August 20, 2015: Village Board Meeting
Minutes of Regular Meeting Sodus Point Village Board
Mayor Tertinek called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Mayor Tertinek , CEO Hendrikse, Trustee Quinn, Officer Mackin, Trustee Kallusch, and Trustee Eckberg, Attorney Williams
Public: Approx. 12
Absent: Deputy Mayor Kennedy
MOTION by Trustee Quinn and seconded by Trustee Eckberg to approve the minutes of the July 16, 2015 regular meeting.
Motion carried all voting aye.
Reports were given as follows:
Mayor Tertinek – Water, Highway
Deputy Mayor Kennedy – na
Trustee Quinn- Wastewater Report
CEO Hendrikse- Building Report
Trustee Kallusch- Fire Report
MOTION by Trustee Kallusch and seconded by Trustee Eckberg to approve the following as members to the Fire Department. Amanda Curry and Douglas Hickman
Motion carried all voting aye.
Trustee Eckberg- Community Center and Ambulance Report
Officer Mackin- Police Report.
Public Comments:
Bob Darby, 8342 Bay St started by thanking Officer Mackin for patrolling the basketball court area located behind his house.
Mr. Darby also delivered a copy of a letter from his lawyer Knauf Shaw to the Village Planning Board RE: Application for Site Plan Approval by Katlynn Marine, Inc.
He wanted to make sure the Village Board had a copy.
Maxine Appleby 7487 So. Ontario St. is in support of the resolution regarding Complete Streets.
She feels it supports the comprehensive plan for the Sodus Point Village
Ms. Appleby also directly asked CEO Hendrikse if he would support a fire code variance for the building code referencing any new heated building over 500sq. ft. needing a water sprinkler system for the Katlynn Marine application. Mr. Hendrikse stated he would not answer the question without seeing a plan. She then stated that she wondered what the Village’s recommendation would be and if they would be ok with the building directly behind the Village office.
Ms. Appleby would also like the vines that are choking out her pine tree to be addressed. CEO Hendrikse agreed to speak to the owner.
Old Business:
A. The Village Board has decided to use the recommendations from Kevin Rooney from Wayne County for the proposed a new traffic pattern for Gardenier/Wolcott/Clover Streets. See below:
MOTION by Trustee Kallusch and seconded by Trustee Eckberg to experiment with the new traffic pattern, posting new signage and revisit it at the end of next year summer season to make a final decision.
Motion carried all voting aye.
B. Trustee Eckberg did not have anything in writing regarding the basketball court paving. At the meeting, it was agreed that Mike Perce would work on the project with Trustee Eckberg and ask his vendors for a couple quotes.
C. On Wednesday August 19, 2015 at 2pm Mayor Tertinek and Trustee Quinn opened bids for the Removal and Replacement of existing Aurora Duplex Pump Station, Controls and miscellaneous piping and valves.
Siewert Equipment bid was for a total of $49,218
Koester Assoc. bid was for a total of $40,358
Elliott Engineering reviewed the bids and gave their recommendation.
MOTION by Trustee Kallusch and seconded by Trustee Quinn to accept the Koester Assoc. bid in the amount of $40,358 for the replacement pump station.
Motion carried all voting aye.
New Business:
A. MOTION by Trustee Quinn and seconded by Trustee Eckberg to approve 2015-8A Resolution Appropriating Funds from the Sewer Equipment Capital Reserve Fund
Whereas, the Village of Sodus Point Board of Trustees has established a capital reserve fund for sewer equipment, and
Whereas, the Village of Sodus Point Board of Trustees has approved the purchase of WWTP sanitary pump station replacement for a cost of $40,358.
It is hereby resolved to issue a permissive referendum for appropriating $40,358 from the sewer equipment capital reserve fund for said purchase.
Resolution adopted all voting aye.
B. MOTION by Trustee Eckberg and seconded by Trustee Kallusch to approve the following:
Whereas: Complete Streets are defined as streets and pathways that are planned, designed, operated and maintained to help enable safe access for all users, along and across which pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, persons with disabilities and motorists of all ages and abilities, are able to move safely
Whereas: The integration of land use and transportation will enhance the livability of our village. Therefore, each must be addressed in a balanced manner to maintain the quality of life for existing and future residents, business and visitors.
Whereas: Complete Streets will have a positive impact upon the safety, health and vibrancy of The Village of Sodus Point by supporting the following key principles:
The Village of Sodus Point supports:
• Establishing, expanding and maintaining a safe sidewalk network throughout the village, ensuring all pedestrian crossings are safe for all people while supporting improved access to local destinations.
• Providing for dedicated and safe bicycle routes and facilities in order to connect residents and tourists to destinations within the village and along the bay;
• Upgrading the village experience through calming traffic, supporting businesses, creating points of interest that highlight the culture, art, and history of the community, as well as preserving the natural environment.
• Identifying funding opportunities and leveraging the support of non-profits so that Sodus Point is successful in implementing its vision for residents, property owners, tourists and businesses alike.
Whereas: This policy will promote a comprehensive, integrated, connected transportation network (to include streets, pathways, sidewalks and trails) for Sodus Point that balances access, mobility, health and safety for all residents and visitors, of all ages.
Whereas: A Complete Streets policy has the capacity to increase safe bicycle, and pedestrian use of the street system, which would positively impact the physical health and safety of the community, the environmental quality of our neighborhoods and the economic vitality of the Village of Sodus Point
Whereas: Streets that integrate multiple transportation choices for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit, with special consideration for children, the elderly and people with disabilities, contributes to the public life of a community, a sustainable economic development and efficient movement of people and goods.
Whereas; The adoption of this resolution directs that all transportation and pathway projects in the Village of Sodus Point are a routinely reviewed considering the Complete Streets approach for accommodating all travel modes for all users, regardless of age or ability. As such the Village of Sodus Point shall, to the maximum extent practical, scope, plan, design, construct, operate and maintain all streets to provide a comprehensive and integrated network of facilities for all users of all abilities.
Whereas; The Village’s highway department shall seek out and adopt best known practices in the design, construction, and maintenance of all streets and pathways throughout the entire village. The Village will aspire to the highest standards and seek necessary funding to reach best practices.
Whereas; It is the intent of this policy to foster partnerships with New York State, Wayne County, Sodus School District, citizens, businesses, civic and non-profit organizations, interest groups and neighborhoods to implement complete streets.
Whereas; This Complete Streets policy reinforces the concepts and vision already clearly outlined in the Village of Sodus Point Waterfront Revitalization plan adopted in 2006 and amended in 2011. Complete Streets approaches were also specifically addressed in the Downtown Vision Plan and Design Principles presented in 2008.
Whereas: The Town of Sodus already has a Complete Streets Resolution passed 2/13/14 that mirrors components of this resolution. The Village of Sodus Point will collaborate with the Town of Sodus and the Village of Sodus to expand and coordinate Complete Streets projects to the benefit of all neighborhoods and communities.
Resolution adopted all voting aye.
C. 2015-8c Resolution
MOTION by Trustee Quinn, seconded by Trustee Eckberg to approve the following resolution
Standard Work Day and Reporting Resolution form RS 2417-A
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Board of Sodus Point Location Code 40470 hereby establishes the following as standard work days for elected and appointed officials and will report the following days worked to the New York State and Local Employees’ Retirement System based on the time keeping system records or the record of activities maintained and submitted by these officials to the clerk of this body:
Trustee Christian Tertinek, registration number 5041939-9 standard work day (6.5) term begins/ends 11/30/13-12/03/17.
Trustee William Kallusch, registration number 3780670-0 standard work day (6.5) term begins/ends 02/02/13-12/03/17.
Resolution adopted all voting aye.
D. MOTION by Trustee Kallusch and seconded by Trustee Eckberg to approve the WLB Accounting Software Support Contract 8/1/15-7/31/16 in the amount of $907.50
Motion carried all voting aye.
E. Trustee Kallusch received 3 quotes from Altas Fence Inc. for three different locations.
Job#1 Backstop fence extension $2,796.00
Job#2 Dugout fence extension $3,179.00
Job#3 Basketball backstop fence extension $1,997.00
The Board started to discuss the quotes and Mark Jones suggested that there is a lot of fence stored at the highway barn that is not currently being used. He believes the board should check to see if any of that fence could be used before agreeing to purchase more.
The Board agreed with Mr. Jones.
F. The Fire Department is looking to buy a replacement truck for the 1988 International rescue. Trustee Kallusch started researching a new rescue and realized the price was way over budget.
Command Fire Apparatus in Lancaster PA has a 1996 Freightliner/E-One heavy duty rescue truck for sale. The president quoted a deal with a trade-in value of $8,000 for the 1988 International, $1,500 credit for lettering, for a final price of $65,500. As part of the deal the firemen would have to drive to PA for the exchange.
This purchase would be funded by the Fire Department Equipment Reserve account which is subject to a 30day permissive referendum. The firemen feel this is an opportunity the Village shouldn’t pass up.
Clerk Durham asked if the Village should be receiving more than one bid if it wasn’t through state bid and Attorney Williams said the truck would have originally been purchased under state bid.
MOTION by Trustee Kallusch and seconded by Trustee Eckberg to approve the purchase of the 1996 Freightliner rescue truck from Command Fire Apparatus in the amount of $65,500.
Motion carried all voting aye.
MOTION by Trustee Quinn and seconded by Trustee Eckberg to declare the 1988 International truck surplus with a trade-in value of $8,000.
Motion carried all voting aye.
G. The Board discussed the opportunity of purchasing a 2012 Tahoe from the Lyons PD. The 2015-16 Police budget did not support this type of purchase. Trustee Kallusch and Trustee Eckberg commented that the season is almost at a close for the Police department and the topic could be addressed at the 2016-17 budget discussions and the possibility of grant monies could be researched during the off season.
H. The Village Board received a letter from Mrs. Uderitz regarding water usage at 7567 4th St. She asked that the Board consider not charging them for the water overage implying the water was shut off during the billing period but that the main water supply coming into the house had frozen and the house had no water.
MOTION by Trustee Kalusch and seconded by Trustee Eckberg to approve them to be charged under the water bill relief in extreme circumstances policy.
Motion carried all voting aye.
I. Mayor Tertinek read a letter from Kate Bruni from the Rochester General Hospital Foundation Thanking the Village for a great venue to hold their Soiree to benefit Newark-Wayne Community Hospital.
J. Mayor Tertinek discussed the letter he received from the Zoning Board in regards to “living fences”. The Zoning Board is requesting the Village Board amend the fence chapter in the zoning law to include a definition of “living fences”. Mayor Tertinek asked the Board Members to think about this change along with a few more proposed changes for the code book/ local laws. Mayor Tertinek would like to revisit the discussion at the October meeting.
MOTION by Trustee Kallusch and seconded by Trustee Eckberg to approve payment of claims 8-1 through 8-55 for a total of $66,284.15; General/Highway $31,341.09; Water $10,103.54; Wastewater $24,839.52;
Other Business:
Mayor Tertinek discussed the watering schedule over Labor Day weekend.
Mayor Tertinek also wanted to extend his sincere sympathy in the passing of Kathryn Jean Mayo the mother of the village’s employee Richard Mayo.
MOTION by Trustee Quinn seconded by Trustee Kallusch to move to executive session for personnel matters
Motion carried all voting aye.
MOTION by Trustee Kallusch seconded by Trustee Eckberg to adjourn from executive session and return to the regular meeting at 8:57PM
Motion carried all voting aye.
MOTION by Trustee Eckberg and seconded by Trustee Kallusch to adjourn the meeting at 8:58PM
Next scheduled regular Board meeting, Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 7:00 PM.
Tracy Durham