Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting for STOKEClimsland parish council

held on Monday 5thSeptember 2016 commencing at 8.00Pm in the Parish hALL



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SC 16/09.1/1 Apologies for absence:J FORBES, P BARRIBALL,C VULLIAMY

SC 16/09.0/2 Declarations of Interest: M Howlett and J Coumbe in PA13/07400

SC 16/09.1/3 Public Session: None

SC 16/09.1/4 Planning:

Cornwall Council list of Application;

PA16/06631: Mrs J Duddridge, Venterdon Farm Stoke Climsland Callington Cornwall PL17 8PD: Creation of new drive. The conditions for the original planning application for a dwelling in the garden of Venterdon Farm were read out, where the condition was to improve visibility at access onto road through Venterdon prior to work being carried out. Concern was expressed that the proposed new drive will exit on to a narrow bit of road at a blind bend. It was noted that there is likely to be increased traffic when the Poultry Unit at the top of Pounds Lane is built. The route to the Poultry Unit is along the road where the proposed exit is and there is likely to be an increase in the numbers of large vehicles travelling on the road. After further discussions It was proposed by D Crawley and seconded by S Cazaly that the Parish Council does not support this application.The proposed revision of access is substantially more hazardous than of the original proposal and contrary to the highways report and conditions. The road is very narrow and the access will be onto a blind bend. he road has heavy use, likely to be increased with heavy lorries travelling to the approved chicken farm. It is outside the development boundary. In a vote 5 members voted for the proposal and 1 abstained.

PA16/07400: Land Adjacent To Road From Bealsmill To Junction North East Of Venterdon Farm Stoke Climsland Callington Cornwall: Erection of a barn for agricultural purposes. The applicant explained the reason for the proposed barn and the construction methods. He pointed out that the proposed road is for construction purposes only and that it will not be used for vehicles subsequently. He has contacted the neighbours who have no material objection. After some discussion it was proposed by D Crawley and seconded by N Cooper that the Parsish Council supports this application.

SC 16/09.1/5 Date and Time of Next Meeting

7.30 pm in the Parish Hallon 19thSeptember2016

Clerk: Mrs Power, Top Flat, Half Moon Court, Stoke Climsland PL17 8NY

Tel: 01579 370819

