Minutes of Cranbrook LGBMeeting

08.30 onMarch 15 2016

At Cranbrook Education Campus

Attendees:Steve Wilkinson (Chair)

Moira Marder

Alison Kerr

Sarah O’Shea

Mandy Lane

Mark Cornfield

Josie Medforth (Chief Operating Officer)

Jo Westney (Safeguarding Officer)

Minutes: Ellen Chaplin

Agenda Item / Action
1. / Welcome, Apologies & Declarations of Interest
Apologies were received by Julia Evans, Stephen Bardwell, Craig McCrum, Gill Ryall, Matt Rowett and Rob Bosworth.
SW commented that both parent Governors are currently unable to attend due to work and family commitments, but will be able to give more time after Easter.
SW informed LGB that Tracey de Bernhardt Dunkin has resigned from the CEC LGB as she felt she could not give the time required. SW noted that she was a great help during the set-up of the school, and noted that the LGB is very thankful to have benefitted from her experience.
SW declared a potential interest in discussing Midas’ role in the building.
2. / Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes were agreed by all to be an accurate record and signed by SW. / SW
3. / Finance & Resources Committee Update
MC informed LGB that the committee has changed its name to Finance & Resources to include issues like estates and lettings. There may be a need to create more specialist committees later.
MC reported the committee felt the school needs to hold someone responsible for the issues with the building as the school should not have to use its own money. The committee would like to meet with the original architects Stride Treglown at the next meeting to get their feedback on the issues with the building.
MC reported there was a lot of conversation about the committee’s responsibilities and delegated authority, and where these fit with the LGB and MAT. This needs to be clarified before the ToR is completed.
The committee requested that in future budget reports there is a breakdown of cost centres to better understand MAT shared resources.
The committee reviewed their allocated policies and decided that most are MAT policies rather than LGB.
SW commented that the committee felt the school needs professional management of the building.
MM commented there is still lots of recruitment required, and will circulate an updated staff list after Easter. / MC
4. / Curriculum & Students Committee Update
SO reported on this committee meeting in the absence of GR.
SO reported the committee was facing difficulty with members being unable to attend. The committee decided all meetings from now will be held on a Wednesday morning to help with this.
SO commended LCT for giving a good flavour of student life and a comprehensive report on the current curriculum.
The next meeting will focus on student voice, and LCT will bring example of student voice work.
The committee felt the policies did not need an annual review, and should have a 2 year review or as necessary. The writer is responsible for reviewing annually but the LGB should not have to approve each year.
SO reported the committee is reviewing the final policies in the next meeting. / SO
5. / Data Report
MYM reported on the attendance figures. MYM commented that as such a small school, one child absence has a great effect on overall absence statistics.
MYM reported there are some difficulties with the primary children coming to school late, especially those that walk from the other side of Cranbrook. MYM suggested the school should run a minibus collection service to pick up children struggling with this.
There are plans for a walkway to be built which should also help this issue.
(JKW joined meeting at this point)
MYM reported the county wants CEC to increase the size of the nursery to 89 because of local need. This requires further building work to create free-flow rooms. MYM will ask DCC to support with these costs.
MYM reported she has put a block on Year 7 intake numbers at 50. Current confirmed number is 45. The September Year 7 intake has overwhelming SEN needs, both academically and behaviourally.
None of the September intake are coming with statements and attached funding. The school must apply for funding after first term (January).
There had been a specialist TA appointed to help with literacy issues who will provide 1-1 mentoring for PP children.
MYM is talking to 0-25 team to say we cannot take some of more complex children without additional funding.
SO expressed a concern about nursery numbers – this number of children would be classed as a Children’s Centre and so should provide extra family support e.g. health visitor facilities and parental needs support.
MYM expressed concerns about Reception numbers, and what will happen when St Martins and CEC are full.
MYM confirmed the school will have over 200 students in September 2016. / MYM
6. / Safeguarding Report
SW welcomed JKW and introduced her as the school’s Safeguarding Officer.
JKW reported that she has attended 1 MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) enquiry regarding low level neglect with the outcome that no single assessment was required. JKW expresseds concerns that she was experiencing difficulty contacting social workers and is trying to challenge this decision.
There are 4 children on roll and 3 prospective students on the CP (Child Protection) list.
JKW has attended 2 CP conferences and strategy meetings.
There is one child classed as CiN (Child in Need). There have been no CiN conferences due to a dispute between the family and social worker.
There are 2 DAFs (Devon Assessment Framework) in place and 5 in progress.
There is one EHE (elective home educated) child who may be coming back on roll on a part time timetable after Easter.
JKW is not aware of any bullying or racial incidents being reported to DCC.
There are currently 39 PP (Pupil Premium) students on roll.
There are no CiC (Child in Care).
JKW is not aware of any allegations against staff.
The Single Central Record is up to date.
JKW is attending monthly meetings with other school safeguarding officers to share concerns about local families.
JKW suggested her greatest concern is with the level of need in the school, especially the high number on the CP list. The school needs to keep MASHing any concerns they have, and be prepared for the unknown in September.
JKW reported there are lots of complex multi-parent or absent parent families with low level neglect risk.
ML commented that the children’s centre review the CP list, and has found that Cranbrook has more CP children than all the surrounding areas. There are also difficulties with the lack of infrastructure and support from external bodies.
MYM suggested that Multi Academy Trusts are facing difficulties as they are having to take increasing responsibility for supporting these children. Isca, St James and CEC have the highest level of CP and lowest ability in Devon so this is a big concern for MAT.
SO commented that it is essential to ensure DCC understands we are happy to take these children but need further resources to support them.
MYM confirmed LCT is meeting with various people to discuss issues with the Year 7 intake.
JKW suggested that one of the major issues is with large families moving because of larger houses but lacking the infrastructure and facilities to support this.
(JKW left the meeting at this point). / JKW
7. / Staffing
SW confirmed they have appointed a Head of Secondary on a 1 year fixed secondment.
MYM suggested she is concerned with improving work health to encourage SLT to stay longer.
MYM confirmed they have also appointed a Head of Maths on a 1 year fixed secondment.
Head of Science and English positions will follow in 2017/18.
JM suggested a Trust recruitment drive to encourage better quality of candidate. / SW/MYM
8. / Trust Clarification
SW asked JM to briefly clarify LGB role within Trust.
JM commented that part of her role is in Business Support so she is currently reviewing the structure and roles of MAT LGBs.
JM confirmed there is a scheme of delegation but this is quite lightweight and she is currently in process of reviewing and re-writing this. The ToR for all LGB across MAT need consideration, especially in terms of decision making powers.
The MAT board is looking at what committees it may need and how chairs of LGB can feed into these committees.
Governance needs to be reviewed as Mat evolves and grows.
JM confirmed that CEC LGB is classed as a committee of the MAT board, and the LGB committees are sub-committees. Any changes to these therefore need ratifying by the MAT.
JM suggested she attend the Strategic Conference day to give further clarification on these issues. Debra Myhill may also be able to attend to give a MAT overview.
SW suggested that any Trust level concerns be directed to MYM to pass on.
JM reported she is currently reviewing policies and trying to streamline them within the Trust. She has made a proposal of MAT policies and which need to be on an individual school level.
JM is working with IT support to implement an intranet across the MAT so all staff can access these policies. / JM
9. / Building Maintenance Proposal
SW commented that after Jenny Leach left, Gina Woodcraft took on the various outstanding projects. Most of these are now completed and so Gina’s contract will end after Easter. After this, the LGB will take over responsibility for the remaining issues.
JM needs to meet with Mi-space to discuss the remaining issues and sticking points.
JM commented that once defects period is over, the LGB is responsible for making sure statutory checks are managed. These need to be done by qualified professionals.
JM suggested buying into a Property Services Team to manage this for us. DCC have an external company (NPS) who handle this for all schools in Devon so can get discounted prices. They can also project manage any additional work the school needs.
Torbay Council have a similar team, but at a slightly higher cost as it is a smaller council.
NPS charge £4 per pupil with a minimum contract of 1 year. They also offer conditioning services to evaluate the condition of the building.
The defects period ends in September and so a decision is needed fairly quickly.
SW commented that NPS will need managing, but they fully understand Devon schools.
SW suggested NPS present to the F&R committee about what they can do for the future of the school.
SW requested JM talk to NPS about possibility of starting contract now to have something in place for nursery development, with a view to starting a year contract in September.
The LGB agreed to sign up to NPS for the next academic year for £4 per pupil. / JM
JM to get a quote for the LGB to ratify
10. / School Opening
AK suggested Healthy Town status may be a good draw for potential school openers and would put CEC on a National Agenda.
MYM suggested Alan Milburn works on social mobility and so may be willing to come.
SW suggested the opening needs to be later in the year.
MYM suggested perhaps September as there will be more students and will be properly open, rather than just in set up phase.
The opening will be held in the w/c September 26.
JM suggested the letter inviting the guest to the opening should come from the MAT. / SW
11. / AOB
The date of the Strategic Conference was agreed as June 7.
JM mentioned IT proposal which looks at joint IT support across the MAT. This would have a Network Manager, 2 Senior Technicians, an Apprentice and 2 Technicians who would work across the MAT.
This proposal has been ratified by the Trust but they wanted LGB input before confirmation.
The LGB agreed this proposal.
MYM reported lettings will start over the Easter holiday with 3 night a week, increasing to 5 nights after the May half term.
Date of next meeting:
-Wednesday 4th May 2016