Minutes of Ilchester Parish Council held on ThursdayOctober 8th 2015
at the Town Hall, Ilchester at 7.30pm.
Present:Mrs. H. Panter,Chairman, Mr. S. Marsh,Mr. A. MacGregor, Mr. G. Pope, Mr. S. McAllister,
Mr. H. Williams, Mr. J. Bailey, County Councillor,Mr. A. Capozzoli, District Councillor, Mrs. Cath Holloway, Village Agent and Mr. P. Horsington, Clerk.
Tenmembers of the public werealso present.
88. Apologies
Apologies were received fromMr. J. Edmondson,Miss J. Stapleton,Mr. C. Williams& PCSO T. Mead & Rev. B. Faulkner.
89. The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated, were signed as correct.
90. Declarations of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest.
91. Open Session
The Chairman welcomed Mrs. Cath Holloway, who introduced herself and explained her role as the newly appointed Village agent. The aims of the twenty Village Agents within Somerset, who are under the aegis of the Somerset Community Council for Somerset, are to assist with persons with mobility issues, form Friendship groups for the elderly, who cannot get out and assist younger persons in need. The scheme has been running for two years. Mrs. Panter recommended contact with the Diners Club and Mrs. Holloway was given a copy of the Newsletter for her to use to promote her work. The Chairman thanked Mrs. Holloway for her presentation.
Mrs. Stockwell stated that she had contacted SSDC reference, speeding vehicles in Pillbridge Lane down to the Gas Station. It was explained that beyond the SSDC Play area, the lane is a Bridle path, with Mr. H. Williams stating that vehicle access is required to service both the Sewage works and Gas station. It was agreed to consider putting a Notice up at the Allotments, asking that driving allotment holders, respect pedestrians.
Mrs. Stockwell expressed her concern at vehicles parking near the West Street / Pillbridge junction, causing safety issues for both pedestrians and other drivers. It was agreed to discuss this under Highway matters.
Mrs. Stockwell reported a broken stile beyond Browns Lane, Mr. Pope stated that he was aware of the situation and is in contact the County Rights of Way officer.
Mr. Stewart expressed his concern that any proposed works to the Town bridge may damage it. Mrs. Panter stated that there is to be no impact to the Bridge, within the proposals for some form of traffic calming through Northover. Mr. Marsh stated that in the details received from County Highways, it is proposed that there will be no extra footpath over the Bridge, only splitter islands are being proposed, with a possible Zebra crossing to facilitate access to the Post Office facility, as and when it moves to the Northover garage area, also there will be no roundabout at the junction of Church street and the High street. Mr. Bailey stated there will be a further meeting with the Parish Council to confirm the final decisions.
Mrs. Fairweather, Abbots road informed the meeting that a lot of people were using the Nuova Italia for toilet facilities, and asked if there could be a contribution from the Parish Council funds. It was agreed that a letter from the owners of the business needs to be received, before any discussion takes place.
Mr. G. Hill asked what was discussed at the meeting held on October 7th at SWRCC, Avonmouth.
Mrs. Panter reported that the meeting had been an exchange of what Highways England with SKANSKA, Atkins were proposing. No actual details were presented at the meeting, but it had been agreed that nothing will be done to put the Mead properties at risk, and there is to be a meeting in Ilchester, arranged by Mr. Bailey, to which
Mr. Hill & Mr. W. Masters are invited on Tuesday October 13th, with all the relevant agencies, including SCC Highways, attending.Mr. Capozzoli gave his apologies for that meeting to be held on October 13th.
Ms. J. Burrell stated that she had no confidence in the figures produced by Atkins, and as far as she was concerned only Mr. G. Hill's calculations were accurate, and expressed her concern that the Parish Council were not backing Mr. Hill. These comments were noted and would be considered.
Mr. W. Masters stated that the principle issue was the volume of water coming to the Mead from the A.37 area, and at the Flood risk Management event held on September 28th at the SSDC Offices, BrymptonWay, Mr. Capozzoli had given the Officials attending, plan proposals to hold water back from crossing the A.37.
The meeting was informed that the agreed works to remove silt from the river by the Town bridge are to be carried out within two weeks.
It was reported that the issue of vehicles leaving the Sports field from the car boot site, had been discussed with the Sports field Committee.
92. County & District Councillors’ reports.
The Council noted that Mr. Bailey's, County Councillor,report had been circulated to all members.
Mr. Bailey highlighted that the MUGA works at the School were on target, and that there will be an Official opening. Mr. Bailey stated that there will be a Community Link (Tall Trees) meeting on October 26th.
Mr. Bailey reported that there has been a meeting with the Youth Groups to consider joint activities.
Mr. Marsh asked a question reference CRISP and this issue was noted.
Mr. Marsh queried the Traffic Strategy proposals, with Mr. Bailey stating that these are still being evaluated and a further meeting will be held. The Council agreed that the proposals were positive.
Mr. Bailey also highlighted new online Courses as part of Somerset Libraries & FutureLearn and that the County Council were advising on how to assist refugees.
Mr. Capozzoli reported that the grant from SSDC for the insurance for the Ilchester 1940's Vintage Family Fun day held on August 30th had not been necessary, but would available for any future event, as there is now a properly constituted Committee. This was noted.
Mr. Capozzoli recommended that the Parish Council contacts SSDC StreetScene and ask for the drains / gullies to be cleared. It was agreed to highlight the High Street and the Mead, although it was agreed that all the Village drains need attention.
93. Youth Parish Councils
In the absence of Miss Stapleton, no issues were reported from the Youth Parish Councils.
94. Police & Community issues
In the absence of PCSO T. Mead, it was noted that no report had been received.
The Council noted that the details of the Remembrance Sunday service on November 8th have been discussed with Rev. Faulkner and Mr. A Stephens. This will take the same form as last year, with a Parade from West Street. It was agreed that the Clerk contact RNAS to ask if a Bugler could attend the Service.
It was noted that the Schools are being consulted regarding the Armistice day service on November 11th.
95. Planning matters
The Council noted that application 15/01472/FUL for Mr. Michelle David at 2, The High Street for the erection of a log cabin to be used in conjunction with dog grooming business, installation of decking with cover over, boundary walls,with pedestrian access from Priory Road had been granted.
The Council noted that application 15/03353/FUL for Mr. Ben Bray at 17, Abbots Road for the erection of a two storey side extension to dwellinghouse plus the widening of extension & extra window had been granted.
The Council noted that application15/03175/FUL for Mr. G. Keyser at the Bridge Garage for the use of existing car garage/showroom to include hand car wash / valeting facility had been granted.
The Council noted that application 15/03654/LBC for Mr. D. Watson, 3, The Manor, West Street to remove render on boundary wall replace isolated bricks & re - point had been granted.
The Council noted that application 15/03577/FUL for Mrs. C. Farrant, 4, Abbots Road for the erection of a porch had been granted.
The Council noted that there was no decision to report for application 15/03620/FUL for Mr. J. Hughes,
16, Pillbridge Road for the erection of fencing (retrospective).
The Council considered application and supported 15/04482/FUL for Norseland Ltd, Somerton Road for the retention of existing temporary office and link corridor.
96. Financial matters
The account balances were reported at 30/09/15 C/A/c £100 & £37,822.06p in the Business Reserve Account.
Receipts - £65 Trinity College & Bank interest £1.82
Payments made -
08/10/152118£187.50Ilchester Arms - toilet provision
08/10/152119£187.50 Bull Inn toilet - provision
08/10/152120£187.50Dolphin Inn - toilet provision
08/10/152121£49.40 HMRC paye tax
08/10/152122£1,937.44SSDC items for flood hut at Mead
08/10/152123£20Amy Band - skate park
08/10/152124£562.63PTH salary & expenses
08/10/152125£9.95H. Williams engraving allotment trophy
The above cheques were authorised and signed.
97. Website
In the absenceof Mr. C. Williams,it was agreed the issue of who uploads the site and other links, is to left for consideration, until thenext meeting.
Mr. C. Williams had confirmed by Email, that he had uploaded the current minutes & agenda.
98. Highway matters
The Council discussed the issue of vehicles parking near the West Street / Pillbridge junction, raised earlier, causing safety issues for both pedestrians and other drivers, and it was agreed to contact County Highways and the Police.
It was noted that Mrs. Panter had contacted Mrs. J. Eaton on the issue of speeding vehicles at the Mead.
Mrs. Panter stated that there is speeding at Taranto Hill by the Schools, and it was agreed to ask the Police to carry out speed checks in that area.
Mr. Marsh reported that the sign at the end of Almshouse Lane had been repaired.
The Council noted that Winter salt bags for Parishes, will be available for collection from SCC Highways, Mead Avenue, Yeovil on November 21st.
99. Flooding issues
The meeting was informed that that all the items for the Flood hut, were now in place.
Mr. McAllister stated that the signs are being made for the Flood hut.
In view of the adverse comments made in the Open session, Mr. Marsh proposed the following - 'that the Parish Council support the requirement for a flood relief scheme that does not make the situation worse for residents'. This was seconded by Mr. H. Williams and unanimously supported.
100. Allotments
Mr. H. Williams reported to the Council that Mr. J. Lee has injured himself and would not be able to carry out the fencing work. On the proposition of Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. MacGregor, it was unanimously agreed to award the work for renewing the fencing alongside the field at the allotment area to T. Hayne Construction.
Mr. H. Williams stated that he will put up at Notice in the Allotments,reference the issue raised in Open Session, highlighting the need for drivers to heed pedestrians along Pillbridge Lane.
101. Cemetery
In the absence of Mr. C. Williams, it was reported that the Cemetery was in good condition.
Mr. Pope stated that he was dealing with South West Steels Ltd to take the iron seat in the Cemetery for shot blasting.
102. Mead Play area
Mr. McAllister stated that there were no issues to report.
103. Skate Park
Mr. McAllister reported that there were no issues to report, except that Gravity Engineering Ltd had inspected the Skate park shelter and carried out some remedial works at no charge.
104. Rights of Way
Mr. Popestated that he was aware of the stile issue, raised in the Open session, and he was dealing with County Rights of Way officials, reference this issue.
105. TreeMatters
It was noted that an Email received, had been dealt with.
106. Ilchester Town Trust, IDCA, IRINEC
Mr. MacGregor, Town Trust Trustee, reported that the last car boot sale will be held on October 11th and a Roman day will be held on Saturday October 10th.
In the absence of Miss Stapleton, there was nothing to report on behalf of IDCA.
It was reported from IRINEC, that the Annual Lecture will be given by Mr. G. Mottram, on October 15th. The subject being two persons who had been awarded the Victoria Cross.
107. Correspondence
None was reported.
108. Items for Report, or for the agenda of the next meeting
Mr. Pope informed the Council that he had represented the Parish Council at the funeral of the late Mr. C. 'Bill' Budden.
The Council were made aware of a request from a Youth Parish Council member, Jack Dutton, for the an additional bus shelter at the Taranto Hill area, as there is only one in that area, which means that the waiting passengers would have to cross the road. It was agreed to put this on the next agenda.
It was agreed that subject to a written request, the Council would add the issue of toilet provision, raised by Mrs. Fairweather, on the next agenda.
The date of the next meeting of the Council wasconfirmed for ThursdayNovember 12th 2015 at 7.30pm.
There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all present, and declared the meeting closed at 9.50pm.
Signed: Date: