NHS Education for Scotland
Minutes of the Anaesthetics, Intensive Care Medicine and Emergency Medicine STB, held on 30 October 2014, at 10.45am, in Room 6, Westport, Edinburgh
Present: Eddie Wilson (EW) Chair, Russell Duncan (RD), Stephen Lynch (SL), Carol MacMillan (CMcM), Carol Murdoch (CM), Alastair McDiarmid (AMcD), Neil O’Donnell (NO), Alan Orr (AO), Elizabeth Wilson (EWi), Ian Young (IY).
Apologies: David Bruce (DB), Philip Cachia (PC), Adam Collins (AC), Paul Holder (PH), John Keaney (JK), William McClymont (WMcC), Mark Mitchelson (MM), Lynn Newman (LN), Rowan Parks (RP), David Semple (DS), Eleanore Simm (ES), David Stewart (DSt).
In attendance: Frances Dorrian (FD), John Sheppard (JS), Paola Solar (PS)
1. Welcome and apologies
The group was welcomed to the meeting and the apologies were read.
2. Minutes of the meeting held on 22 August 2014
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as a correct record.
3. Matters Arising
3.1. CT2 Anaesthesia / ST3 Recruitment
Further to the recent RCoA College Tutors meeting where the possibility of an extra sitting of the Primary SOE and OSCE was mentioned EW has sought clarification on this matter. Rather than an increased number of sittings the exam schedule has been altered such that the written papers and SOE/VIVA are better aligned. This item can now be removed from the agenda though the number of trainees disadvantaged by the exam schedule in terms of access to ST3 recruitment will be monitored.
3.2. LTFT – Survey to EM trainees
The survey had been completed by LTFT trainees in EM and was distributed for information and comment. No significant concerns raised.
The EM trainee rep had requested more information about a proposal to make LTFT 60% for 2 years, then 80% for the following 2 years and then back to full time. FD is in the group chaired by PC looking at LTFT, and she confirmed that such a proposal had not been discussed. The group was currently trying to set a more robust annual review of circumstances. There have been no discussions about capping LTFT.
3.3. Anaesthetic Assistance in Scotland
This item was deferred in WMcC’s absence. He is exploring this issue through the RCoA Scottish Board having taken on responsibility for this matter in that forum.
3.4. AMTF in ICM
This Fellowship is about to be advertised in the East region.
4. Workforce Planning
All three specialties had had their input taken to the Shape of Training Transition Group.
The group had confirmed their support to seek funding for the recommended additional 4 new posts in ICM.
The recommendation to recruit to 64 CT1 posts in Core Anaesthesia/ACCS Anaesthesia was also supported though there was not support to seek additional funding for these in the first instance. Discussion with TPDs has confirmed that it is likely that this target intake can be achieved within current overall training numbers.
With respect to EM, it was agreed that residual vacancies could be recycled at ST level 1 where recruitment has been better but also a recognition of the need for some ST4 posts to remain.
It was agreed that the 4 new funded ICM posts would be entered into UK recruitment. These posts would thus be open to trainees currently holding a NTN in Scotland in any of the partner specialties or could be applied for as a first/primary NTN. Those holding a partner specialty NTN if appointed will undertake ICM training in that region. All training opportunity will be subject to available regional training capacity. RP was expected to join the group after this meeting and these issues will be discussed then.
Data from previous UK recruitment confirms that the majority of national recruitment applicants already have a NTN.
It was agreed that dual training opportunity in Anaesthesia and ICM will again be recruited to by way of specifically badged posts through SMT processes. While this was supported, concern was again expressed re this route being sustainable beyond 2015. EWi reaffirmed the need for independent funding for ICM in Scotland.
4.1. Anaesthesia
The core numbers for Anaesthesia have been set at a maximum of 64, including ACCS Anaesthesia. There are currently 57 posts in the SMT vacancy manager. Discussion with TPDs confirms an expectation that final number will be at or close to 64. EW will monitor this.
4.2. Emergency Medicine
It was confirmed that it will be made explicit to the applicants for ACCS EM that run-through was available. There were currently 18 CT1 posts on the SMT vacancy manager. Further to completion of a further round of ST4 recruitment next week some further vacancy will be recycled into core for 2015 recruitment. It is expected that ACCS EM will aim to recruit to around 26 posts which is a similar number to 2014.
4.3. Intensive Care Medicine
· Funding for ICM Training
This was discussed above.
EW thanked the regional teams for all their work in recruitment.
5. Recruitment update
5.1. Specialty Updates
· Anaesthesia
There had been a recent round of ST3 Anaesthesia recruitment with 15 vacancies. 14 candidates had been interviewed, 13 had been deemed appointable and 12 had accepted offers. This meant an 80% filling rate. There was again regional variation with all posts in West (7) and South East (3) filled but 2/5 vacancies filled in North. No East posts in this round.
· Emergency Medicine
Further round of ST4 Emergency Medicine recruitment will take place next week in Yorkshire.
· Intensive Care Medicine
ICM had completed their recruitment for 2014.
Planning for 2015 recruitment was going well. The timeline for recruitment of CT1 for Anaesthesia and Emergency Medicine was confirmed as:
Advert out on 06/11/14; Applications open from 11/11/14 and close on 04/12/14.
Anaesthesia interviews will take place in Dundee, between 29/01/15 and 03/02/15, and offers will be out on 24/02/15.
EM interview dates are between the 12 and the 15 of January, in Edinburgh.
The timeline of the Round 2 of ST Anaesthesia, ICM and EM is as follows:
11/02/15 advert goes live. 17/02/15 applications open until 11/03/15. Interviews will take place between 30 March and 30 April, with offers going out on 8th of May.
It was noted that the UK ICM interviews fall in Easter so they will struggle to get interviewers. EWi will send an email round to try and confirm interviewers before the Christmas holiday. EW will also help with this. The Scotland ICM recruitment will take place after the UK recruitment. EW will look into dates for this with HR, possibly the last 10 days in April. He will circulate for agreement.
CM highlighted difficulties in parts of NHSGGC around leave and expenses for professional duties such as recruitment interviews. EW will explore this issue further and will seek advice from PC.
5.2. RCoA UK Recruitment Committee
EW reported the main points of the last Committee:
· The feedback for Anaesthesia recruitment had been very good. They were now looking into improving interviews.
· The threshold for Anaesthesia appointability had been increased from 100 in CT1 to 110, which was the same as ST3. This will be implemented in 2015.
· It had been confirmed that the clearing in ST3 Anaesthesia would not require a separate interview process. UoAs do not need to enter posts into clearing. Scotland has previously entered a small number but kept some posts back for local LAT appointments.
· Devolved nations will continue to be able to recruit LATs locally. HEE have confirmed that they will not recruit to LATs from 2016 on.
· The Questions bank for Anaesthesia interviews need updating. Tutors will be contacted to think and provide new questions for interviews. If anyone would like to lead in Scotland for this short work, please let EW know.
· ICM had a fill rate of 96% in UK recruitment in 2014, of which 60% already had a NTN. It has been agreed that, from 2016 onward, the cut-off for seniority for a trainee to apply for dual training will be ST5.
· ST3 Anaesthesia applicants previously scored points in self-scoring if they had passed the primary exam early and/or had passed it the first time. This meant that applicants were sitting the exam either too early or too late so the extra points have been removed from self-scoring. Further discussion is required around how these points can be replaced to keep the overall portfolio maximum score of 50. As an interim measure all candidates who have the Primary FRCA or equivalent will score 3 points for this section.
6. GMC National Training Survey 2014
The information was widely available now. This will be an agenda item at next STB to allow board members to highlight any issues as required.
7. Shape of Training
8. Recognition of Trainers
9. Liaison Dean report
PC had submitted his apologies so there was no report on any of the three items above.
EW noted that the Shape of Training work in Scotland now specifically included discussion and strategy around workforce planning and trainee numbers.
EW was aware that NES is looking at the Single Deanery and its impact on the STBs, amongst other things. It is expected that early next year the STBs will be sent some information about this.
10. First Scottish Medical Careers Fair
The Careers Fair had been a very positive day. Although the feedback results were not ready yet, some comments were made about the suitability of the venue in particular for some specialties. In general it was felt that this event should be repeated. Most delegates were from Scotland, but one of the aims of the initiative is to encourage Scottish students and trainees to remain in Scotland.
Attendees were keen to speak with trainees, and the Training Ambassadors had done an excellent job.
11. Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine
Alastair McLellan had sent an email about this initiative. There were ongoing discussions about plans to have a training post in PHEM. Nicola Littlewood is leading on this.
12. Academic Issues
There was no academic report.
13. College reports
There was no College report.
14. Trainee reports
There was no trainee report.
15. Any other business
AMcD noted that Remote and Rural might struggle with funding in the future. This will be discussed at the next meeting and EW suggested we explore this between the STB and the RCoA Scottish Board which is due to meet on 4th November.
16. Dates for STB Meetings in 2015
EW will circulate possible dates for the STB 2015 meetings.
17. Date of next meeting
10.45am on Friday 12 December 2014, meeting room 6, Westport, Edinburgh (videoconference available)
Action Points
Item / Subject / Action / Who3.3 / Matters Arising: Anaesthetic Assistance in Scotland / Deferred to next meeting / Agenda
5.1 / Recruitment update: Specialty Updates / To try to confirm interviewers for ICM before Christmas. / EWi
5.1 / Recruitment update: Specialty updates / To look into possible Scotland ICM recruitment dates with HR / EW
5.1 / Recruitment update: Specialty updates / To query with PC the claim of expenses for interviews during a holiday period / EW
5.2 / RCoA UK Recruitment Committee / To send new interview questions to be added to the Recruitment Question bank / ALL
6 / GMC National Training Survey / To send any comments to EW to discuss at next meeting / ALL
15 / AOB / To be discussed at next STB meeting / Agenda
16 / 2015 Meeting dates / To circulate 2015 meeting dates to the group / EW/PS