Minutes of Shap Surgery Fund Trustees Meeting held on Monday 4th November 2013

Present: Vera Bevan, Patsy Newsome, Brenda Iveson,Dr Helen Dunning, Dr Margaret McCabe, Sue Graham.

Apologies: David Pitt

Dr McCabe thanked everyone for attending the meeting and thanked the committee for their continued support.

Treasurers Report:

Treasurer, Vera Bevan gave her report. The income for 2012/13 was £1454.40and expenditure for the same period was £1521.46. The balance at 31/7/13 when the accounts were submitted for audit was £598.51. The accounts were audited and found to be correct by Mr Peter Goodwin.

The balance at the date of the meeting was £605.89.

Sue Graham will send a letter of thanks to Mr Goodwin.

The Doctors thanked Brenda for becoming a committee member. We discussed what equipment had been purchased and what we may need to buy in the future.


Following on from the last meeting the surgery fund has now purchased;

Vinyl Chairs – A purchase of 2 wipeable chairs for the minor operations room to assist us to achieve infection control requirements.

Re-upholstery of electric bed in minor operations room as the previous upholstery was torn due to wear and tear. This will also help us achieve infection control requirements.

Automated check in machine – This is to prevent patients having to queue to advise that they are here for their appointment. We are receiving an increasing number of incoming telephone calls which means that at times, the queue for checking in was building up. This is to help with this problem.

Centrifuge - this is a piece of equipment which enables us to carry out blood tests throughout the day, rather than only before 11am. The blood will keep until the next day for testing if it has been spun in the centrifuge with no adverse effect to the result. This has improved the service we offer to our patients making blood appointment booking much more flexible.

Paediatric defibrillator kit – This will allow us to use our adult defibrillator on children if required. The kit reduces the electric current to a more suitable level for smaller children.

A charger for the Dermatascope battery.

Future purchases:

Ideas for items to purchase were discussed and it was agreed that we will need leaflet holders at some point when blinds are fitted in the waiting room as the window sills will become un-usable.