Nether Stowey Parish Council
Present: Parish Councillors Carol Parsons (Chairman)
Rita Corbett
Lyn Forsey
John Penn
Tony Rich
Teresa Youe
In attendance:
District Councillor Ken Dyer
Parish Council Clerk Ainslie Ensor
1 Parishioner
3304 Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Corkett who was at another meeting. Proposed by Cllr Parsons, seconded by Cllr Forsey the absence was approved.
Apologies were also received from District Councillors Joslin and Cartwright and County Councillor Edney.
3305 Parish Council Vacancy
There were no nominations to fill the vacancy.
3306 Minutes of Previous Parish Council Meetings
Proposed by Cllr Corbett, seconded by Cllr Rich the minutes of the Parish Council meetings of 8 September 2006, 11 September 2006 and 9 October 2006 were approved and signed by the Chairman.
3307 Code of Conduct – Declarations of Interest
The Clerk reported that he had received a letter from the Monitoring Officer at Sedgemoor District Council requesting that councillors be reminded of the requirement under the Code of Conduct to complete a Register of Interest and to notify the Clerk and Monitoring Officer of any changes within 21 days of the changes taking place. If any councillors had any queries regarding their Declaration they should contact the Clerk.
3308 Castle Street Toilets
The Clerk reported that pursuant to minute 3296 he had a further meeting with Adrian Gardner (Group Manager) and Tim Mander (Senior Valuer) at Sedgemoor District Council regarding the toilets. They had provided details of Sedgemoor’s fixed costs for the toilets, which were £2,231 this year, cleaning and maintenance being about a further £2700. Mr Mander had suggested that the toilets be transferred to the Parish Council on a 99 year lease and Mr Gardner had undertaken to provide details of what financial support the District Council was prepared to provide. The Clerk had spoken to the Parish Council’s maintenance contractor who had confirmed that he was willing to take on the cleaning of the toilets. The Chairman expressed concern that the cost of the toilets should fall on the Parish Council given that the AONB and National Trust had refused to contribute to the cost of operating the facility. Following discussion it was agreed that the Clerk continue the dialogue with Sedgemoor and report further prior to the precept meeting.
3309 Clock Tower Works
The Clerk reported that Roger Stacey had invited three companies to provide a quotation for the works to the clock tower. Two companies had supplied quotations and it was recommended that the lower quotation be accepted. Mr Stacey had offered to carry out liaison with the contractor on behalf of the Parish Council.
Proposed by Cllr Corbett, seconded by Cllr Penn it was agreed that Harris Bros & Collard be appointed to undertake the works as per the specification and their quotation for the sum of £2,556.00 (including a £400 contingency) plus VAT and that Mr Stacey’s offer regarding liaison with the contractor be accepted.
3310 Local Action Team
The Clerk reported that 54 people attended the meeting on 31 October 2006 regarding the establishment of a Nether Stowey Action Team. There was widespread support for the proposal and 23 people had volunteered to be involved in the Local Action Team. Those attending the meeting had been asked to complete a questionnaire and a comments/ suggestions slip. From the replies it was clear that the anti social behaviour, vandalism, traffic speeding, litter and lack of facilities for young people were all issues of concern. Of the comments / suggestions 13 related to environmental issues (litter etc), 14 related to traffic problems (parking and speeding), 20 related to public order issues and 15 related to youth issues. The Clerk outlined how a Nether Stowey Local Action Team could relate to the work of the Parish Council and other groups and agencies.
Proposed by Cllr Forsey, seconded by Cllr Youe it was resolved that the Parish Council:
(i) supported the establishment of a Nether Stowey Action Team
(ii) proposed that the Local Action Team be established as a committee of the Parish Council with the power to co-opt members from other public authorities and agencies, residents and representatives of local groups (this will allow the Parish Council to provide administrative support etc for the LAT)
(iii) will make provision in the 2007/8 budget for financial support for the work of the Local Action Team
(iv) will arrange a follow up meeting during December 2006 for those people who expressed an interest in being involved in the LAT.
3311 Parish Plan
The Clerk reported that he had been informed that the Community Council (on behalf of DEFRA) was making grants for the preparation of Parish Plans. Parish Plans are a way of identifying local issues and priorities and setting out an action plan to achieve them. Increasingly the principal authorities (District and County Councils) and other public agencies take note of them where they exist. The Clerk suggested that a Parish Pan would fit in well with the work of the local action team and other initiatives supported by the Parish Council.
Proposed by Cllr Youe, seconded by Cllr Forsey it was agreed that an application be made to the Community Council for a grant towards the production of a Nether Stowey Parish Plan.
3312 Finance
(i) Expenditure incurred since the Parish Council meeting of 9 October 2006
Payee / Amount / DetailsG Bickers / 369.00 / Cemetery Mtce £176.00, Village Mtce £61.00, Playing Field Mtce £132.00
A Ensor / 676.03 / Salary October
Sedgemoor Community Transport / 81.90 / Mini Bus Hire September
British Telecom plc / 132.10 / 01278 733779 £57.45
01278 733480 £74.65
Information Commissioner / 35.00 / Data Protection Act registration
Gordon’s Electrical Services / 74.80 / Clock Tower – repairs to lighting
Viking Direct / 89.02 / Stationery
EDF Energy / 7.30 / Clock Tower electricity
Clarity Copiers (Avon) Ltd / 814.66 / Copy Charges £402.23
Toner Charges £412.43
Chanin & Thomas / 150.00 / Office rent November
Nether Stowey Village Hall / 17.00 / Public meeting 31st October 2006 (re Local Action Team)
G Bickers / 523.00 / Cemetery Mtce £209.00, Village Mtce £105.00, Playing Field Mtce £209.00
Sedgemoor Community Transport / 81.90 / Mini Bus Hire October
A Ensor / 38.07 / Mileage £20.40, Parking £1.20, Postage £9.60, Comm Transport £4.99, Stationery £1.88
Total / £3,089.78
Proposed by Cllr Penn, seconded by Cllr Rich, the above expenditure was approved.
(ii) Expenditure Report for the Period 1 April to 31 October 2006
The Clerk presented an expenditure report for the first 7 months of the financial year; a copy of whish is appended to these minutes. The report was noted.
3313 Highways
The following items were noted.
· State of the Cross, need to do something about the trees and paving
· Parking problems in St Mary Street, additional yellow lines needed (Clerk to arrange for officer from Highways to visit village to discuss this matter)
· Problems of Jackson’s Lane being used for A39 access
3314 Reports
The Chairman reported that she had met the new Rector (Rev Craig Marshall) who had expressed an interest in attending Parish Council meetings when his diary permitted.
There were no other reports.
3315 District Council Liaison
Cllr Dyer stated he had nothing to report but was happy to answer any questions about District Council matters.
3316 Action List
The Clerk reported on action items from previous meetings.
Affordable Housing
The Clerk reported that Falcon expected to go on site on 8th January 2007. They had intended to commence works before Christmas but had been delayed by the current tenant not removing his horse from the field.
Welcome Pack
The Clerk reported that following investigation it appeared that the turnover of occupiers of properties in the village was not great, in the order of a couple of dozen or so. Therefore the cost of producing a bundle of information would not be great and could be met with existing budgets. However, it had become apparent that there was no reliable way of identifying which properties had new occupants as there was no one organisation that could provide the information. It was suggested that cards be produced that could be circulated asking people to advise the Parish Council of any new residents so that they could be provided with a welcome pack of useful information.
Open items were as follows:-
Minute / Subject / Action / Who / Status3014 / Planning Complaints / Monitor action by SDC / Clerk / Open
3064 / Adopt a Road Scheme / Liaise with coordinator to start scheme / Clerk / Open
3114 / Cycle Racks / Application to AONB for grant – arrange installation / Clerk / Open
3116 / Maintenance / Approach SDC/ SCC Re Lengthsman / Clerk / Open
3163 / Trees on The Cross / Awaiting response from County Council / Clerk / Open
3133/3164 / Footpaths / Liaison with County ROW Team / Clerk / Open
3172 / On Street Parking / Give details of yellow / white lines requested to Highways / Clerk / Open
3184 / Finance / Clerk carrying out review of appropriate level of balances / Clerk / Open
3186 / A39 / Monitor position re St Mary Street junction / Clerk / Open
3196 / Insurance Review / Buildings valuation & report / Clerk / Open
3228 / Castle Street Toilets / Obtain further details of operating costs from SDC / Clerk / Open
3243 / Highways / Request no cycling signs Pooles Close/Audley Close FP & Palmers Path / Clerk / Open
3278 / Village Event / Clerk to investigate costs / viability pre budget / Clerk / Open
3278 / Welcome Pack / Clerk to investigate / Clerk / Open
3294 / Old Gaol / Revised opening review monthly / PC / Open
3295 / E Mail Internet / Clerk (icw Cllr Youe) negotiate new contracts / Clerk / Open
3317 Correspondence
Correspondence received included:
From / SubjectHealth & Safety Executive / Quarterly Report Re Hinkley Point A Decommissioning
Sedgemoor District Council / Licensing Panel Decision Re Village Hall
Huck / Catalogue
Kompani / Play Brochures
Your Energy / Resubmission Of West Hinkley Wind Farm
Nether Stowey Village Hall / Thank You Letter
British Energy / Letter Re Media Reports Regarding B Station Boilers
Somerset County Council / Results Of AONB Customer Survey
Wicksteed / Brochure
Bath Demolition / Marketing Letter
Kingspan / Marketing Letter
Somerset Playing Field Assoc / The Playing Field Newsletter
Clerks And Councils / November Edition
Countryside Alliance / Letter Re Rural Post Offices
Cuttercrest / Marketing Letter
Notts Sport / Marketing Letter Re MUGA
Courtstall Services Ltd / Marketing Letter Re MUGA
E Sports UK Ltd / Marketing Letter Re MUGA
Sedgemoor District Council / What’s On Nov & Dec
Zaun Ltd / Marketing Letter Re MUGA
Steelway Fensecure / Marketing Letter Re MUGA
Henry Pollard & Sons Ltd / Marketing Letter Re Pavilion Project
Turftrax / Marketing Information Re MUGA
Over Stowey Pc / Minutes 16 October
Viking Direct / Catalogue
Site Stakeholder Group / Minutes Of Meeting 13 October
It was agreed that with reference to the letter from the Countryside Alliance regarding Post Offices that a letter be sent to the relevant Minister.
3318 Forthcoming Events
Wednesday 29th November to Saturday 2nd December
Quantock Players – Aladdin – Village Hall
Wednesday 29 November 2006
9.30am– Somerset County Council Conference – Promoting Risky Play Ilminster
Saturday 2 December
10.00 – 12.30 SLCC meeting Wells (clerk to attend)
Monday 4 December
Precept Meeting 7pm Parish Council Office
Thursday 14 December
7.30pm - SALC Meeting Burnham on Sea (white paper & code of conduct, new SCC area working panels on agenda)
3319 Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be in the Village Hall on Monday 12 December 2006 at 7pm.
The meeting closed at 8.40pm.
13 November 2006 / Page 5 of 8Nether Stowey Parish Council
Financial Report 1st April to 31st October 2006
AccountCode / Budget / Approved Budget / Actual to 31 October 2006 / Balance / Comments
Expenditure / Income / Expenditure / Income / Expenditure / Income
Administration / 14,548.78 / 80.00 / 8,901.43 / 1,193.39 / 5,647.35 / 0.00
Cemetery / 2,543.02 / 1,800.00 / 1,979.46 / 1,179.26 / 563.56 / 620.74
Community Services / 16,833.00 / 763.00 / 10,056.01 / 1,311.00 / 7,663.74 / 100.00
Special Projects / 1,000.00 / 0.00 / 1,077.50 / 0.00 / -77.50 / 0.00
Totals / 34,924.80 / 2,643.00 / 22,014.40 / 3,683.65 / 13,797.15 / 720.74
Code / Budget / Approved Budget / Actual to 31 October 2006 / Balance / Comments
Expenditure / Income / Expenditure / Income / Expenditure / Income
2001 / Salaries / 9,863.78 / 5,703.74 / 4,160.04
2002 / Telephone / 615.00 / 374.42 / 240.58
2004 / Office Rent, Electric & maintenance / 1,800.00 / 1,050.00 / 750.00
2005 / Councillors/Clerks Expenses / 90.00 / 94.40 / -4.40
2006 / Audit Fees / 420.00 / 400.00 / 20.00 / internal auditor £150, external auditor£250
2007 / Hire of Meetings venue / 25.00 / 30.00 / -5.00 / overspend due to increase in cost of village hall