The Engineers’ Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors

The Valley Inn, Sherman Oaks

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The meeting was attended by Bob Tarn, Paul Landry, Jerry Kraim, Ken Davis, Ray Straub, Patrick Berbon, Bill Johnson, Charles Volk, Ramin Roosta, and Ken Futernick.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Patrick Berbon at 6:10 PM.

Board Membership

·  Ken Davis was unanimously elected Director-at-Large, representing SME #173.

·  Ray Straub was unanimously elected Director-at-Large, representing SME #173.

·  With regret, unanimously accepted Lisa Bergovoy’s resignation from the board.

Minutes of Previous Board Meeting

Minutes of the April 17, 2007, meetings were approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Charlie Volk presented the Treasurer Report for April and an interim report for May, which were accepted for audit.


·  Letter of thanks from CSPE Chapter 15 for council support to MathCounts.

·  Email from PWR Associate Council advising the Engineers’ Council to obtain permission from PWR employees before publishing their photo’s.


Charitable Giving

·  Ray Straub appointed Chairman.

·  Review of May 2 CGC meeting:

o  Three scholarships of $250 each presented to LA County Science Fair winners, and presentation photo’s provided to Ken Futernick for publicity purposes.

o  $250 remaining in science fair scholarship budget transferred to High School Scholarship fund, bringing it to (11) scholarships of $250 each.

o  $1,000 CSUN Foundation grant sent to Tammy Glenn.

·  Bill Johnson asked how schools get on our list for High School Scholarships. The board agreed to leave these selections up to the CGC.

Audit Committee

Decided to postpone an audit until the end of the Treasurer’s two-year term.


·  Charles Volk appointed Chairman of the Bylaws Committee. Committee members include Trustees Bob Budica, Paul Landry, Rick Ratcliffe, Roland Roggero, Bob Tarn, and Cliff Terry.

·  Bob Tarn proposed a change to Article I, Section 12, Executive Committee. His proposal is to amend the first sentence to read: “The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Immediate Past President, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and any additional officers appointed in accordance with Article II, Section 1.” Motion to approve this proposal was made and seconded. A vote on the proposal was scheduled for the June meeting of the board, in accordance with our bylaws.


Dr. Ramin Roosta has accepted the position of Conference Chairman. Ramin proposed to keep the subject in the nanotechnology arena. Charles Volk and Bill Johnson were appointed to the Conference Committee.


·  Ray Straub (Chairman) and Ken Futernick appointed to the Communications Committee.

·  Bob Tarn discussed the council strategy of maintaining the email contact lists, which presently have approximately 2,260 members. Bob took the action distribute the lists of recently “bounced” email addresses to the board, and each member of the board is requested to assist in updating the contact information for these members. There are approximately 1,260 members for whom we have not had a valid email address for several years. Bob is checking his society roster against these and finding new addresses for about 5% of them. Bob will then check this list against some additional public and private resources, and will then report the status of this list at a future meeting.

·  Bob Tarn has obtained photo reprints to be sent with thank you letters to our VIP guests. Paul Landry took the prints for Mullen and Blakely. Ray Straub took the prints for Peters. Bob Tarn will take care of Yeager, Borman, Wood, and Iacobellis.

Honors & Awards

·  Subject to their acceptance, S. K. Ramesh, Rick Ratcliffe, and Chuck Olsefsky were appointed to the “blue ribbon” Honors & Awards Committee.

·  Steve Schroeder has already re-framed the Merit Award for Ontiveros.

·  Bob brought the new Merit Award certificate for Scarcello, and the original taken by Patrick Berbon for delivery to Steve Schroeder, who will replace the certificate.


·  Paul Landry was appointed Banquet Chairman.

·  Paul discussed his plans for updating our processes for next year. High priority will be placed on the attendance list for table assignment planning.

·  Paul reported that 50 more 2007 mugs can be bought for $4.79 each. The board decided not to purchase any more.

·  Bob brought a copy of the journal printing invoice (paid as a gift in kind by PWR). The 700 copies of the journal cost $3,887.

Good & Welfare

Chuck Olsefsky (Chairman) and Charles Volk appointed to the Good & Welfare Committee.


Bob Tarn and Bill Johnson appointed as Webmasters.

New Business

Dr. Charles Volk was unanimously elected Vice-President. He will hold this office concurrently with the second year of his current term as Treasurer.

The meeting was adjourned by President Patrick Berbon at approximately 7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Robert B. Tarn, Trustee & Secretary

Submitted 5/23/2007

Standing Committees

Executive Committee

President P. Berbon

Vice-President C. Volk

Immediate Past President P. Landry

Secretary B. Tarn

Treasurer C. Volk

Audit Committee

Chair C. Olsefsky

Member B. Tarn

Budget Committee

Chair C. Volk

Member P. Berbon

Member P. Landry

Honors & Awards Committee

Chair S. K. Ramesh

Member C. Olsefsky

Member R. Ratcliffe

Ad-Hoc Committees

Charitable Giving Committee

Chair R. Straub

Communications Committee

Chair R. Straub

Member K. Futernick

By-Laws Committee

Chair C. Volk

Member B. Budica

Member P. Landry

Member R. Ratcliffe

Member R. Roggero

Member B. Tarn

Member C. Terry

Banquet Committee

Chair P. Landry

Conference Committee

Chair R. Roosta

Member B. Johnson

Member C. Volk

Good & Welfare Committee

Chair C. Olsefsky

Member C. Volk

Webmasters Committee

Member B. Johnson

Member B. Tarn