Nelson Marlborough Provincial Fire Brigades Association



President R Bailey welcomed Delegates and Past Presidents as well as invited guests to the conference and asked that all jackets be put on.

Roll Call: The Vice President called the roll which was answered by the following:


President R Bailey, IPP A Reid, SVP A Gray, VP S Grenfell,JVP M Field, Apologies Secretary T Williams.


Bill Chandler


BlenheimD PartridgeCollingwoodApology




NelsonJ HumphreysPictonM Ivamy

Rai ValleyAbsentRenwickC Andrew

RichmondProxy -RenwickSeddonM Uren

StokeAbsentTakakaJ McKay

TapaweraAbsentUpper MoutereAbsent

Wairau ValleyI ToppWakefieldAbsent


Life Members:

M Ivamy, B Chandler, C Andrew, K Black


R Ditmer (UFBA President), G Verry (CEO UFBA), B Styles UFBA Technical Panel,T Brunning (President WCPFBA), A Kittelty (President CPFBA)


D McFarlane NZFS Commission, G Daikee Area Manager Area 17, Past Presidents B Bridges, H Scorgie, R Thomas, M Wells, P Holland, T Douglas, P Woolf, G Duff,

Move that apologies be accepted: Moved:M IvamySeconded:C Andrew



President R Bailey asked for nominations of scrutineers.

It was moved that B Chandler and K Black be scrutineers for the meeting. Moved: A Reid Seconded: M Uren



SVP A Gray asked for any obituaries.

There were none


Host brigade DCFO D Partridge welcomed everyone to the AGM and hoped everyone enjoys the conference.

Voting Power:

The Vice President advised that there were 12 eligible votes and therefore the number of votes required to elect is 7.

Minutes of Previous Annual Conference:

The minutes of the previous Conference were circulated and confirmed as a true and correct record of the 76th Annual Conference.

Moved: M Field Seconded: C Andrew


Matters Arising:


Guest Speakers:

Ross Ditmer and George Verry thanked the executive for inviting them to speak at the conference.

Ross spoke about the following:

  • The 2009/2010 year
  • New communications plan, including the new website, new logo, updated newsletter
  • Barriers to recruitment
  • Update of model rules
  • Improved events program
  • How the board is now an effective operation
  • Gave an overview of the Canterbury Earthquake

George Verry spoke about the following:

  • Gave an overview of the 2009/2010 year
  • How the UFBA is benefitting now from the sound financial management
  • Projects & initiatives for 2012/13
  • The board want to enhance the annual conference:
  • Looking at ways to broaden communications & build partnerships
  • Challenges are important
  • July 2011 World RCR Competition
  • The importance of the advocacy role of the UFBA .

Bryan Styles

Bryan spoke re an overview of the National Challenge Committee

  • Update of Drivers & Waterways Challenge rules
  • The officials academy has been started with workshops for officials being run
  • He was disappointed that some challenges had to be postponed this year due to the Canterbury Earthquakebut extensive challenge calendar coming up in the next 18months
  • Advised there is a Challenge loan equipment request form available for download on the website to book the UFBA equipment for challenges
  • Urged those available to register on the UFBA website to help out at the World RCR challenge

President R Bailey thanked the UFBA representatives for their presentations and invited the visiting provincial association presidents to address the meeting.

Alan Kittelty President of the CPFBA and Terry Brunning President of the WCPFBA both gave updates on what has been going on in their areas and what is planned for the future.

Bill Chandler

Bill Chandler spoke saying that he was impressed with the "open home" held in Blenheim with the fire damaged house on display and the amount of people that took the opportunity to view it. He also spoke on the amount of fireworks coming into the country now which had doubled on the previous year which was a concern. Finally he encouraged the delegates to ask questions of the UFBA representatives that were present for the AGM.

Presidents Report:

President R Bailey presented his Annual Report.

Moved: R Bailey That the presidents report be adopted

Seconded: C Andrew





Invitations to Past Presidents and Brigades

It was moved the inwards be received and outwards be approved.

Moved: M Ivamy Seconded: M Uren


Balance Sheet:

It was moved that the Balance Sheets as circulated be received

Moved: M Uren Second: M Ivamy


Secretary Expenses:

The meeting was advised that Secretary/Treasurer Tracy Williams was not going to take the Secretary's expenses this year as she had done most of the work during work time as was being paid anyway.

It was moved that the Provincial Association purchase a gift basket for her an appreciation of her work over the past year.

Moved: M Ivamy Seconded R Bailey


Presidents Expenses:

That the Presidents Expenses remain at $400 per annum.

Moved: B Chandler Seconded: I Topp


Brigade Levies:

That the Brigade Levies increase to $150 per annum due to the amalgamation of the Sub Associations into the Provincial Association..

Moved: C Andrew Seconded: A Gray



Remit 1

Proposed Remit Submitted By The Nelson Marlborough Provincial assn Executive

The proposed remit to be voted on at the forthcoming 2010 AGM at Blenheim Station on the 13th November 2010

The remit is as follows, that rule 13 (b) be amended to read The Provincial Association Challenge Committee members will be elected at each Provincial Association AGM/Conference by the delegates assembled and from nominations received on the appropriate form. Existing Challenge Committee members are eligible to be re-elected.

There will be 2x representatives from Marlborough and 2x representatives from Nelson


To reactivate and allow for an expanded Challenge Committee with representation from both Nelson & Marlborough to take on the role of organising & running Challenges due to the Nelson & Marlborough Sub assns going into recess.

Moved: A Reid Seconded: R Bailey


Remit 2

Proposed Remit Submitted By The Nelson Marlborough Provincial assn executive

The proposed remit to be voted on at the forthcoming 2010 AGM at Blenheim Station on the 13th November 2010

The remit is as follows, "that rule 7(b) be altered to read,

The executive committee of the Provincial Association shall be:


Immediate Past President

Senior Vice President

Junior Vice President

Challenge Convenor

A total of five persons, all with voting rights.

The secretary shall be an ex officio member of the Executive Committee, with out voting rights"


To reduce the length of time members have to serve on the executive to try and encourage more prospective candidates to put their name forward, and to allow for the new position of Challenge Convenor. This new role will allow any Past President who would still like to be involved in the executive to do so And would allow the Provincial Assn to make use of the experience of the Past Presidents.

Moved: R Bailey Seconded: M Ivamy


Remit 3

Proposed Remit Submitted By The Nelson Marlborough Provincial assn executive

The proposed remit to be voted on at the forthcoming 2010 AGM at Blenheim Station on the 13th November 2010

The remit is as follows, "that rule 13(a) be altered to read,

The Challenge committee shall have a membership of five persons consisting of two Marlborough representatives and two Nelson representatives and a Challenge Convenor to assist and advise the executive in all matters relating to road crash rescue, combat challenge and waterway challenges. The Challenge Convenor to sit on the executive but will not go through the chair.


To take on the challenge organising roles of the Nelson Sub Assn & Marlborough Sub Assn both of which have or are about to go into recess. Having two representatives each from both Nelson & Marlborough will allow for the alternating running of challenges each year.

Moved: A Gray Seconded: J Humphries


Remit 4

Proposed Remit Submitted By The Nelson Marlborough Provincial assn executive

The proposed remit to be voted on at the forthcoming 2010 AGM at Blenheim Station on the 13th November 2010

The remit is as follows, "that rule 7(k) be included to read,

Roles of the executive committee of the Provincial Association shall be:

President - Chairperson at all meetings

Spokesperson for the NMPFBA

Represents NMPFBA at awards & functions

Immediate Past President - Offer support & advice for all members of the executive & deputise for the President at awards & functions as necessary

Senior Vice President - Liasion Officer for NMPFBA

Junior Vice President - Assist challenge committee

Secreatry/Treasurer - Co-ordinates correspondence

Keeps accurate minutes of all meetings

Keeps financial records


To give defined roles to each position on the executive.

Moved: S Grenfell Seconded: A Gray


General Business:

PP K Black suggested that the minutes of the previous AGM be circulated prior to the AGM.

Pres R Bailey spoke on the provincial assn challenge medals and suggested getting a new medal struck that is more appropriate to the current challenges with a bar for each different challenge won.

JVP M Field suggested that the provincial association volunteer to host the region 3 Motor Vehicle Extrication Challenge. It was discussed and this is probably a goal for the incoming executive to look at.

There was some discussion on the Provincial Association trailer and the incoming executive are to look at what can be done with it.

Election of Officers:

There were two nominations for JVP Blair Hall of Richmond and John Cameron of Woodbourne. As the position of JVP is replaced by the position of Challenge Convenor and Blair Hall was the only nomination for Challenge Convenor he was duly elected.


That Tracy Williams be reappointed secretary subject to her acceptance

Moved: R Bailey Seconded: M Ivamy



That Bill Chandler be re-elected to the position of Patron of the Association for the coming year.

Moved: R Bailey Seconded: M Ivamy



Move that Blenheim Accounting Services be elected as auditor.

Moved: R Bailey Seconded: M Topp



That the trustees for the ensuing year be: Ross Bailey, Andy Gray, and Secretary/Treasurer Tracy Williams.

Moved: M Uren Seconded: I Topp


Installation of Officers:

Ross thanked A Reid for his year as Immediate Past President and escorted him to the rear of the room.


Ross then removed the presidents chain and badge and installed Andy Graywas as President.

Senior Vice President:

Suzanne Grenfell was installed as Senior Vice President.

Vice President:

Mike Fieldwas installed as Vice President.

Challenge Convenor

Blair Hall was installed as Challenge Convenor in his absence

Challenge Panel

John Cameron (Woodbourne)

Chris Andrew (Renwick)

James McKay (Takaka)

Josh Humphreys (Nelson)

Were nominated for the positions of Challenge Panel (2x Marlborough & 2x Nelson) There being no further nominations, the nominations were closed.

Life Honorary Membership:

Move that IPP R Bailey be made an life honorary member of the Association:

Moved:S Grenfell Seconded:A Gray


Further Business:

R Bailey advised that Blenheim would like to host the Schollum Shield Golf for 2011, this was accepted.

The hosts for upcoming AGMs are as follows;

2011 AGM


2012 AGM


2013 AGM

To be confirmed


There being no further business, President A Gray declared the 77thAnnual Conference of the Nelson Marlborough Provincial Fire Brigades Association closed.

Meeting Closed at 1630hrs