Minutes of the 2/11 DSWG Meeting


Mark Smith, TXI

Mary Anne Brelinsky, Reliant

Carl Raish, ERCOT

Floyd Trefny, Reliant

Patrick Caidill, Air Liquide

Paul Wattle, Good Company

Mark Patterson, ERCOT

Gloria Edwards, ERCOT

Keith Emery, Tenaska

Steve Kearney, MeterSmart

Marcia Roberts, LCRA

Philip Oldham, TIEC

RogerYott, Air Product

Steve Karina, Nucor

Steve Madden, Oxy

Rick Star, Self

Henry Vadie, Reliant

Jay Zarnikau, Frontier Assoc.

Nelson Nease, Nucor

Danielle Jassaud, PUC

Terri Eaton, Green Moutain

Jerry Ward, TXU

Minutes of the DSWG Meeting on 1/17/2003

Minutes were approved

Mission Statement

Proposed draft was reviewed and commented on. Mark Smith will consolidate comments and issue new draft.

2003 Priorities for DSWG

List of outstanding issues were reviewed and prioritized as high, medium and, low for the current year 2003. Henry Vadie will incorporate all comments and issue new draft. In summary:

“Passive Response Program”

Registration and/ or certification process is not clearly defined. Mark Patterson of ERCOT will address report back on status during the March 7th DSWG Meeting.

“BUL Program”

Parties agreed on the high priority of providing any assistance to help the program start up by 5/2/2003. Availability of specific and clear registration and certification process to the prospect participants is also of high priority, especially since ERCOT is providing a one day training session on the subject matter. Mark Patterson of ERCOT has offered to provide feedback from ERCOT on the March 7th meeting of the DSWG.

“Laar Program”

Steve Madden of Oxy suggested ERCOT to delineate the steps required in application, registration and certification in the program. Mark Patterson of ERCOT stated that preparation of such material was already in the works, ahead of the training program on the March 20th. He will facilitate forwarding this material to the market participants, accepting comments till March 6th, discussion on March 7th meeting of DSWG

Jerry Ward of TXU informed the meeting that he was preparing, and will shortly submit for comment, a PRS dealing with participation of fluctuating load in the non-spin ancillary market as well as raising the load maximum participation to 50%.

The issue of over-provision of spinning reserve and question of how to allocate or ration was discussed. No leading solution was identified. Parties were asked to submit their initial thoughts via email and Steve Madden of Oxy was asked to manage the coordination and consolidation of proposed ideas. This issue will be addressed in the April meeting of DSWG.

Danielle Jassaud of PUC announced that Bernie Ninio , advisor to NYISO expert in LMP, is scheduled to visit PUC and is available to address the DSWG on related issues. Exact date will be decided in rhe March meeting of the DSWG.

Questions were raised whether load can participate in the RMR market and how to facilitate it given the ongoing work by the RMR Task force. Jerry Ward commented on the RFP required to solicitate resources, timeline for auction and, comparison against generatiors offering the same service. Jay Zarnikau has prepared a PRR to address load participation in the RMR market and will forward it to the WMS and PRS for consideration.

Market participation of load via a third party ( a REP other than its own) was discussed. Oxy has stated that it has received an opinion from ERCOT on an approach and has received approval. Details could be revealed due to competitive trade sensitive nature of the material. Danielle Jassaud of PUC suggested parties impose question to ERCOT and MOD and seek opinion. Parties argued that current ERCOT Protocol does not allow it but agreed that it does not violate any market rules as long as the primary REP is aware of the arrangements. Nonetheless all market rules should be clear and available to all. Paul Wattle will add the necessary language to the “Load Participation on the ERCOT Market” document. Again, Mark Patterson of ERCOT promised to bring back ERCOT feedback on the issue in the March meeting of the DSWG.

Other Issues

Several, but not all, of the items were briefly discussed and prioritized. Mark Smith will assign a priority to the remaining issues and will seek comments.

Floyd Trefny presented his ??????????????????