Meeting date: July 19, 2012

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:36pm, the pledges were read.

Clubs in attendance: Equestrian Challenge, Legends, Show Stoppers, BC Wranglers, Trailblazers II, Caballeros, Barnstormers, Equus Excellence, Elite Equestrians, Macedonia Pioneers, All-Star Equestrians

Saddle Seekers, Horse Sense, Showman’s Corner, Skyriders II, Mane Attraction, Knight Riders, Royal Riders, Rough Riders

Clubs not in attendance: none

The minutes from last month were read and approved. Motioned – Dale Freeland, Second – Gloria Rege – motion passed.

ü  Officers' reports:
-Treasurer’s Report:

Saddle Horse Treasury Report
Prior Balance / $30,648.53
open show deposit / $2,455.00
check #
#2037 / Hookway / $41.49
#2038 / Bittaker / $51.21
#2039 / Hawsman / $29.11
#2040 / Dr. Alger / $200.00
#2041 / Candy Lawrence- judge Comp Trail / $150.00
#2042 / McWhirter_awards / $157.04
#2043 / Wokojance / $73.45
#2044 / Sampsel-postage / $11.40
#2045 / Cash- PAS / $200.00
#2046 / Amber Wise- judge 6/24 / $325.00
#2047 / Tammy Brahman- judge 7/7 / $350.00
Ending Balance / $31,514.83

Additional Receipts turned in at meeting –

Chris W – $59.60 – office supplies

BC Wranglers – $117.00 for stall cleaning first PAS show

Denny Bittaker - $601.37 – canopy

Mike Hawsman – $63.09 Fair supplies

Baker Vehicle Systems - $63.90 golf cart

Debbie Hookway – $11.08 – fair supplies

Carla Kline – $132. 12 – toner

Fair Board – $400 for shows

Miller and Company - $395.00

Carla Kline motioned to pay the bills, Lynn Schott seconded the motion. Motion passed.

-President’s Report –

Extension: Jackie Kreiger – Reminder to occasionally leave the equine area of the fair. For example, go see the hogs! Showman of Showmen will be joining the other 9 species of animals. It takes a lot of people to put on a show season so thank you. Please model wonderful sportsmanship. The mounting areas will be put up again this year and the intent is to keep kids safe while mounting and dismounting. Thank you to everyone who judged projects. Everyone needs to exhibit good sportsmanship in the rings, barns, etc. For those of you that get grouchy, please don’t. Wednesday morning from 8:00-10:00 there will be a free breakfast. Please be very careful with the extreme heat that is going on. Make sure horses and people are staying hydrated. Keep an eye on the stalls and the people and what is going on in the aisles.

Grievance – Morgan Hillard presented a grievance with a vet excuse, a new lease and all of her fair paperwork. The horse spooked and reared and came up instantly lame on his right hind leg. As soon as she attempted to canter his hind leg gave. He is on complete stall rest for 30 days. It will not impact her points.

Discussion – Carla Kline motioned that we allow Morgan Hillard to switch horses. Michele Walters seconded, motion passed.

Committee reports:

Ad Book (Liz Bennett) - None

Project Award (Chris Wokojance) – There are six young ladies trying out for project awards. Thank you judges!

Horse Bowl (Sara Justice) – Horse bowl will start in October.

Website (Sara Justice) – The website was updated yesterday.

Horse Camp (Becky Smith) - It is done and it went well!

Sunshine Club (Mrs. Lowe) – Mike Hawsman in Mrs. Lowe’s absences - Emma Bonfiglio was in the hospital for blood clots.

Groom & Clean (Joani Hedderick) – None.

Competitive Trail (Dee Casteel) – Dee has $260 to deposit for competitive trail. There were 14 entries, 13 finished. It went really well and there was a lot of help. The city of Norton was also very helpful. The state ride is September 19th. It is open to anybody.

Volunteer Hours (Brian Petroff) – We have volunteers hours here, please let Brian know if you need to check on hours. There are some people that may be short, but their clubs may have enough to cover them.

Rotating Trophies (Mrs. Lowe) – Chris Wokojance in her absence – turn in trophies please!

Maintenance (Denny Bittaker) – The shade canopy is up! If people are here this weekend your help will still be used! Please let Denny know if you notice anything else. Brian will post which 4Her had the most hours when he posts the hours to the website.

Scholarship (Sue & Rachel Schutte) _ Judges and kids are confirmed!

Ribbons & Trophies (Cathy McWhirter) – Carla Kline in Cathy McWhirter’s absence. Everything is ordered and we were able to recycle trophies and still have all the divisions match. The adv. and intermediate will have the option between a gift card or trophy. If they choose a gift card they will be given a “fake” gift card to come in and exchange. Those with entry booth duty will have to be diligent with the trophies and gift cards.

Judges (Jackie Sampsel) – Judges are all set and ready to go.

PAS (Chris Wokojance) – Put of 74 participants, 32 kids qualified and 8 kids qualified for dressage. Jefferson Co. kids who are from near West Virginia came and they thought ours was very well run and worth the haul. Thank you to Chris Wokojance. Kids need to verify whether or not they go to state by Sunday. An issue did come up with the Jr. Competitive Trail because a 10 year old won but you must be 11 to go down to state. Because she is not old enough to go down to state fair the question came up as to whether or not she deserves a belt buckle. Sue Schutte motioned that Emily Garside be given a belt buckle, Carla Kline seconded the motion. The competition was very stiff and there was a tie to start. Miscellaneous Discussion – The competition was very stiff and there was a tie to start. It could open a whole can of worms but in future years we could allow them a different prize for being successful. The belt buckle is a summit county award, not a state award. 19 in favor, 4 opposed, 1 abstained. Motion passed. Liz Bennett suggested it should be noted that this should be addressed in the future.

Rules (Sara Justice) – none.

Fair (Debbie Hookway & Mike Hawsman) – The stalls are in, please do no use tape on them! All stalls will be labeled when you come in. If anyone knows that they are not coming to fair please let fair committee to know so that they can fix their numbers. Stall decorations can be done anytime but they must be done by 4pm on Sunday. Last year forms are still missing, please get the paperwork in. There are still some ponies that need to be measured on Monday night under the overhang around 5:30. Please make sure they are there. Bits need to be discussed, Carla Kline will be doing bit checks. Many people do not know the difference between a snaffle and a curb bit. Many people seemed to think that because a bit is broken it is a snaffle which is not true. For dressage, Carla Kline moved that we allow kimberwicks for walk trot and novice dressage based on the fact that we run introductory level tests, pending state approval. Brad Hillard seconded the motion. Discussion: it is about safety. This seems to be a valid explanation for what we want to do. Motion passed. Bits in general are allowed to have a slow twist, fast twists are not allowed. Western kids need a curb bit, except pattern class N, I, and A must have a snaffle for pattern class. W/T western may do pattern class in a kimberwick. Contest classes must have appropriate bits, they must have curb bits for pleasure classes. Intermediate and Advanced English riders must have a snaffle bit for dressage. Walk trot and novice English may ride in a kimberwick pending state approval. Versatility – review of the rules in place. Debbie Hookway moved that in order to take 24 horses for versatility we take the following numbers: advanced western - 4 horses, advanced English - 6 horses, and advanced contest – 6 horses. The grand and reserve of the four intermediate classes intermediate English, western, contest horse and contest pony take grand and reserve. Carla Kline seconded the motion. Discussion: It has been done both ways in the past. Motion passed.

Extension cords need to be very safe and approved. Only bumper pull 2 horse trailers are allowed by barn six. This is the fire Marshall’s rules, not ours. Job assignments are not an easy job and the club numbers are everywhere. For example on job assignment numbers 3 clubs have 3 kids, 4 clubs have 1 member, 3 clubs have 5 members, 1 club has two members, etc. The best job done possible was assigning. The numbers were very difficult to work with. Please talk to other clubs and work it out. If you switch, please let Debbie know. Please talk to each other about duties. A round of applause for Debbie Hookway.

Judi Adams would like to encourage everyone to come back from state fair. It is a privilege that we finally earned to come in and out. The special needs kids are doing a demo at 2:00 on Saturday so please be there.

Carla Kline – there is also exhibition driving and saddleseat so please support both of those classes.

Sara Justice would like to know the recommendation for rain gear - Dee suggested that any clear raincoat be approved. No Panchos.

Teresa Sondles – sawdust will be delivered soon, it is being donated from Ready to Haul. They will also be donating to the cattle people.

Road Hack guidelines – many judges have no idea what road hack is so judges don’t know what is expected of them. The attire and tack is judged the same as horsemanship with an emphasis on the extended jog/trot and the controlled hand gallop. Debbie Hookway has specific guidelines if anyone has questions on the class. It will also be posted on the website. Big thank you to Sara Justice for keeping up the website. We saved $850 with stalls this year.

Please let Debbie Hookway know again if there are changes.

Horses can come in anytime after 4 on Monday they must be in by 7. Campers come in Sunday after 1:30.

Open Show (Joani Hedderick) – Lynn Schott in Joani’s absence. Thank you to Carla Kline. There are some issues open show committee wanted addressed but that will be done in August. Kimberwicks are not to be used in pattern class. We brought in about $2400.00. Everyone who worked did an awesome job and thank you!

Fair board – no grey water hoses. Jr. Fairboard will be having 4H fun night in the youth and family area. It is after the fair closes and it is a lot of fun. It will be announced and applications will be in the saddle horse building.

Finance Committee – Nothing new but we will have more in the August meeting.
Old Business: None

New business:Grievances – the board will consist of one advisor from each club, the executive committee, and the fair and open show chairpersons. The meeting will be at 3pm on Sunday.

-Contesters must show horsemanship and showmanship classes in western attire.

-Fun show at Saturday at 5:00 at Dee’s barn. No show attire!

Announcements: Tug of War will be between barns sometime Saturday.

Reminder – horses for versatility cannot be used for parent and advisor classes.

**The next meeting is August 16, 2012

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:35

Respectfully Submitted,

Rachel Schutte

Date Approved: