MEMBERS PRESENT:John Allen (Housatonic), Jose Aponte (Quinebaug), Waynette Arnum (Capital), Cindy Casper (Norwalk), Maureen Chalmers (Northwestern), Tom Failla (Norwalk), Bob Fernandez (Quinebaug), Bill Foster (Naugatuck), Seth Freeman (Capital), Marianne Generali (Naugatuck), Greg Hager (Northwestern), Rob Henderson (Naugatuck), Jim Hutchins (Three Rivers), Tom Jackson (Norwalk), Steve Krevisky (Middlesex), Kevin Lamkins (Capital), Janet Lanci (Housatonic), Nick Lefakis (Asnuntuck), John McNamara (Capital), Cynthia Meo (Naugatuck), Susan Montez (Norwalk), Joseph Navarra (Manchester), Liz Pisaretz (Norwalk), Michael Rood (Asnuntuck), Minati Roychouchuri (Capital), Mark Schnubel (Naugatuck),, Tony Scott (Norwalk), Bill Searle (Asnuntuck), Kevin Skee (Manchester), Anson Smith ( Housatonic), Rhonda Spaziani (Three Rivers), Carl Stafford (Manchester), Susan Steiz (Norwalk), Trenton Wright (Middlesex)

  1. President Steve Cohen called the meeting to order at 11:10 AM, and reminded folks to sign the attendance and mileage sheets. He thanked everyone for being there, and introductions then took place.
  1. The July 15 meeting was a combined DA and EB meeting. Bill Searle moved and Janet Lanci seconded a motion to approve those minutes. It passed with 3 abstentions.

3. Regarding an item for the 9/16 President's report: The E-Bd voted to approve $16,000 to go to SEIU to support closed workplaces.Cindy Casper moved and Janet Lanci seconded a motion to approve the above, which passed unanimously.

4. Additional Updates from Steve C: A) There is no merit this year, so $172,200 is thus available. B) Out of this amount, $114, 561 goes to ARP Disability, $16,525 to a 6th sabbatical, and $41,114 will be added to this year's $369,213 for Professional Development, bringing the total for this to $410,327. C) $100 will go to the CCC Changing Lives Gala Foundation Scholarship. D) Discussion took place about the new Board of Regents HR VP, Steve Weinberger, and his role, along with Robert Kennedy. E) It was mentioned that the BOT 4th quarter budget report has unrestricted reserves of $39.7 million. F) Discussion occurred about the SEBAC special assessment of $5, 674.44, and especially about the management longevity grievance. Management won't get the Oct. longevity reduction, and they are frozen at the April level, with no increase for 2 years.

5. A) Tony Scott reported on the Audit/Tax return situation. The 2008 Audit was mostly OK, and the audit/tax returns from 2009 and 2010 are due. We won't receive any financial hit or penalties. Various procedures will be tightened up by the Finance Committee, and the auditors will be here on 10/24/11.

B) Susan Montez, Finance Ctte. Chair, reported that our net income is $290,337, and investments are doing OK, even though the market is down. There was a dues holiday around July 1, so that the amount of $185, 986 is different from the $210,000.Further discussion took place about future dues holiday for the members. Susan Montez motioned, seconded by Nick Lefakis, that there be a dues holiday just for 2 periods in November 2011. It was raised that this would be good for our members' morale. Trent Wright made a suggestion that money could be set aside for scholarships: for example, for members pursuing a Masters' degree. He thought that this would be a better use of this money. Maureen Chalmers motioned to call the question, with second by Cindy Casper. This passed unanimously. Then, the vote occurred on the motion to approve the above-mentioned dues holiday, over 2 pay periods in Nov. This passed, with 1 No, and 1 abstention. Further discussion ensued about Trent's point about scholarships, and it could be referred to the Professional Affairs Committee. Cindy suggested a 4C's Professional Development account. Finally, John McNamara motioned to approve the budget, which was seconded by Janet Lanci. This passed, with 2 abstentions.

6. Committee Reports

A)Equal Opportunities.Jose Aponte, Chair, reported that this group is still forming, and members are needed. Bob Fernandez brought up a Latin American and Puerto Rican event on Sat, Oct. 22, at 7 PM. The 4C's was asked to support this scholarship and awards event, with a silver sponsorship of $1200. It would be in Fair Haven. Bob Fernandez motioned, secondedby Rob Henderson, to support this event. This passed unanimously, with 1 abstention.

B)PAC: Anson Smith, Chair,spoke about how labor is getting beaten up, and that we need to counter this. Members are needed to get involved in the upcoming elections. Dave Bosco talked about the need to be politically engaged. Kevin Lamkins and Steve Krevisky talked about the need to break from the Democrats, and create new paradigms, such as the Occupy Wall Street protests. Dave Bosco talked about what Chris Donovan did to help us, including stopping anti-union legislation.Anson agreed that power comes from the people, and also called for money for the PAC committee.

C)Part-Timers: Bill Searle, Chair, reported from the Part-timers Ctte., and also requested more members. He suggested that the 4C's do a survey of part-timers, regarding what their concerns are. Asnuntuck filed a grievance, regarding office hours for a 3 credit course. Please let Bill know if this is a statewide issue.

D)Professional Affairs: Steve Krevisky reported for Rhonda Spaziani (who will chair this group) on the process of implementing the Management Evaluation system, which the DA supported last year. We will reduce the number of questions, try to get other unions involved, and deal with other distribution and dissemination issues soon.

(Actually a separate item)

We also need to develop criteria for membership on the Faculty Advisory Committee to the Board of Regents of Higher Ed. Dennis Bogusky wants 1 member from the AFT.We need to control this process, and ensure union representation.

E)Organizing: Liz Pizaretz, Chair reported thatthe Foodshare walk team received a certificate, and raised $1,160. They will do it again next year, and also get nicer shirts. Bill Foster called for applause for those who were involved in this worthy event. New committee members are needed. There will bea luncheon for retiring DA members.Also, Kevin Lamkins called for participation in the Oct. 29 5K race at Middlesex, so that the union could be involved.

F)Legislative Committee: Janet Lanci, Chair,reported that the Committeehas not met.

7. There were no grievances to report on.

8.The SEIU Fair Economic Project was postponed.

9.Chapter Issues: Kevin asked if part-time lecturers are covered by the SEBAC no-layoff clause?He feels that there should be permanent, tenure track jobs. Evidently, people in the 2nd or later appointment are covered by the SEBAC agreement, so they need to have 4 years of job service. When the contract is negotiated in 2016, class size and hiring should be included. Carl brought up an issue regarding Lab classes and hospitality. With the loss of FT faculty, part-timers need to teach this, but they are hard to find.

Bill Foster, Diversity Officer, wants to visit the campuses.

10. Adjournment

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Krevisky, Secretary