Minutes of Quilt Show Committee Meeting

July 13, 2010

Shauna called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. In attendance were: Beth Calkins, Charlotte Tucker, Daphne Maurer, Jeanne Luchtel, Jennifer Murray, Linda Hunnell, Nancy Clutz, Norma Doe, Perri DeMeritt, Sandy Lenz, Sara Hedberg and Shauna Nicoletti.

The Handouts for the meeting included an Important Dates sheet and two hand-outs from Jeanne regarding Program deadlines and requirements for entries, story sheets, and program coordination. Shauna extended thanks to Linda Tellesbo, Beth, Charlotte and Peggy for the work they did in getting the on-line registration done and the demonstration available to the members.

The logo was presented and a grayscale shown. It was suggested by the committee that members with computer sewing machines could digitize the logo. Shauna will make a copy available so we can see about getting that done. The logo will be used on bookmarks, programs, and possibly on ballots.

As we would like to have Bron Journey music at our show, Linda Hunnell has been leaving messages. Linda will keep trying to make a contact.

Programs: It was decided that we prefer the smaller sized program that BPQ has been using for the last several years. Jeanne reported that she had tried running the previous program without any quilters’ statements in the copy and could save only four pages by doing that. The on-line registration will also cut back quilters’ statements to 50 words. It was suggested that all of the information in the program could be reformatted resulting in more of a “directory of the show” and many more pages might be eliminated by doing that. It was also suggested that a statement to our members and guests could be included in the directory to the effect that complete copies of the quilt story sheets could be found on our website. The committee asked about program ads covering the costs of the program. No member has stepped forward to do the program ad job, so it is not likely that this would be a way to cover costs. In the previous program, pages 12 through 57 were all quilt related. The committee wanted to know what the anticipated costs would be if those pages were eliminated; there was also a question of placing the information into two column text per page. Jeanne is going to explore that. Jeanne will research the costs at Costco, Staples, and Kinkos. G & H Printing will not be considered for the programs due to their not being open on Saturday if additional copies were needed. Last year the programs were run at 800 copies and then another 300 had to be run over the weekend of the show. The committee suggested a run of 1,000 copies and stressed the need to re-cycle copies.

The schedule for program dates was discussed. All of the dates are important and inter-related to other positions: 9/24 (final quilt categories determined), 9/27 (review of all entries), 10/1 (final story sheets and ballots ready for review), and 10/20 (program proof to Charlotte and Shauna) are critical dates.

Ballots will be printed two to a page on colored stock. A sample ballot from last year will be emailed to the committee as an example of the expected ballot format. A Members-Only ballot will also be developed by Sandy and Beth. The numbers of the quilts for the program and for the ballot will be available after 9/27 review of all entries occurs.

Once we know that the on-line registration is “live”, Charlotte will send out a blast to the members. The information packet still needs to be placed on the web and Peggy will be asked to do that.

The boutique made two corrections on the projected date deadlines as all boutique items are actually dropped off the day of the set-up. Daphne indicated that members who had participated in the boutique in previous years were already signing on for numbers and even if someone were to wait until the very last minute with their items so long as they had tags with their boutique number on the tag and a cost for the item, last minute items could be accepted. Daphne plans to make an announcement at the August general meeting and she will submit an article for the newsletter. The boutique will obtain their own set-up and their own staffing and they will make it clear to the members that participating in the boutique does not take the place of the need to work during the show in other areas.

Challenge: Nancy will submit additional information and suggestions to the newsletter to get members involved in the challenge. She has the same entry date timelines and challenge entries will need to be registered on-line. Nancy will be responsible for all drop-off, all pick-up, and all hanging of the challenge quilts.

Demonstrations: Carol was not in attendance, but Shauna had received an email from her. Carol will submit an article to the newsletter and will speak to the membership at the August general meeting.

Volunteer sign-ups: Elsie was not in attendance. She will be asked to have sign-ups ready for the August, September, and October general meetings and she will be asked to submit a newsletter article.

Publicity: Sara is still recruiting volunteers to help out in the Adopt-a-shop effort. As we have decided to do an outreach to community centers, senior centers, all surrounding guilds, and libraries finding a few volunteers is imperative. It was suggested that Sara occupy a table at membership check-in and that any clipboards be sent around with a helium balloon so the progress around the membership in a meeting could be noted. Now that we have a logo, Sara will prepare bookmarks for distribution in the packets that will go out. In October Sara will have an email invitation to our show prepared which will be sent to all of our members so they can use their social networking to get folks to attend. Sara will submit a newsletter article and will work with Peggy to get a link into the web. She will notify ICC to get their web-site to reflect our show and she is working on perhaps getting some feature stories in local newspapers or community radio announcements to further advertise the show.

Ribbons: Alice and Peggy are working on a prototype, but it’s not ready yet. The logo has been sent to Alice so we should see an example of the ribbons soon.

Ronald McDonald: RMD quilts are being set aside for the show. Fabric will be distributed at the August general meeting for bordering and Linda will point out the need to have non-directional settings for the blocks. Linda Hunnell stressed that having the Kids’ Korner on the main floor downstairs will present some supervisory challenges and that there will need to be additional people each shift so no permanent markers wander into where our quilts are being displayed. There was some discussion of using a pop-up awning and using the white ICC fencing around the perimeter of the Kids’ Korner. Linda and Angelika will explore these ideas further. Linda would like to invite the pre-school children to attend as one of our community reach out opportunities and they will explore that further.

Tea Room: Norma will make a visit to the ICC center to look closely at the room for electrical outlets and to decide how that room can be decorated. Last year’s effort to get items for the Tea Room other than just chocolate-chip cookies was very successful and made a good bit of profit for the guild. The Tea Room committee are focused on repeating that success and will discuss what decorations and signage are needed to invite guests to the show up to that venue. Tea Room will submit an article for the newsletter to run in September and in October.

Drop-off/Pick-up: We don’t seem to know where the brown bags and plastic holders are for the drop-off/pick-up. Charlotte will go to the storage unit and she will send the address of the unit to Sandy and to Beth. There will be a meeting of the group of members who are the contact people sometime in September – after the auction and before the October general meeting. They will coordinate with Elsie for times and for the pinning station needs.

Story Sheets: Donna Lee will work in conjunction with QA and with the new on-line process to get the story sheets printed, proof-read, and ready.

The meeting was adjourned at 8pm