Minutes of Islay Community Council Meeting held in the Service Point, Bowmore on Monday 6 September 2010.


Neil Woodrow (NW) convener, Catherine Gilchrist (CG), Mairead Mackechnie (MMK), Islay McEachren (IME), Robin Currie (RC) councillor, Peter MacLellan (PML), Hamish Campbell (HC), Roberta MacNeill (RMN), John MacGillivray (JMG).

Also present:

Adrian MacKenzie (AMK)


Fergus Muir (FM)

Minutes of last meeting

Minutes were accepted as a true record of proceedings. Proposed by MMK, seconded by PML.

Matters arising

RC raised a question regarding the length of time for turbine installation as stated by SSER. NW clarified that the timescale given was for siting the turbines only.

CG again asked RC for a breakdown of the monies spent on the improvement project. RC stated that he had written to Iain Welsh requesting this. AMK stated that he understood the cost of the pontoons to be £100,000, with a further c£50,000 for dredging.

RC to contact CG

NW had contacted Faye Harris to invite her to the meeting to discuss Calmac Ferries. She was unable to attend, but would be in the island on 22/23 September and would meet with NW, RMN and any other member who wished to be present.

NW to report at next meeting

RMN raised the subject of bollards in Shore Street, which are allegedly planned to be erected from the junction with Main Street on the east side to the vicinity of Mary MacKay’s Brae. There had been no previous discussion of or agreement to these bollards. IME raised concerns about road safety if the bollards were erected. AMK stated that he had been told that 78 bollards were to be put in the Square. He reported that John Cameron also wished to discuss the bollards, but was unable to attend the meeting. RMN asked who was overseeing the work. RC named Iain Welsh. RC will seek clarification tomorrow (Tuesday) and notify RMN.

RC to contact RMN

PML raised a concern about the map of Islay which is to form the centre-piece of the Morrison Court development. Is there a machine in Islay which can lift it? The work was due to be completed by the end of September.

No further action meantime


Mandates have been updated and on-line banking will be in place by the end of the week. Signatories are PML, FM and NW. HC raised a question about payments due to the Ileach for advertising.

NW to contact Ileach


There was some discussion on this. CG agreed to become secretary but will not be present at the next meeting. Minute taking will remain a responsibility shared among other members.


NW –

Paul Graham (PG) has been in touch representing the Hoteliers’ Association, which is concerned about the ferries review consultation. There will be a meeting near Glasgow airport on Monday 13, details of which NW copied to PG. RC will be attending the meeting on behalf of Argyll & Bute Council.

RC to report back

Carol Muir of the Community Health Partnership would like a member to sit on one or more of their working groups.

MMK to liaise

HC –

Joan MacCallum copied a letter to him which she had sent to Roy McGlynn, A&BC, complaining about the street lighting in School Street, Port Charlotte. She requested ICC support.

Letter passed to RC for action

The A&BC review of adult learning provision consultation is taking place between 03/08/10 – 17/09/10.

RMN to action

Ferries Review

NW has completed the consultative document questionnaire with his own views and circulated it for comment to ICC members before submitting it.

CG raised a question about what was meant by “encourage economic development” in the document in respect of lowering fares for commercial transport.

Members to respond to NW by 10/09/10


Information from SSER in response to a question about how noise pollution will be assessed was circulated by email prior to the meeting.

Reports on Specific matters

RMN was authorised to put a notice in the next edition of the Ileach if the bollards in Shore Street are actually planned, or if yellow lines are to be renewed. She pointed out that residents had been told on 22 April that they would be consulted before any changes took place, and no consultation had been carried out.AMK asked for the ICC to arrange for a public meeting if the changes were proposed.

Parking in the area is a major concern and there will be insufficient space for residents if parking is restricted. RMN stated that the land beside the Bank of Scotland belongs to Islay Estates and is not available for parking at present.

RMN to action

RC reported that an application has been received to site the funfare, presently using Port Ellen, on the blaze pitch in Bowmore. The school had opposed this. It was agreed that granting the application might have an adverse effect on Port Ellen.

No further action

PML reported that the ICC website will be operational in a week’s time at islaycc. Members of the public will be able to post questions using the Googlemail address.

No further action

HC reported that Lindy MacLellan on behalf of Islay Energy Trust was liaising with Dunlossit on a mini-hydro scheme in Loch Àlainn. They have applied for funding and asked the ICC to support the scheme. JMG asked who would benefit from it. CG asked about site and equipment ownership. MMK suggested that the IET should put their request in writing, providing the details asked for. This was agreed by all except HC, who undertook to make his own report to the IET.

CG to contact IET

PML & AMK raised the subject of the sewage pipe discharging into Loch Indaal which has still not been capped. RMN reported that the local SEPA officer had confirmed that it should be capped by Scottish Water. CG reported that she had already written to RC requesting action.

RC to action

Concerns raised by members of public

Bollards – covered in previous business.


HC raised the subject of the Community Planning Group, which meets 4 times per annum and on which the ICC has a permanent seat. Local meetings are also supposed to be held. He stated that FM had undertaken to represent the ICC, but had not been at the last meeting. NW informed the meeting that FM had been advised not to attend the last meeting as it wasn’t relevant to Islay. There was some discussion on the matter, and it was agreed that the next ICC would set aside time for the topic at the next meeting.

RC reported that a community engagement meeting will be held by A&BC some time in October. Date to be notified to RMN.

It was agreed to exchange minutes with the Jura and Colonsay CCs.

HC to action

Date and time of next meeting

October 4th, 7pm