Minutes of Selectboard Meeting

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Board Present: Robert Vasseur (Robert), Ed Read (Ed) and Jared Cadwell (Jared)

Guests: Stuart Hallstrom, Deb Jones, Raymond Schenk, David Koepele

Meeting called to order 6:00 p.m.

1. Jared made a motion to approve minutes of October 11, 2011. Robert seconded. No further discussion, all in favor, motion carried.

2. Deb Jones – Finance Policy & Procedures

Deb Jones worked on a draft finance policy and procedures document and shared her thoughts with the Selectboard (SB) regarding further internal controls of the Town finances. See attached list of suggestions. The reason she wanted to do this is that the SB asked her to reconcile the checkbook bank statement each month but thought the SB’s intention may have been something beyond just this function. Items discussed were petty cash procedures, back up procedures of QB, password protected functions, locking of functions after a review is complete and others. SB will discuss in more detail and get back to her with their recommendations.

3. Raymond Schenk addressed his concerns with Bob Grandfield’s property located across from his own. He appreciates that the Town cleaned out the ditch and responded to his last complaint with a letter. However, he feels that the SB did not sufficiently answer his questions.

His main concerns are:

Possibility of industrial pollution.

Mr. Grandfield having a valid home occupation permits.

Mr. Grandfield having a building permit for the shed.

Permit requirements for the mobile trailer that appears to be occupation related.

Permit requirements for disturbing (terracing) more than an acre of land.

Metal and concrete debris on the property (some now covered by soil).

Mr. Schenk noted that Mr. Grandfield has developed the lot within the well shield indicated on Mr. Schenk’s plot plans. He wanted to know how/why the Town would allow this.

SB responded with the following comments and suggestions:

The Town does not generate well permits (nor septic at this point).

The Town is unaware if when an engineer develops a plot plan that he/she notifies an abutter and receives consent to the placing of a well shield on their property and how that would then encumber them.

It is up to Mr. Schenk to research the conditions on his own property.

It is not the SB’s responsibility legally to make sure a neighbor keeps his/her property pristine.

Building permits generated through the Town have nothing to do with well or septic permitting. They are for structures only.

The State generates storm water runoff permits which and would address disturbances of an acre of land.

SB agreed to circle back to the Zoning Administrator to clarify what home occupation and building permits Mr. Grandfield may hold on his property and if he is in violation of any sort.

SB suggested Mr. Schenk contact an engineer (perhaps Gunner McCain) to get answers on the well shield question.

4. David Koepele – Land Use Regulations

David Koepele officially handed over the revised Land Use Regulations (LUR) to the Selectboard. No significant changes have been made since the last discussion with the Selectboard. It is now up to the SB to warn a public hearing within ninety days. Immediately after approval at the public hearing, FEMA requires the PC to submit a flood district overlay piece.

5. Stuart Hallstrom – Update from Road Crew

Stuart explained that the flood work on Center Fayston and Rankin road is done but for seeding and mulching.

He is preparing the trucks for snow but if we get any this weekend, the pickup truck will have to do.

They have not been able to replace the culvert on Harris Hill Road yet. Now that the season is late, he believes that it should wait until spring. SB agreed this was okay.

They are currently catching up on the grading.

Stuart has checked on a cell phone for $59.99/month. The cost to purchase one from Small Dog is $100-$200.00. SB gave the okay to purchase a cell phone for use by the whole Town Road crew but that he should shop around and get the cheapest one (and plan) possible.

6. SB addressed a complaint of trash at the property of Jonathon Armstrong, Center Fayston Road. SB signed a letter addressing the issue. See attached.

7. Other business:

Andy Yager has expressed an interest in the Animal Control Officer position. He will be asked to attend the November 8, 2011 SB meeting to discuss.

7:10pm - Jared made a motion to go into executive session to discuss legal matters. Ed seconded, no further discussion, all in favor, motion carried.

7:15pm – Jared made a motion to close executive session. Ed seconded, no further discussion, all in favor, motion carried.

No Actions Taken in executive session.

8. SB read mail and signed order of October 24/25, 2011 (ratified the signing of the 10/17/11 order that needed approval prior to sending a check of $100,000.00 to the Fayston School District).

Meeting adjourned 7:30 pm.

The next Selectboard meeting will be Tuesday, November 8, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at the Fayston Municipal Building.

Respectfully Submitted:

Patti Lewis

Approved: ______Date: ______Robert Vasseur, Chair