Unapproved Minutes of OLS –CSAC Meeting May 10, 2007

Chairs: Helen Patterson

Secretary: Karen Gierlach

Attendees: Mr. Cassidy, Andrew Kwiatkowski (partial), Helen Patterson, Darlene Diodati, Andrea Flug, Michael Perry, Gordon Taylor, Kathryn Adams, Stephanie Mazzei, Eileen McPhee, Angela DelVecchio, Julie Tricarico, Christine Kuzyk, Laurie Taller, Carmelanna Ruggiero, Eva Marie Moffat, Loretta Perus, Halina Ogonek (Teacher), Barbara Schaeffer (Teacher), Maureen Jones (Teacher), Irene Prus (Teacher), Patricia Manarin, Linda Martino, Donna Javni, Dan Natale, Chris Prillo.

1. & 2. Welcome/Introductions/Prayer: The meeting opened with a prayer at 7:05pm. Helen Patterson welcomed all.

3. Approval of minutes: from April 12th : Motion #1 to accept the minutes as presented—Michael Perry. Second: Darlene Diodati. Passed.

4. Additional Agenda Item: Destination Imagination

Two teams qualified for the global challenge this year and are eligible to go to Tennessee. As the existing budget only accounted for one team to proceed, a request was made by both teams to allow them both to proceed in the challenge. Motion #2: to approve additional funds, $500, for Destination Imagination—Andrea Flug. Second: Stephanie Mazzei. Passed.

5. Treasurer’s Report: In Anne Rieger’s absence, Helen Patterson requested for receipts to be submitted from committee chairs.

Within the treasurer’s report, Christine Kuzyk reported that the OLS Fun Fair has received donations from a few real estate agents, and that we are only three volunteers short for the big event.

Mr. Cassidy identified that additional funding is required for the specific purpose of busing children to sporting events. Motion #3: Increase budget by $1,000 for busing for sporting events—Michael Perry. Second: Stephanie Mazzei. Passed.

Commentary: bring forward at the June meeting the topic of renting music equipment.

Motion #4: to approve the budget—Christine Kuzyk. Second: Carmelanna Ruggiero. Passed.

6. Chair’s Report:

(a)Ward 2 Meeting: this meeting will take place at St. Gregory’s on May 17; attendance from our school is strongly encouraged.

(b)Pasta Party Recap: The second annual Pasta Dinner was a great success and everyone had a great time. Special thanks to those who organized and helped out, especially Lydia Rinomato, Kathy McKeon, Eva Marie Moffat, Stephanie Mazzei and Andrew Kwiatkowski.

(c) 5 year volunteer service award:

Parents were encouraged to submit a form to Mr. Cassidy to nominate any parent who has done five or more years of volunteer work for the school. This award is traditionally given to individual/s in their last year at OLS.

(d) Meagan’s Walk: Mrs. Schaeffer requested that in honour of Meagan Bebenek the OLS children from grades 3 to 8 inclusive be a part of the ?????Crane Ceremony???, and that this (instructional) day become an annual event. If and when this event falls on an instructional day, it is out of the jurisdiction of the CSAC; however, the CSAC can keep Meagan’s memory alive by creating a committee to ensure that this important historical event, to our school and community, is not forgotten. Motion #5: create a committee, called “Meagan’s Walk” to ensure that the OLS school continues the tradition of remembering Meagan—Michael Perry. Second: Andrea Flug. Passed.

7. Principal’s Report:

As the main focus of the meeting is the next agenda item, the elections, Mr. Cassidy commented that he would conclude that our school celebrated many successes during the past month, including the Cross Country Team and W5H Team.

8. Committee Reports:

These agenda items were incorporated into the Treasurer’s report.

9. CSAC Elections for 2007-2008

Andrew Kwiatkowski introduced this very important segment by stating that anyone should feel free to volunteer for any position without hesitation and any prior experience. It is always possible to share a position. Representing the CSAC is a very rewarding experience on a volunteer basis, and he encouraged nominations for all positions.

Below is a summary of elected members. Several positions still remain open—perhaps any new parents to the school may be interested. All open positions will be revisited at each meeting. The Chair asked that we all bring someone to the next meeting and help fill these positions.

Motion #6 was presented to merge the Landscaping and Facilities positions to a new name: Property Management—Andrew Kwiatkowski. Second: Stephanie Mazzei. Passed.

2007 – 2008 School Year:

Chair / Helen Patterson
Treasurer / Michael Perry
Secretaries / OPEN POSITION
Fundraising / Donna Javni, Nel Urbaniak
Enrichment / Julie Tricarico (not as chair)
Communications / Eileen McPhee
Social / Darlene Diodati; Andrea Flug
Property Management / OPEN POSITION
Community Giving / OPEN POSITION
Safe Arrival / OPEN POSITION
Parish Liaison / Eva Marie Moffat ; Mariola Czarnota
Pizza Lunch / Sandra Vendittelli
Fun Fair / Deferred to 2008-2009
Literary: In Their Own Write / OPEN POSITION
Members at Large / Julie Tricarico; Tino Diodati
Community Representative / Carmelenna Ruggiero will consider it.

10. Open Forum: There was a very brief discussion on the recent news in the media with respect to the use of funds from fundraising dollars. Mr. Cassidy thanked our treasurer for maintaining such vigilant financial records in case of an audit.

11. Date of Next Meeting – June 7, 2007.

12. Adjournment – the meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm. Motion #7: Andrea Flug Second: Darlene Diodati. Passed.