Minutes of Eagle & Swinethorpe Parish Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 27th September 2016 at 7.30pm in Eagle Village Hall.
Present – Councillors Nigel Bottom (Vice Chair), Katy Thomas, Alan Parker, Mark Nolan, Martyn Jackson, Dawn Warnock & Jane Wallis.
Rachel Popplewell – Clerk
6 members of the public
Public Forum
An update was given regarding the village defibrillator. The Village Hall Committee have agreed to purchase the defibrillator for £400, the remaining £450 was hopefully going to be raised by means of fund raising events/donations. Ongoing costs would be a battery of £100 that should last 4 years and pads of £20 that should last 3 years. The ownership and the insurance will be covered by the Parish Council.
The Chairman welcomed the litter picker to the meeting and thanked him for doing a good job. An up-to-date list of responsibilities was passed on, the litter picker confirmed the 7hrs per month was adequate for the job.
Comments were raised bymembers of the public regarding Agenda Item 5c, Planning Application to vary condition 8 of Ref -15/0620/FUL, to allow work to commence on site prior to the junction being complete. The members of the public were very concerned with the proposal saying that it put public safety at risk, the problem had arisen due to the fact that the BT boxes near to the entrance couldn’t be moved for a further 18 months. The method statement attached to the variation said that traffic would be directed in a different direction but it wasn’t clear which way, the up-to-date map of the area was incorrect as it didn’t show the 2 BT boxes in question. The member of public was concerned that the temporary access would cause a significant danger to all road users and pedestrians as large lorries would be turning onto the site on a bend.
The Chair thanked the members of the public for their comments.
- Welcome & Apologies
The Vice Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Michael Chennells & Chris Patty and District Councillors Sally Appleby & Barbara Wells.
Cllr Nigel Bottom Chaired the meeting.
The Chair passed on Condolences to Cllr Alan Parker after the recent passing of his wife. Mrs Parker had been a member of the Parish Council for some years before resigning due to ill health.
- To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interest and requests for dispensations
None Received
- Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 30th August 2016 to be approved as minutes
The council Resolved to approve the notes as minutes and a true record. Proposed by Cllr Wallis seconded by Cllr Parker, signed by the Chair.
- Clerks Update
Further to last month’s meeting the Clerk confirmed that the Knights Templar had offered the Parish Council £630 towards the restoration project of the War Memorial. The contracts have now all been signed; the parish council were just waiting on a start date from the contractors. The Chair asked that this was a regular item on the agenda. Action RP
The LCC had been in contact regarding a formal opening of the carpark, as yet no date had been set. The hedge had been trimmed from the carpark to the ‘oak tree’, no further comment had been received regarding the hedge that looks like it has died.
The clerk had contacted Tarmac regarding the monitoring of the HGVs in the area. Tarmac have confirmed that they have strict guidelines regarding the route their lorries take in aroundthe surrounding villages and any driver can be banned if caught using the incorrect route. One of the causes for the lorries using the narrower roads had been the removal of the weight limit signs while road works had been carried out, the clerk was asked to see if they can be put back up Action RP
The clerk had, had confirmation that the parish council will receive the litter picking grant of £166.32 from North Kesteven District Council.
- To consider the following planning applications.
- Change of use of agricultural land to livery use (retrospective). Corner Farm Livery Stables, Harby Lane, Swinethorpe, Newark Ref – 16/1066/FUL
The parish council made comment regarding the legal access to the site for business use.
- Amended plans for erection 9 no. dwellings (including affordable housing), 2 no ancillary garage & formation of access with private carriageway upon land off Thorpe Lane Eagle.
Additional information received – Ecology/protected species survey & tree report Ref – 16/0727/FUL
No discussion took place as the report was for information only and the application has since been refused.
- Application to vary condition 8 of Ref 15/0620/FUL – erection of 14 no. dwellings including affordable houses, access roadway & landscaping – to allow work to commence on site prior to the junction being complete. Ref – 16/1050/VARCON
The Parish Council made comment regarding the variation,
The biggest objection to the original application was the access to the site, the application had been agreed on a technicality. The issues regarding moving the BT box should not have been passed back to the parish council for consideration, this should have been picked up by the applicant. The councillors were appalled that this was being considered due to the safety impact on the village. The parish council had no confidence in the condition that the new access would be built after the temporary one had been in place for a number of months. The plans submitted with the variation were incorrect with one of the BT boxes in question being omitted and not all of the utilities where shown.Measurements shown were inaccurate with the revised wording having no mention of road safety, which will get worse due to the lorries, trucks and diggers entering and leaving the site.
The variation would cause a massive Health & safety issue on what is a particularly bad stretch of road.
The variation has since been withdrawn w/c 20th Sept 2016.
- Alterations and improvements to village hall including insertion of new sliding front door and disabled access ramp. The Village Hall, 49 High Street, Eagle, Lincoln. Ref – 16/0828/FUL
The Parish Council supported the application.
- To authorise the signing of the orders for payment & to note any income received.
The councillors considered the list previously circulated and Resolved to approve the following accounts for payment – All Agreed.
Bank Balances
30th Aug 2015 - £104,487.96
30th Aug 2016 - £22,933.92
Payments to be Authorised
Date / Name / Net / VAT / Total14.09.2016 / Office Home & Student / £99.99 / £20.00 / £119.99
27.09.2016 / Eagle Village Hall / £15.00 / £15.00
05.09.2016 / E-on / £158.94 / £31.79 / £190.73
31.08.2016 / D Lyne / £765.00 / £153.00 / £918.00
27.09.2016 / R Popplewell (clerk’s salary) / £172.77 / £172.77
27.09.2016 / D Lyne / £120.00 / £24.00 / £144.00
27.09.2016 / Flying Hire Ltd / £105.00 / £21.00 / £126.00
27.09.2016 / Stationary / £12.95 / £12.95
27.09.2016 / A Kent / £105.00 / £105.00
Totals / £1554.65 / £249.79 / £1804.44
- To consider & adopt the Terms of Reference for the Playing Field Committee.
After discussion the Terms of Reference were adopted. Proposed Cllr Bottom seconded Cllr Nolan – All Agreed Action JW/RP
- To Sign the application forms for the new Playing Field bank account & amended signing mandate for the existing account.
The council resolved to agree to add Cllr Wallis onto the existing signing mandate for the parish council bank account - All Agreed.
The council resolved to agree to open a new bank account for the playing field committee, with their existing account to be closed and the balance transferred over, signatories to be the same as the main parish council account – All Agreed Action RP
- Any other business/items for the next agenda
Cllr Thomas confirmed that she had conducted the Clerks 6-month appraisal review, as satisfactory.
The Chair passed on his thanks to the Clerk.
Update was given regarding the playing field alterations, phase 1 is now complete. The ROSPA check is now due.
- Date & Time of next meeting
Tuesday 25th October 2016 7.30pm
Meeting closed at 9.30pm
Signed …………………………………………………………………….
Date ………………………………………………………………………..
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