DATE: October 6, 2008
Executive Board Present: Debi Bilotta – President
Linda Bogan – Vice President
Ann Van Zutphen – Treasurer
Lisa Fobian – Secretary
Susan Masco-Assistant Secretary
Time called to order: 6:40 pm
Motion to open by Debi Bilotta, 2nd by Linda Bogan
Old Business:
The sample PTSO Varsity jacket has been found.
We are moving forward with our plans to start our website. Debi will meet on October 7th with the web instructor from OCVTS.
It was decided that the winner of the big raffle will be announced at the last PTSO meeting. We will try to have it at the Galley with some light refreshments. The application will be mailed to Lisa from Manchester and once it is filled in and received by ManchesterTownship it is apporx. 4-6 weeks for our license to arrive.
Susan Masco will decorate a box for shoe donations to keep by the dance studio. We are accepting character flats and heels and tap shoes.
It was voted on unanimouslyto start up a Sunshine Fund. The PTSO will give $500 per year to the school to be used to help any student that’s needs cannot be met due to financial problems. This will help with things such as the cost of a school trip or mandatory performance attire needed for school. Karen Homiek will access the needs based on reporting from the student or teachers. The name of the student will not be disclosed.
It was also voted on and passed to purchase $50 gift cards for the teachers who chaperone the school dances.
DATE: October 6, 2008
Carpooling is working out for everyone utilizing it.
New Business:
Susan Masco and Kathy Stewart volunteered to shadow Debi in the costume room to prepare for next year.
The Flea Market/Craft Show will be held on November 1st from 8am-2pm. Flyers will be distributed to all students and teachers. An email will be sent by Debi with the information in an attachment. Spaces will remain at $25. There is no rain date.
PTSO members talked about becoming parent advisors and what the job description entails. The Freshman are without advisors and it is important that we resolve that as soon as possible.
Other Business:
Rachel Leone mentioned the issues involving transportation through Toms River Schools. The TomsRiver students are consistently late. Other parents agreed with her and mentioned that the kids are missing the announcements in the morning. Rachel also mentioned that she has been providing the transportation to school for her child due to the fact that her child reads the announcements.
A certificate, card and a gift certificate were presented to Sharon Madden for her dedication last year to the PTSO as secretary.
Next meeting will be held on Monday November 3, 2008 @ 6:30 pm.
Motion to adjourn Lisa Fobian and 2nd by Linda Bogan
Time: 8:05 pm
Thank for all the generous food donations for ITS