Minutes of Council Meeting held on Wednesday 12th July at 7.00pm
Council Chambers, Market Hall, Holsworthy
Present: Cllr. J Hutchings, C. Punter,J. Briggs, S. Haynes, K. Musker, M. Stanton, J. Sanders, H. Parker & J. Heaven
In attendance: Town Clerk (TC)
Assistant to the Town Clerk (ATTC)
Cllr. I. Parker (TDC)
Cllr. B Parsons (DCC)
Zoe Uglow Holsworthy Post (Press)
Cllr J Allen, Cllr. K. Carroll (TDC), PCSO M. James & Sgt D Monkton from Devon & Cornwall Police, Holsworthy Sector.
Cllr. Hutchings asked Councillors to declare any relevant interests as they arose.
The Chairman suspended Standing Orders.
3711Public Question Open time
No members of public were present.
PCSO James had supplied a written Police Report, which was forwarded to all Cllrs prior to the meeting.
He was hoping to attend the meeting later.(Appendix A)
A written report had previously been sent to all Cllrs. (Appendix B)
Cllr. K Carroll had sent a written Report which was forwarded to all Cllrs prior to the meeting. (Appendix C)
Cllr. I. Parker thanked the Town Council as he had been informed that the Council worked well as a team and with others to achieve things that benefitted their community.
Cllr. Sanders mentioned to Cllr. Parker about a Planning issue within Holsworthy and the lack of reponse from TDC. Cllr. Parker explained that at present there are several vacancies in this department, but he will pass Cllr. Sanders comments and concerns on.
The Chairman returned to Standing Orders
The Minutes of the Meetings held on 7th June 2017 had been circulated prior to the meeting.
Cllr. Punter proposed that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th June be approved. This was seconded by Cllr. Heaven and agreed. (Vote 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions)
Cllr. Hutchings explained that since the last Full Council, he has been busy with various meetings including the Hospital Stakeholders Group as well as the St Peters Fair Week, which had received many positive comments. Other meetings included:
Bideford Mayor Making Ceremony
Holsworthy Youth Football Club Awards
Magpie Leases meeting
Longhouse planting
DCC Highways meeting
Bideford Armed Forces Day
Mayor & Town Clerks Meeting
Opening of the Funeral Directors
Opening the extension to Southwest Locksmiths
New Stakeholders Meeting for Holsworthy Hospital
Civic Service
Court Leet
Visited Residential Homes within Holsworthy
Open Air Service
St Peters Fair Week
South Molton Olde English Fayre
At the Mayors and Town Clerks meeting with the District Council one of the items discussed was the Bus Shelter, in North Road, this will be discussed further in item 3725.
Cllr. Punter thanked the Mayor for all his hard work in St Peters Fair, he also thanked the St Peters Fair Committee and the Cllrs that had volunteered their time on several occasions during Fair week to assist.
3718Accounts due for payment and Budget Review
The TC went through the payments to be approved highlighting the payments made and grants received in respect of the Pavilion.
Cllr. Sanders proposed that the payments be approved. This was seconded by Cllr. Punter and unanimously agreed. (9 Vote For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions).
The TC went through the Budget Sheet. No queries were raised.
3719To Receive, and to Note, the Minutes of the following Committee Meetings:
Minutes had been circulated with the Agenda.
The Mayor took Members through the Committee Minutes in turn and asked if there were any queries.
Before the Council meeting commenced Cllr. Sanders had informed the ATTC of the Planning & Highways Item 182, ATTC confirmed that this had been rectified prior to the minutes being printed but after being circulated.
Parks Committee – Nothing Raised
Planning & Highways – Nothing Raised
Finance & GP Purposes – Nothing Raised
Markets Committee – Nothing Raised
3720 to receive an update on the expenditure and income in relation to the pavilion project.
The TC confirmed that the build is slightly behind schedule but is looking more impressive as the months go on. A Site Visit will take place on 13th July, however the evening meeting with HASP and Devon FA had to be cancelled.
3721to ratify AN appplication to be made to THE tdc/dcc tap fund in relation to the christmas events 2017 to be held in holsworthy
TC stated that this matter had been discussed (item 3701) at the previous Full Council meeting however the application to the TAP Fund needed to be formally ratified.
Cllr. Sanders proposed that the Application to be made to TDC/DCC for the TAP Fund towards the costs of the Holsworthy Christmas Events 2017 be approved. This was seconded by Cllr. Briggs and unanimously agreed. (Vote 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions).
Cllr. Hutchings informed the members present, that work has been continuous in relation to the Holsworthy hospital campaign and he had recently attended a Stakeholders Group meeting representing Holsworthy Town Council with Cllr. Allen who was representing the League of Friends. There were two vacancies in the Group for the Town Council.
Cllr. Hutchings explained that Geoff Cusick had been very supportive in the fight for Holsworthy Hospital assisting the Mayor with his knowledge and experience.
Cllr Hutchings requested therefore that, although Geoff Cusick is not a Councillor, based on his time, commitment and knowledge given so far to the Holsworthy Hospital campaign, he should be the other Town Council representative at the Stakeholder Group meetings.
Cllr. Heaven proposed that the Mayor Jon Hutchings and Geoff Cusick should be the Town Council representatives on the Holsworthy Hospital Stakeholders Group. This was seconded by Cllr. Parker and unanimously agreed. (Vote 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Abstentions).
Nothing Received.
Nothing Received.
The Council has a stall at the Holsworthy & Stratton Show on 24th August. Mayor Hutchings is not able to attend but the Deputy Mayor confirmed his attendance; also present will be the TC, the ATTC , the Handyman, Cllr. Heaven plus 1 and Cllr Briggs.
The two Councillor vacancies to be filled by Co-option will be advertised in August with applications to be returned no later than 30.08.2017, with a view to discussing any applications at the September Council Meeting.
The first of the three Outdoor Theatre Events held in conjunction with the Plough Arts Theatre is on the 29th July with the HATs building open for the use of toilets and ice cream only. Volunteers/stewards will be required for this event: Cllrs. K Musker, Parker, Briggs and Punter volunteered. The ATTC will email these Cllrs before the event, to confirm times and location for the collection of the keys etc.
Barclay’s Bank has announced its Holsworthy Branch will be closing, Cllr. Hutchings and the TC are to have a meeting with the Barclays Community Banking team on 27th July 2017.
TDC will shortly be undertaking the Outside works at the Manor Offices between the 24th July 2017 and October 2017, this will include the erection of scaffolding around the building and a small site compound being erected in the Manor Car Park. The internal redecorations of the Manor Offices will commence on the 28thAugust for approximately three weeks, with the Craft Workshops commencing the 11th Sept
for approx. 1-2 weeks.
A meeting had been held with Mike Crocker from TDC to discuss Stanhope Park, dog fouling and the disposing of dog waste.
Regarding the Sports Pitch, the TC is still waiting for an update from TDC as soon as this is received Cllrs. will be updated on the latest position.
There has been damage again in Stanhope Park, this has been reported to the police and is also on the Neighbourhood Watch Social Media site.
The TC reminded F&GP and Planning & Highway committee members that the next set of meetings on 24th and 25th July are at the new start times of 5.30pm.
A meeting has been held with the Football & Magpie/RBL Clubs this will be discussed further under Item 3727.
Cllr. Hutchings and the TC had attended a meeting at Holsworthy Primary School with the Headteacher, to discuss ways in which the children at the Primary School could become more involved within the town.
Cllr. Parker proposed that in view of the special or confidential nature of the following business to be transacted, it is advisable, in the public interest, that the public and press temporarily be excluded and they will be instructed to withdraw. Cllr. Sanders seconded this proposal and it was agreed(Vote 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Absentation)
A discussion was held on the proposed rental and lease arrangements for Upcott Field. All Cllrs present were reminded that this is a Part 2 agenda.
Cllr. Punter proposed that a new Lease with the Rental of £1,400 pa including the new Terms is signed with Holsworthy Football Club effective from the 9th August 2017, but that the first years rent only is reduced to nil. Cllr. Parker seconded this proposal and it was agreed. (Vote 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Absentation)
Cllr. Sanders proposed that Holsworthy Town Council do not renew the lease on 9th August 2017 at present, but allow the Magpie/RBL 3months to confirm and provide to HTC a valid Constitution agreed at the General Meeting of the Club, provide the full information requested and explain howany existing and future income will be used to assist the future operation of the Football Club. Cllr. Haynes, seconded this proposal and it was agreed (Vote 9 For, 0 Against, 0 Absentation)
3728 CLOSE
Cllr. Hutchings formally closed the meeting at 8.25pm