Council Minutes

Monday 6 July 2015

6 July 2015

A.Reading of the Reconciliation Statement and Prayer


C.Adoption and confirmation of minutes of previous meeting(s) in accordance with Section 63 of the Act and Clause 423 of General Local Law 2008 (No 1)

1.Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 22 June 2015...... 4

D.Disclosure by Councillors of any conflicts of interest in accordance with Section 79 of the Act[1]

E.Questions to Council from Members of the Public

F.Correspondence – (only if related to council business)

G.Questions to Council Officers from Councillors

H.Tabling of Petitions and Joint Letters

I.Notices of Motion

J.Reports of Special and Other Committees

K.Reports by Delegates

L.General Business

1.planning permit application 0437/14 – 2 maroora street, malvern east – construction of three dwellings on a lot 5

2.planning permit application 0893/14 - 55 commercial road, south yarra - extension of an existing building to allow for a mixed use development of four storeys comprising an office at ground floor level and five apartments above 9

3.Heritage Strategy Action Plan...... 11

4.2015/16 – 2019/20 Strategic Internal Audit Program and 2015/16 Annual Internal Audit Plan 11

5.Chapel Street Taxi Zones - Summary Report and Recommendations12

6.Chapel Street - South Yarra - Proposed Illuminated Taxi Zones - Como and Olsen Hotels 12

7.Ashleigh Road/Osment Street Environs, Armadale - Traffic Study..13

M.Other General Business

N.Urgent Business

O.Confidential Business

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Council Minutes

Monday 6 July 2015

Present:cr melina sehr, mayor

:cr erin davie

:cr jami klisaris

:cr john mcmorrow

:cr claude ullin

Council Officers Present

:warren roberts, ceo

:geoff cockram

:simon thomas

:connie gibbons

:karen watson

:stuart draffin

:alex kastaniotis

:fabienne thewlis

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Council Minutes

Monday 6 July 2015

A.Reading Of The Reconciliation Statement And Prayer

Fabienne Thewlis, Manager Governance & Corporate Support, read the following reconciliation statement:

We acknowledge that we are meeting on the traditional land of the Boonwurrung and Wurundjeri people and offer our respects to the elders past and present. We recognise and respect the cultural heritage of this land.

The meeting began with a prayer at 7.04pm.

The Mayor (Cr Sehr) introduced Councillors and the CEO, Warren Roberts, to the meeting. The CEO introduced Council Officers. Cr Sehr noted that a number of Councillors were absent, having been granted Leave of Absence at a previous Council Meeting.



C.Adoption And Confirmation Of Minutes Of Previous Meeting(S) In Accordance With Section 63 Of The Act And Clause 423 Of General Local Law 2008 (No 1)

1. / Council Meeting - 22 June 2015
Motion:Moved Cr McMorrowSeconded Cr Davie
That the Council confirms the Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Stonnington City Council held on 22 June 2015 and the Confidential Minutes of the Council Meeting of the Stonnington City Council held on 22 June 2015 as an accurate record of the proceedings.

D.Disclosure by Councillors of any conflicts of interest in accordance with Section 79 of the Act


E.Questions to Council from Members of the Public

The Mayor Cr Sehr, read the following statement:

During Council’s previous Ordinary Meeting no set of questions to Council was received from members of the public.

For tonight’s Ordinary Meeting of Council no set of Questions to Council has been received for response.

F.Correspondence – (only if related to council business)

Cr Sehr tabled the following correspondence:

  • A list of those who sent condolence messages in relation to the late Cr Adrian Stubbs:

The President, Executive and Members of the Chapel Street Precinct Association

Glenferrie Road Malvern Business Association

Adrienne James

Sally Davis and Ken Davis

Ray Jasper & Philip Munslow, Victorian State Emergency Service, Malvern Branch

Janet Coleman

Peter McBride, Melbourne Rugby Union Football Club

Doug Lording

Philip Dalidakis MLC, Member for Southern Metropolitan Region

Sue Pennicuik MLC, Member for Southern Metropolitan Region

Toorak Road South Yarra Business Association

Lynette Stewart

Superintendent Peter Lardner Divisional Commander, Victoria Police, Southern Metro Region

Pip Grummet, General Manager, Stonnington Symphony

Nigel Maxwell, President, Chadstone Bowls Club

Denis Dowty

Cr Jim Magee, Mayor, Glen Eira City Council

Brendan Watson OAM, Chief Commissioner Scouts Victoria on behalf of all Scouts in Victoria

Cr Coral Ross, Mayor, City of Boroondara

Paul Donoghue, Regional Development Manager, Chadstone Shopping Centre

Anthony Rafaniello, General Manager - Chadstone, Chadstone Shopping Centre

Richard Bennetts, Principal and Executive Officer, Malvern Primary School Council

Robyn Taft

Eva de Jong-Duldig, Duldig Studio

Brig. Geoff J Christopherson AM KSJ (Retired), from the Anzac Committee

Garry Thompson, Y2 Architecture, from the Anzac Committee

Rhys Thomas, Senior Governance Adviser, Yarra City Council

Records Solutions Management and staff

Ruth McIntosh and Sue Stott – A1Admin

Sister Margaret Noone, Dr Sarah Hosking, CEO, Very Special Kids

Joan and Ian Simpson

Cr Meghan Hooper, Mayor, Moreland City Council

Cr Ullin tabled the following correspondence:

  • Correspondence in relation to a proposed development at 74-76 Wattletree Road, Armadale:

An email (29.6.15) from a resident of Egerton Road objecting on the grounds of: excessive building footprint on a small parcel of land; exacerbation of existing parking issues; and streetscape issues.

An email (28.6.15) with an attached multi-signatured letter (21.6.15) from four residents of Egerton Road opposing the development on the grounds of: limited on-street parking; excessive density of development; inadequate car parking provision; the cumulative impact of nearby developments; residential amenity and neighbourhood characterimpacts; and heritage considerations.

An email (25.6.15) with an attached objection (25.6.15) from a resident of Egerton Road objecting on the grounds of: exacerbation of existing parking problems; residential amenity impacts; the cumulative effect of developments in the immediate area; problems with parking during construction; inadequate parking evaluation; and loss of local heritage.

An email (2.7.15) from a neighbouring resident with an attached objection objecting on the grounds of: neighbourhood amenity issues; unacceptable height and bulk; loss of privacy; lack of compliance with ResCode; worsening of existing car parking issues; traffic issues in the rear laneway; and inadequate setbacks, causing overshadowing and excessive bulk, especially on the eastern side.

  • Correspondence in relation to a proposed development at 6 Chilcote Avenue, Malvern:

An email (29.6.15) from a resident of Sorrett Avenue, Malvern, objecting on the grounds of destruction of neighbourhood character; increased traffic and parking; pedestrian safety for school children; waste management issues; overshadowing; and noise issues.

An email (29.6.15) objecting to the development on the grounds of: excessive mass causing neighbourhood character issues; pedestrian safety issues, especially for school children; waste management issues; and problems caused by vehicles during two-year building period.

A letter (26.6.15) from a resident of Chilcote Avenue objecting on the grounds of: excessive bulk; overshadowing; neighbourhood character issues; parking and traffic problems; and overdevelopment in a small cul-de-sac.

  • An email (30.6.15) with an attached multi-signatured letter signed by 46 concerned residents objecting on the grounds of: inappropriate site for development; insufficient parking provision; overshadowing; significant amenity and safety issues in a heritage-listed street; and safety issues for pedestrian and traffic resulting from proposed waste management.

Cr McMorrow tabled the following correspondence:

  • A letter (25.6.15) from the applicants for Planning Application 1058/14 – 74 Macgregor Street, Malvern East, giving personal background to their application, noting their long-term residence at this location and desire to remain there; their concern to make preserving the existing home and streetscape a priority; support for the development from residents; and their ongoing commitment to and engagement with the local community.
  • An email (2.7.15) from a neighbour expressing concerns about the development site at 1663-1665 Malvern Road, Glen Iris, including: lack of a safety fence; damage to existing trees; rubbish; lack of signage about who to contact; and a large hole left in a footpath in King Street posing a serious pedestrian hazard, especially to local children.
  • An email (5.7.15) from residents of King Street, Glen Iris, listing concerns raised at the consultative meeting in relation to a proposed development at 1655-1659 Malvern Road and asking why amended plans were not submitted for discussion at another consultative meeting, rather than being sent directly to Council. The email also asks a series of questions about potential parking problems in King Street as a result of the Burke Road level crossing removal and associated works, and suggests solutions to the issue.
  • An email (4.7.15) in relation to the planting of a memorial tree for the late John Bolt. In September 2014, Council Officers agreed to plant a tree adjacent to the oval at Waverley Park in April-May 2015. This has not yet occurred and a family memorial gathering has been postponed. The email asks for assistance in this matter.

Cr Sehr tabled the following correspondence:

  • Two letters already tabled in relation to a proposed development at 74-76 Wattletree Road, Armadale.
  • A letter from a resident of Gardiner Lodge, Glen Iris, a retirement village, objecting to the proposed development at 1542 High Street, Glen Iris, on the grounds of its impact on residents of Gardiner Lodge, including: an estimated 120 additional vehicle movements a day in the narrow laneway frequently crossed by elderly residents; and increased noise from traffic and garbage truck, impacting residents living close to the laneway.
  • Two pieces of correspondence already tabled in relation to 6 Chilcote Avenue, Malvern.
  • An email (3.7.15) from the Executive Officer, Chapel Street Precinct Association Inc. (CSPA) asking Council to defer consideration of Item 5 - Chapel Street Taxi Zones - Summary Report and Recommendations to enable the CSPA to review relevant data and a report.

G.Questions to Council Officers from Councillors

A / Memorial tree recognising the late John Bolt
Cr McMorrow read from the letter tabled under Correspondence in relation to a memorial tree recognising the late John Bolt. He asked that Council Officers follow up this matter.
B / Proposed development at 1655-1659 Malvern Road
Cr McMorrow referred to an item tabled under Correspondence in relation to a proposed development at 1655-1659 Malvern Road, asking for a response from Council Officers in relation to the matters raised.
In respect to the question on the planning process, the General Manager, Planning and Development, Stuart Draffin, said that the planning process allowed for consideration of amended plans, whether or not a change adds to the detriment to objectors. Objectors would be notified of changes. He said he would respond.
C / Resident-only parking in King Street
Cr John McMorrow referred to an item tabled under Correspondence which asked for resident-only parking in King Street during the Burke Road grade separation. He asked Council Officers to consider this request.
The CEO, Warren Roberts, said that a report would be prepared in relation to the resident-only parking request.
D / Damage to a footpath in King Street
Cr John McMorrow referred to an email from a resident of King Street about damage to a footpath in King Street caused by a development. He asked if the footpath could be repaired.
E / Stormwater behind a property
Cr Erin Davie said she had received a request from a resident about stormwater behind his property. She will forward the correspondence to Council Officers, asking for a response.

H.Tabling of Petitions and Joint Letters


I.Notices of Motion


J.Reports of Special and Other Committees

The CEO, Warren Roberts, tabled the following Assembly of Councillors Records:

  • Councillor Briefing Meeting held on 29 June 2015
  • Economic Development Arts and Tourism Advisory Committee Meeting held on 6 July 2015
  • Steering Committee for the Feasibility Study for the Future Use of the Prahran Town Hall and Northbrook Meeting held on 6 July 2015
  • Summary of Planning Consultative Meetings held in June

Cr McMorrow reported on a meeting of the Stonnington Cycling Reference Group as follows:

  • Cycling Strategy: Cr McMorrow thanked the General Manager City Works, Simon Thomas, and staff for their brilliant work on the Cycling Strategy.
  • Further Information: Examples were given of tangible results and the encouragement of cycling in the City of Stonnington. Cr McMorrow said that the cycling culture in the city was changing.

K.Reports of Delegates

The Mayor, Cr Sehr, tabled the Mayoral Report for June:

1 June /
  • Weekly meeting with CEO
  • Pre-meet to discuss pending meeting with The Minister for Planning
  • Council Meeting

3 June /
  • Meeting with the Hon Richard Wynne MP, Minister for Planning
  • Planning Information Session for SCC Councillors

9 June /
  • Weekly meeting with CEO
  • Steering Committee for the Feasibility Study for the Future Use of Prahran Town Hall and Northbrook
  • Councillor Briefing

10 June /
  • Special Needs Playgroup Funding Presentation with
  • the Hon. Scott Morrison MP, Minister for Social Services
  • CWA Informal Luncheon – CWA 70th birthday celebration
  • Malvern Central School Birthday Celebrations
  • Citizen of the Year Selection Panel meeting

11 June /
  • Stonnington Community Strengthening Forum

12 June /
  • ISMMF Group Forum

14 June /
  • Australian Local Government National Conference, Canberra (ALGA)

15 June /
  • ALGA Conference
  • Luncheon at Parliament House, guest of The Hon Kelly O’Dwyer MP

16/17 June /
  • ALGA Conference

18 June /
  • Men of Malvern Gala

22 June /
  • Weekly meeting with CEO

29 June /
  • Funeral Service for the late Cr Adrian Stubbs
  • Weekly meeting with CEO
  • Councillor Briefing

Cr Davie noted that she had attended the launch of The Lancet Commissions’ Report on Climate Change and Health on 23 June. The impact of climate change on health was the area most relevant to the City of Stonnington. Given Council’s role in looking after the community during heatwaves, the information given was very interesting.

Cr Ullin said that Australian jazz drummer and composer, Allan Browne, had passed away on 13 June 2015. He said Allan was a magnificent drummer who was a long-time resident of Stonnington. He was very supportive of jazz, especially with young people, and was involved in the youth jazz group. Mr Browne had done a lot for the City of Stonnington in a voluntary capacity. Cr Ullin said he wanted to record his passing at only 71 years of age. He has left a great legend for the jazz community and is a great loss. He asked the Mayor, Cr Sehr, to send a letter of condolence to Mr Browne’s wife.

L.General Business

1 / planning permit application 0437/14 – 2 maroora street, malvern east – construction of three dwellings on a lot
Motion:Moved Cr DavieSeconded Cr McMorrow
That a Notice of Decision to Grant a Planning Permit No: 0437/14 for the land located at 2 Maroora Street, Malvern East be issued under the Stonnington Planning Scheme for the construction of three dwellings on a lot in a Neighbourhood Residential Zone subject to the following conditions:
1.Before the commencement of the development, three (3) copies of plans drawn to scale and fully dimensioned, must be submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority. The plans must be generally in accordance with the application plans Council date stamped 1 September 2014 but modified to show:
a)Changes as detailed in ‘discussion plans’ Council date stamped 29 April 2015 which include the following changes:
-Increase in the setback to Maroora Street to a minimum of 8m at ground and between 9m and 9.5m at first floor;
-Increase in the setbacks along the west boundary to between 1m and 1.5m at ground level and between 1.5m and 2.3m at first floor;
b)The finished floor level of dwelling one (including the garage) raised by 100mm, of dwelling two (including the carport) by approximately 150mm, the carport to dwelling three by approximately 200mm and dwelling three by 250mm;
c)Elevation plans generally in accordance with the application plans but updated to accord with the ‘discussion plans’ Council date stamped 29 April 2015;
d)Provision of bollard lighting within the subject site along the western boundary adjacent to the right of way each 6m between Maroora Street and the entry to dwelling three to improve safety and visibility of the entry points. These lights must provide consistent lighting during night periods;
e)Details, including dimensions, of all materials used to control overlooking and details including sections (where relevant) of all overlooking screens in accordance with Standard B22 Clause 55.04-6 of the Stonnington Planning Scheme;
f)The proposed crossover to dwelling one be detailed on the plans at 3.0m in width at the edge of the title boundary, plus a 1.3m splay on the west side in accordance with Council’s standard crossover design;
g)Carport floors to be noted as having a minimum gradient of 1 in 200 as per AS2890:1;
h)A detailed Materials Schedule, including samples where relevant. The proposed material schedule must provide for a range of materials as depicted within the supporting documentation, and include appropriate annotations on elevation plans;
i)All references to works and landscaping shown on the road reserve adjoining the west boundary and immediately south of the road reserve to be deleted. An annotation must be provided on the floor plans and landscaping plans to this effect;
j)Annotations added to all relevant plans that at no time is access to the road reserve adjoining the west boundary to be restricted by any means, including gates, bollards or landscaping;
k)Sustainable Design Assessment (SDA) including reports and/or plans as relevant, addressing Council’s SDAPP policy;
l)A water sensitive urban design response in accordance with condition 3;
m)Any changes required by the landscape plan in accordance with condition 5;
n)A detailed Construction and Drainage Design for the right of way in accordance with condition 6.
2.The layout of the site and the size, levels, design and location of buildings and works shown on the endorsed plans must not be modified for any reason (unless the Stonnington Planning Scheme specifies that a permit is not required) without the prior written consent of the Responsible Authority.
3.Concurrent with the endorsement of any plans pursuant to Condition 1, the applicant must provide a Water Sensitive Urban Design Response addressing the Application Requirements of the Water Sensitive Urban Design Policy at Clause 22.18 to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority. The WSUD Response must detail all impermeable areas on the site, how each will be treated, and include corresponding annotations on all relevant plans.