17 March 2008

Present: Cllr P Macintyre (Chairman),Cllr C Shaw, Cllr J Beer,Cllr R Walters, The Clerk, District Cllr I Wardand one member of the public

1.DECLARATION OF INTERESTS There were no declarations of interest.

2.APOLOGIESfor absence were receivedfrom Cllr S Craft (holiday) and Cllr M Andrews (business commitment)

  1. MINUTESThe minutes of the meeting on 18 February 2008 were accepted as a true record

Proposed: Cllr C Shaw

Seconded: Cllr J Beer


Footpath ER48 The owner of Reveille Cottage has been informed by the Public Rights of Way officer that the gate across the footpath must be left open at all times.

Code of Conduct Seventeen responses had been submitted to the Standards Committee with only one in favour of compulsory training on the code of conduct. Most consultees favoured training being made available for use if required.

Councillor Vacancy No names have been put forward and the chairman made a further request for nominations.

Validation of Planning Applications The Government has standardised planning forms and these will come into force on 6 April 2008. An online submission is preferred but hard copies are still acceptable. The planning department no longer issues hard copies of planning decisions but emails the link to the appropriate list to Parish clerks each Monday.

Church Lane The road has been repaired but it was noted that the older, cheaper and less effective method was used.

KCC Draft Permit Scheme The consultation period has been extended to 25 April and a lengthy questionnaire has been issued. It was agreed that the scheme is only relevant to the town parishes and will have little impact on a rural parish such as Langdon.


DDC - The agenda for the March Standards Committee was given to Cllr Macintyre.

KCC – The date for nominations for the Annual environment and Regeneration Quality Service Awards had passed.

CPRE – i) The AGM will be held on Thursday 3 April at The Pines Calyx.

ii)A letter has been sent on behalf of the Council to the Housing Minister Caroline Flint giving support of a campaign that expresses concern about the three million houses that the government plans to build.

iii)The Dover District Newsletter contained a transcript of the response given by CPRE to the windfarm application

iv)Kent Viewpoint highlighted the impact of climate change on Kent’s coastline and suggested that rising sea levels and erosion would dramatically change the coastline by 2100.

v)Fieldwork contained a comment on the Government’s new policy on planning and climate change which is a supplement to PPS1. It leaves planners with the responsibility to balance contributions to national renewable energy targets against the impact on the local landscape but the balance has tipped in favour of renewable energy.

NALC – The Journal was given to Cllr Macintyre.

ACRK– The Co-operative Bank and LCR are inviting entries to the Communications Awards 2007. It was agreed that an entry should be made in the Newsletter of the Year category.

Highways Agency – The Government has asked all highway authorities to check the speed limits on A roads and B roads to see if they conform to Government policies.

Enjoy England - A colourful brochure of activities for St George’s Day had been received.


Approval of payments

Clerk’s Salary (2 mths)£ 296.42

Windfarm administration£ 20.58

Clerk’s expenses£ 60.80

Clerk’s Computer allowance£ 78.97

Parish Website Training Travel expenses£ 36.83

Printing of newsletter (Feb 2008)£ 10.00

Donation to Kent Air Ambulance Trust£ 50.00

Donation to East Langdon village hall (P.O rent)£ 60.00 Receipts

Bank interest£ 70.89

Quarterly Budget Statement A report showing the financial position at 17 March 2008 was circulated and discussed together with a report of all income and expenditure during the year.

A letter to HM inspector of Taxes detailing payments to the Clerk during the year was signed by the chairman.

Appointment of Internal Auditor It was agreed that Mrs Julie Pamplin should be invited to carry out the internal audit and that she should be offered a fee of £50.

Proposed: Cllr R Walters

Seconded:Cllr J Beer

Agreed unanimously


TC/08/00022TC: Magpie Hall, The Street, Martin. Crown reduction to one ash tree. The Council had no objection to the application.

DOV/08/00194: Solton Manor, East Langdon. Erection of 3 dormer roof extensions and insertion of 2 roof lights. The Council had no objection to the application.

DOV/07/01498: Delranch, Guston Road, East Langdon. Erection of a detached chalet bungalow and garage (existing dwelling to be demolished). The Council had no objection to the application to replace the existing building but does object to the ridge height of the proposed dwelling which is considered to be too high to fit the description of a bungalow. The drawings show the building to be out of scale with other dwellings in the vicinity. A building of this height would be too prominent in the approach from Waldershare Lane. The replacement dwelling needs to be a bungalow and not a house.

DOV/08/00225: Highbury House, Station Road, Martin Mill. Erection of balcony to rear. The Council objects to the proposal. A balcony at roof height would result in other properties, especially Elma and Cherry Trees, being seriously overlooked.

8.WIND FARM DDC has informed Ecotricity that the application cannot be determined because of weaknesses in many areas of their EIA. A detailed letter, dated 19 February, contained over 100 requests for further information and,since these have been issued under Section 19, the clock has now stopped on the planning process pending a response from Ecotricity. The Project Manager has now left and has been replaced by Lucy Hoyle. Strong letters of objection have also been submitted by NATS, English Heritage and The National Trust.

It was noted that the continued uncertainty about the windfarm is having a negative effect on Church Farm Mews where the houses remain unsold.


Lengthman’s Report A pothole on Waterworks hill is being monitored. It was noted that overgrown hedgerows in Martin Lane are causing an obstruction to traffic.

Playing Field CommitteeA complaint has been received from the farmer of the field in which the two trees fell. Remedial work on the remaining trees is in hand. It was suggested that Rennie Simon be asked for advice on the purchase of a basketball post.

Village Hall Committee The grant of £1700 from the Small Communities Project has been received. The replacement windows have been ordered and work will start before the end of the financial year.

Dover North Forum A meeting to discuss agenda items was held on 3 March but was poorly attended. It was agreed that LDF would be the topic for the first Forum meeting but confirmation of the date is awaited. Comments are invited on proposed aims and objectives and vision statements for the forums.


Welcome Pack: Ordnance Survey has no objection to the use of a map of the parish on the pack.

11. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held at 7.00 pm on Monday 21 April followed by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30 pm.

The meeting closed at 8.55 pm.

