
Joan DavisChristine Clark (Chair)

Jane GreenfieldCaroline Tebbutt

Janice Nightingale (Practice Manager)Irene Tearle

Sue Warren (Minutes)


Apologies had been received from Teresa Springett and June Reber. Lee Sayer was no longer a member of the PG.

2Minutes of Last Meeting

The minutes of the last meeting held on 26th September 2013 were agreed.

3Matters Arising from Last Meeting:

Telephone System

The telephone situation was still ongoing. JN reported that she had met with SurgeryLine who provided telephone systems nationwide, and who had provided many in the local area. The quote had been received but at present no final decision had been made. JN was checking the lease for the CCPCC to ensure that there would be no penalty if the Practice changed over to a different telephone provider. Other providers were being sought as a comparison. JN would report back to the group at the next meeting with any progress. Action JN

Patient Group Newsletter

In December the Practice made available to patients a practice newsletter. Patient Group members felt that this was a good idea which informed patients of any current practice news items. The newsletter will continue to be produced on a 3/4 yearly basis. Suggestions for inclusion into the newsletter were welcomed. Action SW


The Practice was still waiting to hear whether the contracts had been awarded for the recent bids to provide Vasectomy and 24hr BP monitoring service. JN would report back to the group when she had heard anything further.

The BPH service which Oaklands ran for local patients for had been withdrawn by the Clinical Commissioning Group. This service stopped in December 2013. The group felt that this had been a good service offered by the Practice to local people and would write to the Commissioning team to see whether it could be reinstated. Action CC/SW

5Care Quality Commission Visit – December 2013

JN reported that on the 6th December 2013 the Care Quality Commission had a scheduled inspection of Oaklands Practice. Some of the PG members present had been contacted by the Care Quality Commission after the visit to find out their views on the practice.

JN was pleased to announce that the Practice had met all the essential standards inspected. The full report is available on the Care Quality Commission Website available in Oaklands Reception for patients to view.

6Patient Survey

Patient Group were asked to consider questions for the 2014 Patient Survey. Suggestions were to discuss appointments, even though this had been the main area of concern in last year’s survey as improvements were still ongoing, nurse practitioner role as patients were not always aware what the role of a nurse practitioner did, whether the NHS choices and practice website were used by patients and if they found them useful.

SW showed a rough plan of how the survey would look and PG members agreed that this would be appropriate to use for the 2014 survey.

JN and SW will arrange for the survey to be reproduced and sent out to Virtual Patient Group members, made available on the website and for patients to complete in reception.

It was suggested that a large print version also be made available for patients to help those that are visually impaired.

The findings of the report will be analysed and discussed at the next meeting, along with any action plans arising from last year and areas that need to be improved on from the results of the survey for 2014. Action JN/SW


SW outlined a recent news article from NHS health managers asking people to stock up on basic medicines as the weather turns colder.

8Intercare – Medical Aid for Africa

The Practice was considering participating in Intercare which is a unique charity that recycles quality surplus medicines and donates aid to African health units. This service allows for the return of unwanted prescription medicines and sends the surplus medicines to sub-Saharan Africa.

Intercare will not accept controlled drugs for example Morphine, Diazepam etc. Liquids, glass bottles, part blister packs, items requiring refrigeration or used needs or syringes. They will accept complete strips of tablets within their original packaging, injections, inhalers, creams, eye drops and ointments, dressings and bandages. All medicines need at least 15 months shelf life. Full lists of items which can be accepted are available in reception or ask our prescription clerks for further information.

JN asked for PG views and those present thought that this was a good initiative for Oaklands to participate in. Action JN/SW

8Comments Box


9Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 6th March 2014 @ 1.00pm.