Charity Registration Number: 515733

Minutes of Committee held at 14.0029thSeptember 2016 at 9 MilburnClose Hexham

Present: Alistair Sinclair, Elizabeth Porter, Barbara Herring, Kevin Stephens,Shirley Guppy, Mike Worthington, Wendy Dale.


Number / Activity / Action/Person
/ Apologies for absence
Sue Loader
/ Minutes of last two meetings
28July 2016 the minutes were approved.
It was agreed that in future minutes would be circulated earlier by the minute’s secretary as a reminder of the decisions taken. It was also confirmed that minutes do not appear on the website until they have been approved.
/ Matters Arising
The matters arising were as a result of the marketing meeting on the 5th September.
  • MW is yet to contact new members as the date of the next coffee morning had not been confirmed.
  • AS has had difficulty getting a name to contact at Eggers but will persist with his enquiries.
  • WD has meeting arranged with Baynes at the end of the month.
/ BH to confirm date when SL returns from holiday.
/ Correspondence
1)Updates for Committee Reference File were on Financial matters and gift aid. AS took responsibility for reading them and inserting them in the file.
2)Sean MacNailluis has received literature from Sun Island Holidays as no reference to reductions for members no action to be taken.
3)National Office mailings on art and concert events in London to be put in newsletter.
4)Tour Operators indemnity was given to AS
5)There is a new leaflet which can be ordered. We have enough copies of older versions.
6)The latest Sources book came with guidance on article writing and it was agreed members could be informed of its existence through the newsletter.
7)There is a committee survey and it was agreed we would address it at the next meeting.
8)Community Partnership meeting WD to attend. / Oct Meeting to complete Nat survey
/ Secretaries Report
1)EP clarified the position on sponsorship. There should be no advertising.
2)EP said she would need help to look at the constitution and WD agreed. They will report back to the next meeting. / Oct Meeting to consider a revised constitution
/ Treasurers Report
AS had nothing to report. There is currently a surplus of £1,243
WD raised the issue of Direct Debits. AS reported on the discussions he had with the banks. There has been a change which restricts the option of Direct Debits for smaller organisations. MW to make some enquiries before this matter is closed. / MW to make enquiries about Direct Debits.
/ Membership secretary’s report
1)BH reported on 8 new members since the last meeting.
2)BH has identified a different approach to managing membership renewal involving envelopes. This matter will be returned to once the Direct Debit issue has been finalised and before the end of the year. / .
/ Programme secretary’s report
1)Feedback from September’s meeting was received. The speaker was interesting and could be heard. The only issue was the subject matter had been disguised by the title and many members would prefer to know what the talk is to be about. WD to address this in future.
2)The new format for signing in had not been as successful as anticipated because members were still queueing to get in. It was agreed that the sheets would be laid out across a number of tables to make this easier.
3)The December meeting has been organised. There will be refreshments at 2.00 and Conrad will speak at 2.30. Mike has announced it in this month’s newsletter.
4)EP is contacting Mike Pratt for the AGM
5)Speakers for June onwards will be discussed at the October meeting / BH to produce the spreadsheets
Oct meeting to discuss future speakers
/ Group Liaison Secretary
1)No report
2)EP raised the approach taken to groups who are unable to take more members. It is included in the guidance to convenors. / .
/ Website and Newsletter Editors report.
1)KS said the request for adverts for external events was increasing. It was agreed that when he had little notice he would have to decide on the appropriateness or otherwise he should share with the chair
2)It was agreed SMN should be thanked for covering in KS absence.
/ Regional Matters
1)BH raised the regional courses and we will be represented at both
2)There is an expectation that there will be a regional literary lunch and it was agreed we would host it in October 2017 as near to Older Peoples Day as we can. BH will approach the Mart for available dates. / BH to approach Mart and advise the region of our offer,
/ Research opportunities for members
EP had prepared a paper as a way forward for handling requests to participate in research. The paper was agreed and in future any requests will be passed to Pam Stephens who will be our research ambassador.
/ Any Other Business
1)MW referred to an email which he had received about data protection issues. He had obtained advice from national office and would respond accordingly.
2)EP in her new national role has agreed to join the International group / MW to respond to email.
/ Date of next meeting
The next meetingwill be on the 27 October at 2 Crofts Avenue Corbridge. NE45 5LY / 27.10.16