Minutes of the Additional Meeting of Council held in the Council Chamber at 7.00pm on Tuesday 29 August2017

Present: / Cllrs D Spear in the Chair,E Spear,Bunyard, Mrs Chesters, Bonds, Parsons, Mrs Wellstead, Lord, Lucas and Wood.
T Lovell (Parish Clerk).
108/2017/18 / Apologies / Received from Cllrs Bennett, De Groot and Chugg.
109/2017/18 / Items not on the agenda, which in the opinion of the Chairman should be brought to the attention of the Council / There were none.
110/2017/18 / Declarations of Interest / Cllr Mrs Wellstead declared a non-Pecuniary interest in Minute Ref:113/2017/18(c), as the applicant is known to her.
111/2017/18 / Finance / The cheques on the schedule were approved and drawn in the sum of £6,837.15.
112/2017/18 / Ackland Stream Catchment Project, Braunton. / The Chairman welcomed Andy Bell from the North Devon Biosphere.
Andy explained that Devon County Council, North Devon Biosphere and Natural England are currently working with landowners on a Natural Flood Management (NFM) pilot study in the Ackland Stream catchment area. The River Caen which the Ackland Stream flows into at Deans Bridges is prone to fluvial flooding. The aim of the pilot study is to increase the storage capacity of water on the land and reduce the water flow from the Ackland Stream at peak times. This will be achieved by implementing a range of techniques such as debris dams and hedge planting.
Thedebris dams will be manmade log dams strategically positioned and designed to slow down the flow of water during peak times. Petroc have volunteered their young female students studying forestry management to provide larch or elder logs required to make these debris dams.
The hedgerows have been designed to store a certain amount of water. This works by trenching the soil uphill of the hedgerows with pipes fitted at land level to enable the water to continue to flow through the hedge once the trenches are full. The retained water will then be slowly released reducing the water flow at peak times.
The scheme is estimated to cost in region of £100k with the aim of creating a river catchment where water management is fully integrated into land management practices. The outcome of the study will be assessed through an ongoing monitoring programme and the evidence will be used to support future NFM schemes.
Another element of the project is to improve water quality and restore biodiversity. The landowner has expressed that he would be happy for a woodland planting scheme to also be carried out on his land but unfortunately there was not enough funding available on this occasion.
RESOLVED: That the
  1. Council thanked Andy Bell for providing an informative presentation on this initiative.
  1. Council agreed to donate any surplus trees that it has towards the woodland planting scheme.
  1. Council agreed to permit the North Devon Biosphere permission to use wood from its disused Quarry to help build the debris dams, subject to the North Devon Biosphere obtaining the necessary licences and permission.

113/2017/18. Planning

(a) 63526Retrospective application for erection of one dwelling attached to Knowle House at Knowle House, Knowle, Braunton.

Applicant:Mr & Mrs Bennett

Comment:Recommend approval.


(b) 63460Loft conversion & insertion of Dormer window at 11 Barton Lane, Braunton.

Applicant:Mr & Mrs Lewin

Comment:Recommend approval.


Cllr Mrs Wellstead declared a non-Pecuniary interest.

(c) 63263First floor extension (revised plan at correct scale) at 29 Dune View Road, Braunton EX33 1BZ.

Applicant:Mrs Hudson

Comment:Recommend approval.


(d) 63410Extension to annex & erection of storage shed at Monterey, Sage Park Road, Braunton.

Applicant:Mr Paul Grantham

Comment:Recommend approval.


(e) 63564Conversion and extension to existing garage at Shore Break, Chapel Close, Chapel Street, Braunton.

Applicant:Mr Scott Nixon

Comment:Recommend approval.


(f) 62850Listed building consent for minor internal alterations to include the creation of new partition wall to form additional bedroom &formation of new window opening on the rear elevation at Silver Cottage Bed and breakfast, 14 Silver Street, Braunton.

Applicant:Mr & Mrs Holker

Comment:Recommend approval.




63267Demolition of existing dwelling & erection of new dwelling at 5 Pill Gardens, Braunton.

63268Reserved matters application for erection of one dwelling (outline planning permission 62599) at garden of 5 Pill Gardens, Braunton.

63304Proposed single storey extension to rear of property at 19 Mint Park Road, Braunton.

63225Formation of two off street parking spaces at 5 Barton Lane, Braunton.


63065Extension to & sub-division of one dwelling to form two flats at 10 The Village, Saunton.

114/2017/18 / North Devon and Torridge Local Plan 2011 – 2031 Main Modifications – Consultation / RESOLVED: That the Council considers that the modifications to the Plan in relation to Policy BRA: Braunton and Wrafton Spatial Vision and Development Strategy are unjustified and do not understand why the Planning Inspector and North Devon Council consider these proposed changes to be necessary. The Parish Council wish to express its concern at the impact further residential development in this area would have on the traffic congestion and air quality, especially as Braunton has been declared an Air Quality Management Area.
115/2017/18 / Community Shared Space (CSS) / RESOLVED: That the Braunton Buskers be granted permission to continue using the CSS on Thursdays alongside the Craft Market.
116/2017/18 / Interview Panel for Assistant Caretaker / RESOLVED: That cllrs Lucas and Parsons be nominated to join cllrs D Spear, E Spear and the Clerk on the interview panel for the post of Assistant Caretaker.

The meeting closed at 8:14 p.m.

...... The Chairman

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