Minutes of Community Council which met in the canteen LLANBEDR Camp, Thursday 5th January 2017.
Goronwy Davies, Annwen Hughes (CG), AledM.Jones, Griffith Price, Eirwyn Thomas Iolyn Jones, Iona Anderson, Kevin Titley.
Absence by apology
Helen Johns, Ed Richards.
Welcome by the Chairman Goronwy Davies and wished everyone a Happy New Year at the beginning of the new year, His new year resolution to try to conduct shorter meetings, and fewer issues on the agenda.
The minutes were accepted as a true record of1:12:16 with the following additions - further explanation.
Public rights away – Foot Paths- regarding the questionnaire received by Gwynedd Council.
The response was as follows -
If we lose the refund for looking after the paths - would be a major impact on us as Community Council.
70% of the cost of caring for the routes is refunded
We will not consider raising funds to meet the cost of clearing the footpaths at Llanbedr.
We will not earmark part of the budget to meet the maintenance of public footpaths.
Routes within the community which are key to the area. Enclosing a plan for the creation of a map/ brochure of some important paths which are interlinked..
We would not be willing to share resources with neighbouring Council, because it is already proving difficult in getting workers to do the job locally. One tender is received annually.
Additional suggestions - ready to inform the County Council when it is necessary to do a job on a particular route. Remember only red and orange categories which will receive a refund for some years now. Only a few of Llanbedr paths, fall into these categories.
The 1.1.17 stated that the Community Council is ready to undertake any responsibility of public footpaths. Cut a little on the obvious ones around the village at the moment, while the refund continues . Wewill then have to re consider what capacity Llanbedr Council would do work on these routes in the Parish.
Support needed -Trawsfynydd Power Station - clarify this: -
They need people to support the campaign to establish the sites as "small modular reactors". Information has gone out on the web and in local newspapers, and Magnox website
Path from Bridge to Playground -
Need to send a letter of thanks to Ian Morris Artro Properties for the improvements on the route from the bridge near PlasNewydd. Also would be organizing a photo of him with the Parish Council Chairman - for LlaisArdudwy .
The Clerk also sent an e mail to Liz Haynes - Cyngor Gwynedd regarding trying to receive some financial contribution towards the work on site. Once we have received the invoice by Meirion Jones, the need to send a copy to Gwynedd Council fortheir consideration..
Money in the Bank at the end of November and December remained unchanged £ 140
Also electricworks bill of £ 847.26 for work done on the Canteen (vat of £ 141.21) Needed to have EICR test on site, and external lighting. Snowdonia Aerospace Centre were not prepared to pay this. Of course the building is available rentfree at the moment, and therefore our duty as to facilitate the work of the Hall. This payment was authorised.
Christmas trees are also on the bill. Understood only 3 trees are billed to Community Council. £ 50
Membership of Gwynedd and Môn Clerks Organisation- a sum of £ 53.00 . It would be advantageous with training and so on.
Need a bill for cutting paths, also forcutting playground and also for work on the path from the gate to the small playground. £ 600 estimate.
These workers need to be connected with the bills.
Also we get the order BDO soon. This case has been confirmed by the Welsh Auditor.
Precept for the year April 2017-March 2018. Agreed to conduct a special meeting for setting the precept in line with Budget and estimated costs which will be needed for the year starting in April.
Gwynedd Council need to be informed of the decision of the Council by 27.1.17.
Looking at £ 11000 for 2016.
Do we need more or less, or stay the same?
Need to remember to put the following in the Budgetin order to format the precept -
Possible Election Cost of £ 1200 - election May 2017
Pledge of £ 3000 towards Village Hall - 2 payment of £ 1500
Salt bins £ 40 x 6 = £ 240 for one filling
Harlech Swimming Pool £ 3798.72 in 2 instalments of £ 1899.36 (April and August).
Possibility of supporting the opening of the Public Toilets at Llanbedr £ 2000 (2018)
Any expenditure or purchase of equipment such as benches, flowers and PLANTERS, Christmas lights, solar. Clearing footpaths, and cemetery costs.
Christmas lights - that Llanbedr was looking at its best during the Christmas period. Everyone enjoyed a successful evening at Llanbedr during switching on the Christmas lights - on 2.12/16. need a letter of thanks to the Beer Festival Committee.
(E mail to William Eirwyn Thomas)
Other Matters Arising from the Minutes
Cemetery - although signs have been placed at the cemetery - the tree is still on the grave. Decision to send a letter, with a clause in it that talks about the rules, and no planting on the grave space.
Also regarding recycling - notice has been placed regarding this - only plants and flowers to be placed in the relevant site.
Post Office - Last day of the Consultation was 21:12:16 (Have not heard any response so far)
Mobile phone network -
Had a phone call regarding this. The Camp has 4G use for their own use only. 2G currently available in Llanbedr . 4G upgrade before the end 2017.
Access road Proposal for Enterprise Zone –Circulated flier from Cyngor Gwynedd to all Community Council Clerks in the area. Barmouth, Dyffryn and Talybont, Llanfair, Harlech, Talsarnau, Penrhyndeudraeth, Maentwrog and Trawsfynydd. Also encouraged to support the access in order for the local economy to thrive and generate quality work for this area of ​​Gwynedd. Also raised the point( viaAnnwen Hughes )that there are no longer talks about the car park and the roundabout.
Passed to leave this for the time being since more correspondence regarding this matter could delay the work
Awaiting confirmation regarding the e mail sent by Annwen on 23.12.16
Correspondence by e mails
1. Independent Panel Wales - Remuneration - Meeting VenueCymru, Llandudno 26.1.12between 10:30 to 12:30 for 2 representatives
2. Election - Councils 4.5.17 need to provide information on the web site.
3. Annual Report 2015/16 Gwynedd Council Standards Committee
4. Tax Base – precept by the 27.1/17
5. 2.2.17 course Penrhyndeudraeth Hall - Training Local Government Finance 6:30 to 9:00 (cost attached to this.)
1. Having been raised in the Council that some of the Holiday Homes MaesArtro are used throughout the year.Contact National Park Authority of this.
2. Whist Drive on the 19.1/17 - funds towards Llanbedr Village Hall at 7.30 in the Band Club, Harlech organised by Iwan Morris Lewis. Need to remember food, cupcakes and prizes for the raffle. Whoever is able to come to help, much appreciated. (Need to be there by 6:45 to prepare.)
Also remember about the Finance Committee 20/01/17
Canteen Camp at 7.00 pm