Hundon Parish Council Meeting 16th March 2010


HELD ON TUESDAY 16th March 2010 AT 7.30 P.M



Cllr D Rowlinson (Chairman), Cllr G Spooner (Vice-Chairman), Cllr W Minshull, Cllr P Impey, Cllr J McLardy and Cllr D Notley

Also Present Mrs A Parrett (Parish Clerk), Cllr J Midwood (8.20pm) and 5 Member of the public.

HPC0310/068 - Public Forum
Questions were asked about Hundon’s Affordable Housing Scheme and the proposed land, Thicks Farm. The Chairman requested the public waited for the agenda item, when he would open the meeting to the public.
A letter addressed to Mrs M Ball,12 Lower North Street, regarding the ownership of a ditch at the bottom of her garden was given to the Parish Council, enquiries will be made by the Parish Clerk.
It was queried why the Village Hall Car Park had not been salted during the bad weather. It was explained that advice is not to grit property during bad weather because the land is privately owned. Questions were raised again about the lack of salt this winter. The clerk is advising the Borough Council on where grit heaps should be placed around the village. Grit heaps will not be placed on cultivated grass, which this is why there is no grit heap at the bottom of Galley Road.
Mr Bob Shepstone reported the closing date for entries for the Hundon Herald is the 23rd March 2010.
HPC0310/069 – Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllr L Burrows, Cllr D Whittaker and Clare Police Station. Cllr J Midwood informed the Clerk she would be unable to attend the start of the meeting due to a prior engagement.
HPC0310/070 – Declarations of Interest
No Declarations of Interest were apparent at this time but would be recorded as necessary.
HPC0310/071 – Minutes of Meeting 16th February 2010 (Circulated)
The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 16th February 2010 were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
HPC0310/072 - Report from County Councillor
Cllr J Midwood reported the funding for the Bowls Club will now come out of next years locality budget.
At a Quality of Life meeting the total cost of proposed schemes was £2M, the actual budget is £120,000.
The demand responsive bus scheme is working well and Cowlinge Parish Council are very happy with the scheme. Residents are able to book a place on a small bus which will then take them to the main bus route.
At a Health Scrutiny meeting it was discussed that maternity services at West Suffolk Hospital are not performing as well as those in Ipswich.
While Bury St Edmunds Library is re-furbished it is operating on two temporary sites. The new library will have a Children’s Centre, Adult Learning Centre and a coffee shop run by young adults with learning difficulties.
Cllr J Midwood is the Chairman of the Safer Neighbourhood Tasking Group. Meetings are held the 1st Wednesday of every month, the public are welcome to attend.
HPC0310/073 - Report from Borough Councillor
Cllr D Whittaker was unable to attend the meeting but in her absence the Chairman reported the following:
·  No report or invoice has been issued for the CCTV survey of the sewers in Windmill Rise.
·  The Local Development Framework will go to public consultations on the 12th April 2010.
HPC0310/074 - Report from Clare Police Station
In the absence of a representative from Clare Police Station, the Chairman reported the following:
·  Overnight 12th/13th March 2010 a childs mini moped was stolen whilst it was left unattended and unsecured outside a property in Steeplechase.
·  PCSO Alex Foster is still unfit to return to duty following her accident before Christmas.
HPC0310/075 - Progress Reports
a)  Iceni Homes/Hundon’s Affordable Housing Scheme – Plans are now being drawn up by the architect and quantity surveyor for a proposed site, Thicks Farm off Lower North Street. Highways and planning will be contacted for comments.
Meeting opened to the Public
Members of the public commented that they have not been informed of the proposals for Hundon’s Affordable Housing Scheme and are disappointed to have not had more involvement in discussions.
It was explained that these are early enquiries and when more information is available about the scheme, Iceni Homes will hold a consultation when all Parishioners can express their views about the proposed site.
Meeting closed to the public
The Clerk will write to the residents of Lower North Street to update them on the situation to date.
b)  Pot Holes – The Parish Council were pleased with the progress made by Suffolk County Council. A few pot holes still remain and the Clerk will contact SCC.
c)  War Memorial – It has been agreed not to erect curb stones around the War Memorial, instead the land around the Memorial could be shaped to allow more access to the properties in North Street, whilst maintaining the grass. Mrs Waldron from the Gardening Club will approach the Gardening Club about the upkeep of the War Memorial.
d)  Problems reported to Anglian Water – Anglian Water have been informed of the problems in Clare Road, North Street and near Steeplechase. They will investigate the sites, but are unlikely to find anything unless these areas are overflowing with water at the time.
e)  North Street, light near 2 Workhouse Yard – This light has now been repaired, but more maintenance work may be necessary in the future.
f)  Church Street, Whitings Hill – The narrowing of the road and the bank that is slipping have been reported to Suffolk County Council.
HPC0310/076 – Councillors’ Training
The proposed date for Councillors training is Saturday 17th April at the British Legion hall in Kedington. Neighbouring Parish Councils have also expressed an interest in attending the training. The total cost of the course is £375.00 plus VAT. It was agreed that the Parish Council will pay for their percentage of the total cost, depending on how many Councillors attend. / DR
HPC0310/077 – Bus Shelter Replacement
Enquiries have been made about the opportunity to obtain a disused bus shelter from Haverhill. After a site inspection, the proposed site would not be suitable for a bus shelter at this time.
HPC0310/078 – Review of Internal Audit Procedures, Risk Assessment
The review was agreed by all Councillors.
HPC0310/079 – Suffolk Acre Membership Renewal
It was agreed to renew the Suffolk Acre Membership at a cost of £25.00 for 2010/2011.
HPC0310/080 – Planning
Planning Applications
·  SE/10/0218 – Mrs K Baxendale, 2 Clarence Villa, Church Street, Hundon, CO10 8EW
Erection of front porch (following demolition of existing porch)
Cllr D Notley declared an interest in the Planning Application as the property is a neighbour.
Refused Applications
·  SE/10/0105 – Mr S Landsdown, Whitethorns, Mount Pleasant, Hundon, CO10 8DW
Erection of detached double car port/studio with external staircase and dormer windows (revised scheme to that approved under SE/09/1380)
A planning appeal against refusal of a householder application has been lodged. The start date is 11 March 2010.
Planning Applications received after the Agenda was produced
·  SE/10/0133 – Jane Forsey, Rose Cottage, Brockley Green, Hundon, CO10 8DT
Erection of wind turbine (resubmission) amended wind turbine details and noise assessment received 11/3/2010
There were no objections.
HPC0310/081 - Finance
a)  Income
I63 Interest – Business Base Rate Tracker
I64 Hundon Herald – March 2010 / 1.52
Total / 101.52
b)  Payments
E103 Suffolk Acre Membership 2010-2011
E104 Printwise – Hundon Herald March 2010
E105 Mrs A Parrett – Jan to March 2010
E106 SEBC Non Dom Rate Bill 2010/2011 Hundon FC / 25.00
Total / 973.34
c)  Bank Balances
Community Account
Business Saver Account
Business Base Rate Tracker (inc £3,000 Capital Reserve) / 199.95
d)  Transfers between accounts
It was agreed to transfer £800.00 from the Business Saver Account to the Community Account.
HPC0310/082 - Correspondence
·  West Suffolk Local Strategic Partnership Forum – 19 March 2010, 9.30am, Bury St Edmunds
·  The Royal British Legion – offer to give a presentation
·  Draft Fire Action Plan 2010 – 2011, consultation runs until 30th April 2010, details of public consultations available at meeting
·  Rural Site Allocations Preferred Options – Consultation 12 April to 25 May 2010, documents available at meeting
·  Suffolk County Council – Faster Broadband for Suffolk
·  Village of the Year Awards – Entry Form
·  BT PayPhones Consultation – SEBC have objected to the removal of the payphone in North Street, Hundon
·  Copy of a letter from Aylesbourne, Mount Pleasant to the Planning Department objecting to the erection of building at Whitethorns, Mount Pleasant, Hundon
Circulated correspondence
·  Passenger Transport Service Delivery Report
·  Suffolk Acre Update – Winter 2010
·  Suffolk Link – March 2010
·  Optua News & Views – 2010
·  Clerks & Councils Direct – March 2010
·  LCR – Spring 2010 / Herald
HPC0310/083 - Councillors’ reports and items for future agenda
·  Cllr G Spooner received a request from the Football Club to trim the hedges around the football field to assist in the increase of pitch size to meet the regulations required by the Football Association.
·  Cllr G Spooner recently attended a meeting at the village hall, where he found a map of the village dated 1847. He requested the clerk to investigate how to obtain a copy which could be displayed in the village hall,
·  Cllr J McLardy requested the Parish Council to donate an Easter Egg to the Rose and Crown Public House for this years Easter Egg Hunt.
·  Cllr G Spooner commented motorcycles had been around Steeplechase again at the weekends around 2pm. The Clerk will contact Clare Police Station to report the incident.
·  Cllr P Impey raised/commented on the flooding at the bottom of Mare Hill. The Clerk will contact Highways regarding this, the flooding across the road at Armstrong Close and the road surface problems at the junction of Clockhall Lane and Mount Pleasant.
·  Parking at 19 Galley Road is still a problem. / Clerk
Meeting closed at 9.30pm

Signature of Chairman……………………………………………