Board Minutes
April 14, 2010
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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of April 14, 2010
President Mike Pavlik called the Regular April 14 meeting of the Board of Directors of Sumner School District No. 320 to order at 6:02 p.m.
Present: Mike Pavlik, Sherm Voiles, Richard Hendricks, Jeff DeMarre, Greg Hanon
Dr. Gil Mendoza, Superintendent; Craig Spencer, Assistant Superintendent; Debra Barlow, Executive Director, Human Resources; Deb Campbell, Executive Director, Business Services; Erin LaVerdiere, Executive Director, Teaching & Learning; Ann Cook, Director, Communications; Sandy Maynard, Chief Technology Officer; Hillery Berteaux, SEA President; Sarah Briehl, Director, CTE; Marilee Hill-Anderson, Director, STARR Project; Kandy Rose and Lee Orphan, Teachers; Kellie Fremont, TOSA; Troy Whitten, Director, Transportation; Mark Baumgarten, Director, M&O; Steve Fulkerson and Toby Udager, Co-Principals, Lakeridge Middle; Althea Clark, Director, Finance; Serena Gregerson, Director, HR; Mike McCartin, Marcie Belfield, Susie Black, Elementary Principals; BLRB Architects Lee Fenton, Tom Bates, and Associate AIA Jonah Jensen; Mandy Jowett, Recording Secretary.
Visitors: 0
Flag Salute
Approval of Agenda
Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve the agenda and supplemental agenda as presented: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.
Approval of Minutes
Moved by Sherm Voiles that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular March 17 Board meeting as presented: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
Consent Items
Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve the consent items on the regular and supplemental agendas: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion unanimously carried.
Contract Ratifications
Julie McKenzie, Family & Consumer Science Teacher, Sumner High, continuing contract reduction from 1.0 FTE to .60 FTE
Leave of Absence
Kathryn Briggs, Math TOSA, Administration, new request for a 1.0 FTE leave of absence without pay, effective 2010-2011 school year
Kevin Rankin, Child Nutrition Assistant, Sumner High, effective April 13, 2010
Out of State Travel
Brandon Frederick, Teacher and Social Studies Department Chair, Bonney Lake High, to serve as an Advanced Placement (AP) Program Reader at this year’s annual AP Reading June 1 – 9, 2010, in Daytona, Florida. Funding source: the AP Program College Board will cover all expenses.
Board Minutes
April 14, 2010
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Consent Items, continued
Surplus Property
The Board authorized the District to surplus items on the District Surplus Removal Listing.
a. Roll of Honor
Board President Mike Pavlik recognized accomplishments, achievements and awards for students and staff. A summary of vocal and choir students and educators is attached.
b.2009 National Board Certified Teacher Candidates
Elementary TOSA Kellie Fremont introduced National Board candidates Jamie Bellamy, Lindy Browning, Anthony Clarke, Breaen Czerwinski, Brandon Frederick, Joshua Gaydos, Cheryl Gosselin, Bobbie Marcy, Jennifer Meyer, Michelle Nazelrod, Jonathan Nelson, Sara Palmer, Keri Read, Lindsey Stevens, and Brian Wood. Board President Mike Pavlik thanked them for their time and commitment ensuring high and rigorous standards in teaching and learning.
c.School Insight: Lakeridge Middle School
Toby Udager and Steve Fulkerson, Co-Principals introduced Lakeridge Middle School 6th graders, Bennett Hillier, Caroline Knote, Will Paisley, Payton Jerome and Megan Potts, who presented photos comparing the old with the new during construction to replace their current school.
Meeting Recessed: 6:21 p.m.
Meeting Reconvened: 6:34 p.m.
a.District Improvement: PLC Work at Lakeridge Middle School
Eighth grade teachers Frank Hasiak and Jennifer Meyer described the work of their interdisciplinary PLC team at Lakeridge Middle School. By using data from standards based grading, teachers target specific students for interventions during the school day. Jennifer and Frank explained cross content collaboration and how a team approach to student academic and non-academic needs works in concert with RTI efforts.
b.Measurements of Student Progress (MSP) & HSPE
Teaching & Learning Executive Director Erin LaVerdiere gave an update on the HSPE (High School Proficiency Exam), which is being administered in April. Students in the Class of 2013 are the first to be required to pass reading, writing, and math and science assessments. The MSP is the state test for grades 3-8 and its name conveys the goal of the test: to measure student progress. It will be administered in May. The MSP and the HSPE are shorter tests than the WASL and will be moved online over the next few years.
c.Budget Update
With the recent announcement of the State’s final supplemental budget Business Services Executive Director Deb Campbell gave a brief overview of District’s 2010-2011 budget and advised the Board they would be given more detailed information at the April 28 Board Study Session. She advised the projected change in revenue for the 2010-2011 school year was -$2.7 million dollars, part of which could be mitigated with local levy funding.
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April 14, 2010
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Audience Comments
Superintendent Comments
Dr. Mendoza recently toured the construction area at the new Lakeridge Middle School and along with students and staff shares their excitement and anticipation for their new school. He invited Board members to take a tour.
Board Member Comments
Director Voiles gave an update on continuing community support for the daughter of a Pierce County
Deputy, who was seriously injured in January. He invited anyone who would like to get involved to
attend a fundraiser Sunday, April 25, at the Fairgrounds.
Unfinished Business
a. Technology Plan – Second Reading
Moved by Jeff DeMarre that the Board approve the 2010-2013 Technology Plan for the Sumner School District: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion passed unanimously.
b.Policy Revision: High School Graduation Requirements – Second Reading
Moved by Rick Hendricks that the Board approve revised Policy 3220: High School Graduation Requirements: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion passed unanimously.
New Business
a. 2010-2011 Reduced Educational Program & Staffing
Human Resources Executive Director Deb Barlow explained that the resolution before the Board was a guideline in preparing for a balanced budget for the 2010-2011 school year. Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve Resolution No. 19/09-10: Reduced Educational Program and Staffing: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion passed unanimously.
b. Authorized Personnel: Maple Lawn Elementary
Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve Resolution No. 16/09-10, which designates Craig Spencer and Mark Baumgarten as District Representatives for the Maple Lawn Elementary project: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion passed unanimously.
c. Racial Balance: Maple Lawn Elementary
Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve Resolution No. 17/09-10, which verifies the Maple Lawn Elementary project will not create or aggravate racial imbalance with the school district: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion passed unanimously.
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April 14, 2010
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d. Educational Specifications: Maple Lawn Elementary
Maple Lawn Principal Mike McCartin described the comprehensive and collaborative work that went into the school’s modernization plans and that the key to its success has been the unique quality of the planning committee, which honors Maple Lawn’s long history and acknowledges its legacy in the community. Tom Fenton and Jonah Jensen from BLRB presented detailed views of the modernization project.
Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve Resolution No. 18/09-10, which approves educational specifications for the Maple Lawn Elementary project: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion passed unanimously.
e.Change Order #12: Lakeridge Middle School
Moved by Rick Hendricks that the Board approve Change Order #12: Lakeridge Middle School: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion passed unanimously.
f.Budget Revision: Transportation Vehicle Fund
Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board adopt Resolution No. 20/09-10: Transportation Vehicle Fund Revision: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion passed unanimously.
g. Budget Revision: Debt Service Fund
Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board adopt Resolution No. 21/09-10: Debt Service Fund Revision: Seconded by Jeff DeMarre. Motion passed unanimously.
h.Warrant Approval
Moved by Rick Hendricks that the Board approve the warrants as certified by the auditing officer: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.
Warrant #39332-#39395 in the total amount of $386,766.19
General Fund $146,608.16
Capital Projects $224,774.63
ASB Fund $15,371.40
Private Purpose Trust Fund $12.00
Warrant #39396-#39478 in the total amount of $3,608,530.44
General Fund $224,993.27
Capital Projects $3,361,241.96
ASB Fund $22,205.21
Private Purpose Trust Fund $90.00
Warrant #39479-#39521 in the total amount of $181,569.84
General Fund $163,181.85
Capital Projects $1,754.41
ASB Fund $16,501.58
Private Purpose Trust Fund $132.00
Warrant #39522-#39606 in the total amount of $448,931.41
General Fund $438,983.20
Capital Projects $3,115.89
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April 14, 2010
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Warrant Approval, continued
ASB Fund $6,832.32
Warrant #196103-#196121 in the total amount of $137,992.51
General Fund
Warrant #196122-#196177 in the total amount of $4,976,525.36
General Fund
Warrant #91000021-#91000022 in the total amount of $1,164.37
General Fund $821.17
ASB Fund $343.20
Information Only
a.Upcoming Board Meeting
The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 12, at 6:00 p.m. and will be
held at Sumner High School. The Sumner High School Senior Showcase will begin at 7:00 p.m.
A Board Study Session is scheduled for Wednesday, April 28, at 6:00 p.m. for 2010 budget
b. Budget Status Report
The budget status report for March was included for Board information.
Meeting Recessed for Executive Session: 8:12 p.m.
President Mike Pavlik announced an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the
Superintendent’s evaluation and contract.
Meeting Reconvened: 9:47 p.m.
Moved by Sherm Voiles that the meeting be adjourned: Seconded by Rick Hendricks. Motion unanimously carried.
Meeting adjourned: 9:49 p.m.
Gil Mendoza, Secretary
Board of Directors
Mike Pavlik, President
Board of Directors