Minutes of Meeting at 10 Winslade Park Avenue on 18 November 2014
Present: Gary Parsons (Sport England), Chris French (Devon FA), James Bogue (Active Devon/Countess Wear CC)
CSMSRC - PeterCain (PC), Carol Trim (CT), Rob Hatton (RH) (CSM School Governor), Andrew Hector (AH)and Mike Fernbank (MF)
Apologies were received from Ruth Chandler
Purpose: The meeting was arranged to get advice from the sports representatives concerning acceptable standards for sports facilities that could be negotiated in conjunction with outline planning permission for the Winslade Park (Friends Life) site. It was understood that 7 separate planning applications had been recently submitted to EDDC, but not yet registered on their system.
Peter explained that CSMSRC had been set up with a view to managing the sports facilities at WP. That the Parish Council hadmade an application to retain the area for recreational use under the Right to Bid scheme but had been turned down by EDDC. He also confirmed that Clyst Valley FC had been approached earlier this year by Maurice Fitzgerald of F&C REIT and that as a result of those discussions CVFC had indicated that they could consider a possible land “exchange” that would see CVFC re-located onto the existing FL sports area. This would concentrate all sporting activities into one area which could be served by joint clubhouse/changing/parking facilities. However F&C REIT had not taken this matter any further. PC distributed copies of the plans of the F&C REIT proposals, copies of our minimum requirements as agreed at our meeting on the 21st of October and advised Gary, Chris and James of our agreed objections so far. PC advised that we were looking for help and guidance from the three guests together with confirmation of their current stance regarding the F&C REIT plans as there had been indications that they were in favour.
PC advised the guests that with regards to the structure of the CSMS&R club we were following the guide from Sport England and that the aim was to create a sports facility for the whole community and not specifically any existing sports clubs.
For the guests benefit AH reminded all present of his conflict of interest which was appreciated.
There then ensued a number of discussions which are summarised below, though not necessarily in any order of priority.
EDDC Playing Pitch Strategy:
Gary said he had recently met with EDDC on their proposals for a local Playing Pitch Strategy. These proposals were at an advanced stage and would be going to the EDDC Cabinet soon and then published for public consultation.These could have a bearing on EDDC views regarding the F&C REIT application.Gary has expressed (to EDDC) his aims for retention of existing cricket, football, swimming and gym facilities at Winslade Park. Contacts for Playing Pitch Strategy are Graeme Thompson (EDDC) or Fergus Pate (ECC) and it was suggested that we should be in contact with these people to confirm our own ideas.
Sport England’s Position:
Gary met Maurice Fitzgerald of F&C REIT on site earlier this year and told him Sport England would oppose housing development on any of the existing sports area.Sport England will be contacted once the planning application has been registered and will oppose it, recommending that the entire 19 acres should be retained for recreational use. Their starting point is not to lose any green land, buildings, facilities etc. He will also seek comment from other representative groups such as Devon County football and cricket associations.Tim Nicholls is the ECB Facilities & Investment Manager for the South West and Wales.
Gary advised that he would be happy to assess prior to submission, our objections to the planning application.
Comments/Clarification on other points:
(i) A previous “rule of thumb” for accessing the size of the area needed for sports in relation to local population (6 acres/ 1000) has been superseded by NPPF advice that an individual case must be made for the area to be included in all new developments.
(ii)Gary agreed that housing should not be sited so close to cricket pitches as it created potentially dangerous problems with balls being hit over boundaries which could result in cricket being removed from certain sport facilities
(iii)Gary and Chris confirmed that football development/grant assistance centred on “Community Clubs” for all age groups and both sexes. In that regard artificial 3G surfaces were often recommended because they can be used daily for both matches and training. They queried why within our minimum requirements list we were asking for only two adult sized pitches. We will need more for a community club! We should also allow for progress of our teams to allow for football at step 6 or 7 of the FA playing pyramid.
(iv)We should definitely include retention of the 3 tennis courts which could also be used for netball.
(v)Our required clubhouse/social club buildingscould include a fitness centre to replace the Stable Club which will probably be lost to the community as a result of the development.
(vi)If we are requiring EDDC obtain agreements and detail from F&C REIT we need to also be providing detail in our requirements together with” reasons why”. It’s not good enough to simply say we don’t like it, i.e. why we don’t want football pitches on the cricket pitch, why do we need a 14 strip cricket square.
(vii)The current proposal from F&C REIT regarding football and cricket using the same piece of ground is not a Sport England or FA or ECB recommendation and would only normally be considered for children’s mini pitches. Football and cricket pitches cannot be shared at higher league levels.
(viii)If current cricket square is to be moved, advice should be sought from an agronomist and a survey of all drainage at the ground should take place.
(ix)The more sports we include the better our case.
(x)It was agreed that security of the ground (travellers) is a valid consideration. A sports facility is not a park!
(xi)Sport England will be recommending the entire 19 acres should be retained for sport and recreation but if we want to limit the area to say 8/10/12 acres, that was our decision, but we should recognise limiting our requirements will limit further growth in years to come.
(xii)School needs and use of the facilities will assist any objections to the proposals and aid our ambitions.
The meeting formally closed at 4.30pm with PC thanking all present for their time and contributions.
It should also be noted that James Bogue advised PC that he would like to join our committee which PC agreed to on behalf of the club.