RCV Executive Committee Meeting Minutes – 18September2015
Minutes of Meeting held Friday 12November 2015
MAV, Room 1103, Level 11, 60 Collins StMelbourne
Committee / Staff/ Guests and othersCr Rob Gersch , Hindmarsh Shire (Chair) / Darcy Mansfield, Project Officer, MAV
Cr Jan Vonarx, Alpine Shire Council / Jenni Tierney, RDV
Cr Gavan Holt , Loddon Shire Council (Deputy Chair) / Anna Lottkowitz, RDV
Cr Robert Vance, Pyrenees Shire Council
John McLinden, CEO Loddon Shire Council
Cr Leo Tellefson, Buloke Shire
Cr Lyn Russell, Colac-Otway Shire Council
Juliana Phelps, CEO Towong Shire Council
Lenny Jenner, Borough of Queenscliffe
Cr Mohya Davies, South Gippsland Shire Council
Committee / Staff/ Guests and othersHelen Anstis, CEO Baw BawShire Council
Ray Campling, CEO Yarriambiack Shire Council
Agenda Item / Action/ Outcomes / Responsible
Start timeof meeting / Motion: It was resolved byCr L Russell and seconded by Cr J Vonarxthat the meeting would be deferred until 12pm to allow for further discussion in the workshop. Also, the first matter of discussion would be Agenda Item 4 as to not delay Jenni Tierney and Anna Lottkowitz form RDV.
The motion was carried.
1.1 Welcome & Apologies / Cr R Gersch welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies tabled.
Motion: It was resolved byCr L Russell and seconded by J Phelps that the apologies as tabled for the RCV Executive Committee were accepted.
The motion was carried.
1.2Confirmation of Minutes / Motion: It was resolved byCr MohyaDavies and seconded by Lenny Jennerthat the motions/actions (that had to be recited and carried again due to loss of notes) of the previous meeting were accurate.
The motion was carried.
Correspondence Report / 1. Moorabool Shire Council has written to the committee supporting the Rural Councils Sustainability Project.
2. Southern Grampians Shire Council has written to the committee in regards to waste water and septic tank issues in local councils throughout Victoria.
3. CT Management has written to the committee with a proposal to take over the secretariat role for RCV
1.4 Financial Statement
1.5 Out of Session Updates
1.6 Conflicts of Interest / A copy of the financial reportwas distributed.
Motion: It was resolved byCr Lyn Russelland seconded by Cr Leo Tellefson, that the financial report for the year to date be accepted.
The motion was carried.
2. Resignation of Richard Perry / Motion:It was resolved byCr Lyn Russell and seconded by Cr Leo Tellefson that the committee thank Richard Perry for his contribution to RCV and wish him all the best in the future.
Cr Lyn Russell also noted that the Great South Coast Board will decide on Richard Perry’s replacement in December.
3. CT Management Proposal for Secretariat Services / Chair Rob Gerschnoted that he has talked to Hon Jeff Kennett three times, and made it clear that there were no guarantees.
John McLinden advised them that only member councils are eligible to take up Secretariat role.
The committee noted that when considering proposals for the Secretariat role, need to consider costwhen compared to cost of previous Secretariat and expertise regarding rural issues.
Motion: It was resolved by Cr Lyn Russell and seconded by Juliana Phelps that the committee send a letter to CT Management thanking them for their input but declining the offer, noting that the committee would like to stick with the original plan of housing the Secretariat at a council.
The motion was carried.
4. Update from RDV / Jenni Tierney notified the committee of her imminent departure from her current role during the major restructure of DEDJTR. She will move into a different role within the department and is happy to talk about/help with RCV at any time. Jennifer Walker and Andrew Holme will now be helping Anna Lottkowitz with RCV within the department and Jenni will do a full handover.
RDV supports RCV locking in contract for Pyrenees to be interim council housing the Secretariat, would like to have a direct conversation with a Pyrenees representative.
Motion: It was resolved by John McLindenand seconded by Lenny Jenner that the committee thank Jenni Tierney for her support and contribution to RCV.
The motion was carried.
5. Rural Summit Update / Juliana Phelps noted that she has been in contact with Margaret Abbey, the RCV’s contact at Murrindindi regarding the Rural Summit. Juliana, Margaret and Anna Lottkowitz will be meeting on 7th December and will update the Exec afterwards, visit necessary before program is approved.
The committee discussed how paying the MAV $2,000 for the booking system for the Rural Summit might be too much and other options should be investigated.
6. Strategic Advocacy Services Update / Lenny Jenner updated the committee on the progress of engaging an advocacy consultant. There were 5 criteria when interviewing tenders - all tenders did not pass criteria 4. Out of the twelve applicants, three were shortlisted. Out of those three, Socom was preferred. Advice was sought from Rob Spence and Alison Lyon - they were confident of the quality of all three shortlisted tenders.
Robert Vance left the room due to a possible conflict of interest.
- Confirm the availability of members’ funds to meet the costs associated with delivery of Strategic Advocacy Services;
- Assuming adequate members’ funds are available, request Pyrenees Shire Council, as the interim secretariat, to appoint SOCOM to provide the RCV Strategic Advocacy Services, as defined in the SOCOM proposal (attachment 2), at the tender price of $80,000 (ex GST), for a period of one year with an additional year, subject to satisfactory performance and by agreement with both parties;
- Request Pyrenees Shire Council to formalise an agreement with SOCOM for the provision of Strategic Advocacy Services to RCV.
The motion was carried.
7. Moorabool letter regarding Rural Living Campaign / The committee discussed the role that RCV should play – after the advocacy services in place, RCV should be more involved. L Tellefson noted that the committee need to find out what level of service needed and whether RCV should just let it run without interfering.
The committee decided that regular updates should be requested, and a letter should go out to members with the updates and key messages from the forum.
Lenny Jenner will draft letter and distribute.
Motion: It was moved by J McLinden and seconded by J Phelps that the committee corresponds with the member councils regarding the Forum and Buloke’s Rural Living Campaign.
8. RCV Sustainability Report Appendix Changes / The committee agreed that the current proposed appendix is acceptable.
9. Southern Grampians letter regarding waste water / The committee recognized that this is an issue that might require a working group but solution is not ‘one size fits all’. Noted that water authorities do not want to take on smaller projects. Need to find out what the state government learned from past projects, and ask councils that have solved their waste water problems.
Motion: It was moved by J Phelps and seconded by L Jenner that a letter be written in response thanking Southern Grampians for bringing the matter to the committee’s attention, and recognizing that it is a key issue for local councils. Also noting that RCV is keen to get back to it early 2016.
10. Other Business and Close / Lenny Jenner asked the committee to read the confidential document regarding the progress update of the interim secretariat. Noted that approximately 10 councils are interested. Chair R Gersch and the committee thanked L Jenner and J Phelps for their work.
That Rural Councils Victoria note this status report and provide any feedback on its content.
Motion: It was moved by L Jenner and seconded by J Vonarx that the recommendation by accepted.
Cr R Gersch closed the meeting
If you would like to add an item to the RCV Executive Committee Meeting agenda please send the details, time required and any papers or supporting documentation to Darcy Mansfield .
Please advise Darcy Mansfield if you cannot attend the monthly meeting as soon as practicable.