towards the installation costs. The Clerk reported that BT had been running an online campaign to introduce faster broadband to areas. Clerk to provide details.
Resident expressed gratitude for the bin collections over the Christmas period. It was noted that this was due to EBC.
100/10 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – none received.
It was PROPOSED and SECONDED to accept the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 13th December 2010.
94/10 Cllr Parkinson asked for it to be recorded that he had been in attendance at the Environment Committee meeting.
104/10 CLERKS REPORT – no report.
1.E.on. Advice on useful equipment to have to hand in the event of a power cut. Noted.
2. Royal British Legion. Information about organising a party for their great Poppy party Weekend. Noted.
3. DCC Assessing Surface Water Flooding in Derbyshire. Survey of flood risk areas. Anyone with specific information should contact the Clerk as responses need to be returned by 28th January.
3. Card thanking the PC for the work carried out over the past year from Mr & Mrs Leaviss. Noted.
1. Committee meeting held on 8th January 2011 attended by Cllrs Beadling, Mounsey, McCaig, Sharlot, Luke, Toon, Miller and Ainsworth.
2. Risk Management. The report for the month was received and noted. Still problems with fires under the wooden shelter, police shuggest removing the east side bench as this is hidden from general view.
3. Carol Concert 2011. It had been suggested that a Christmas Lights ‘switching-on’ event be organised in conjunction with the Carol Concert. The Committee agreed that this would need to be too early in December and that the event should continue as usual with an alternative venue and music being arranged in the event of inclement weather. The date for the 2011 Carol Concert was agreed for Thursday 15th December.
4. Summer Band Concert. Letter from EBC asking if we want to participate. Agreed to proceed and request the date of 24th July and the Dronfield Band if possible.
5. Allotments. Approach to be made to local farmers and landowners to assess the availability of land for this either by lease or sale.
6. Hills Road Gate Post. This has now been reset in its original position. A new lock is required for the gate and the keys will be kept at the Parish Rooms. Clerk to continue to seek clarification of the sub-letting issue and public liability.
7. Perks Park. Correspondence from resident complaining about the lack of equipment for toddlers on the park. The Committee will consider providing two ‘springer rockers’. Clerk to obtain quotes. Resident also concerned that the felled trees at the entrance to the park have not been replaced. In fact, 5 new trees have been planted on the park in the past 12 months. Also, the state of the footpath from Rectory Road to the south side of the park. It was noted that this is private land and a right of way only.
8. Cemetery. Correspondence complaining about the theft of flowers at the cemetery and requesting CCTV installation. The Committee agreed that this was not feasible as the entire cemetery could not be covered.
9. Gaol socket blocks. The Caretaker has not been able to fit these yet as the holes are filled with ice.
10 Windmill Project. This is still progressing and Cllr Mounsey has sent photographs of the pumpt to a firm specialising in this work.
11. Water Meter at the Chapel. This broke due to frost resulting in some minor flooding in a back room.
12. Tree report. This has been received and the Clerk is to obtain quotes for the recommended works.
13. Burial fees. These will be reviewed at the next meeting.
Committee meeting held on 8th January 2011 attended by Cllrs Ainsworth, Beadling, Cockle, Luke, McCaig, Miller, Mounsey, Sharlot, Toon and Clulow.
1. Street survey. This has been submitted to DCC and acknowledged stating that limited funds are available.
2. Grit bins. After much consideration, the Committee decided that the Clerk should proceed with obtaining one grit bin for the centre of the fillage to be positioned on the land adjacent to the Police Office. Further investigations to be made with neighbouring Parish Councils to ascertain how they cope with the problem of spreading the grit when necessary. Cllr Sharlot suggested the purchase or hire of a salt/sand spreader.
3. Beautifying Breaston Project. Verges: As agreed previously, the verges outside the Bulls Head, Manor Pharmacy and C2 Hair Design will be re-instated as per the report submitted by Mr Tilley at DCC. The total cost is anticipated to be around £2,500. He has confirmed that DCC will pay a percentage of the cost to return the Bulls Head verge to grass. The Clerk will continue to seek some form of financial input from the business owners, either as a contribution towards the work or future maintenance of the displays. A previous application for a dropped kerb outside C2 Hair Design was refused and a new application is unlikely to be successful. Cllr Luke suggested that a coloured surface would look better outside the Pharmacy and C2 hair Design and would look into the costs and implications. However, it was Agreed that DCC should proceed with the verges as previously agreed. Planters: All Members of the PC were consulted on their preferred choice of planters from those sourced. Overall a container incorporating a hanging basket tree was the preferred theme. As a result the Committee recommend purchasing 4 x ‘eyeful tower’ with 4 arm baskets the bases of which will be in a sandstone finish. DCC had stated that the two small areas either side of the entrance to the Bull’s Head car park would be re-instated by them. Specialist advice will be sought with regards to the planting. A quotation received from Plantscape for supplying, installing and planting 4 x eyeful towers had been received with a total cost of £5,815.20. It was RESOLVED to accept this quotation. Notification: The Clerk will inform all concerned of the type of planter we intend to install and apply for the necessary permission from DCC. Cllr Mrs Orchard congratulated those involved in this project.
4. Lighting faults. Two lighting columns in the village were reported as faulty, Clerk to notify DCC.
5. Footpaths. Cllr Ainsworth reported that he had prepared a schedule for this years summer walks with the first of the six taking place on 13th April. Derbyshire Wildlife Trust will again open up the lagoon on the walk relevant to this and the September walk will once again form part of the walking festival. With regards to a Historic sign for the Coffin Walk, Cllr Ainsworth is in contact with DCC. The walking leaflets are being re-worked into one publication with a few minor alterations.
108/10 ENVIRONMENT – no report.
109/10 FINANCE
1. Financial Statement . It was Agreed to accept the Financial Statement for December as circulated.
Cllr Toon reported that no Committee meetings had been held and asked for ideas for the Committee to pursue. It was suggested that a pictorial village sign should be considered.
Payments £
St Michael’s Church Breaston (S137 donation for floodlighting) 50.00
J C Bridge (repair of gate post at JPA) 255.00
O Heap & Son (Derby) Ltd (servicing of fire extinguishers) 68.86
Severn Trent Water (Cemetery supply) 89.97
Excel Office Equipment Ltd 42.83
R J Tree Services (annual tree inspection) 400.00
Leisurelites (Christmas lights) 2502.75
Staff salaries 2,446.08
HMRC 906.51
Grasstrack 656.83
Severn Trent Water (park supply) 76.06
Total 7,494.89
Breaston Park FC (inv 241) 70.50
Standard Life (interest) 12.99
Co Op Bank (interest) 7.04
Village Guide Sales 3.00
Total 93.53
It was RESOLVED that the above accounts be accepted.
112/10 ANY OTHER BUSINESS - none
113/10 DATE OF NEXT MEETING. This will take place on Monday 14th February 2011.
Meeting closed at 8.20pm.